Break Into Another World

Chapter 1126: embarrassed

"Cough cough!"

Xu Ming said a little embarrassedly: "Saint Huangquan, I didn't mean to give this talent throne to..."

"It doesn't matter!" A magnificent voice resounded above the sky, "For a talent throne, being propped up is the greatest value achieved!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming actually didn't know what it meant to burst the talent throne.

The sage Huangquan continued: "Xu Ming, your talent is far superior to mine! As long as you don't die in the middle, there is great hope for becoming a sage in the future; even, it is not impossible to surpass all sages and surpass one world... You must take good care of yourself. Don't let your talent down!"

Beyond all saints?

Overcome a world?

In fact, Xu Ming had such self-confidence in his chest; however, after hearing these words from Saint Huang Quan, Xu Ming naturally felt even more excited! - This is a saint, who admits that he has the potential to "transcend all saints and surpass one world"!

"Well..." Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Sage Huangquan, can I go to other talent thrones to test it?"

"Testing is of course possible! However, Xu Ming, do you still want to study several ways?" There was a hint of reproach in Sage Huang Quan's tone, "It's a waste of your talent and a good idea to do it at the same time. Trample! But since you want to take a test, then you can take a test - when you find out that your talent in other schools of cultivation is far inferior to the school of ancient cultivators; then, you will figure it out and let go of practicing Countless thoughts!"

Xu Ming heard the reproach in the words of Sage Huang Quan. He didn't refute anything, just smiled faintly, and then flew to the talent throne next door.

This Talent Throne tests the talents of the Heavenly Dao school!


As soon as Xu Ming sat down, the strange and familiar fluctuations pressed down.


Another huge "talent phantom" was formed with Xu Ming as the center. The phantom skyrocketed, and soon exceeded a hundred miles!

"Ha!" Sage Huang Quan smiled contemptuously in his heart, "This kid's illusory talent in the Heavenly Dao genre should be able to rise to 100,000 miles, or even a million miles!"

A phantom of 100,000 miles is the talent of the God Emperor!

Millions of phantoms are the dominant talent!

If it is the heir to the position of general general, who can have the talent of God Emperor, or even the talent of domination, I am afraid that I will be very happy! However, in the ancient cultivator genre, Xu Ming can hold the throne of talent and possess talent that surpasses that of saints; if the Heavenly Dao genre only dominates the talent, then cultivating the Heavenly Dao genre is really a waste of time!

However, Xu Ming's talent in the Heavenly Dao genre is really as sage Huangquan thought, only at the master level?

Xu Ming's talent phantom, constantly skyrocketing!

Thousands of miles!


One hundred thousand miles!

million miles!

It doesn't look like it's going to stop at all!

"Huh?" Sage Huang Quan was startled, "Could it be... I'm wrong? This Xu Ming also has the talent of a saint in the Heavenly Dao school?"

Saint talent?

Is it a perverted talent?


The phantom skyrocketed, breaking through tens of thousands of miles with an unstoppable momentum!

"What!? It's really a sage talent!?" The sage Huang Quan was really stunned!

The school of ancient cultivators surpasses the genius of saints! The Heavenly Dao school is another saint's talent! —The two cultivation schools, both of which are perverted talents, actually appeared in the same person!

However, Sage Huangquan immediately realized that he still underestimated Xu Ming!

The phantom of the talent of the Heavenly Dao school continues to soar headlessly!

Twenty million miles!

Thirty million miles!

"Damn it!" Sage Huang Quan couldn't help but flash these two words in his heart, "The talent of the ancient cultivator school is far superior to me! The talent of the Tiandao school is not weaker than me!"


Is it as simple as "not weaker than me"?

As if Xu Ming was going to slap the sage of Huangquan in the face, the phantom of Tiandao school's talent continued to skyrocket mercilessly!

Forty million miles!

Fifty million miles!

Eighty million miles!

Ninety million miles!


Even though the sage of Huangquan once stood proudly at the peak of the gods for endless years; even if the sage of Huangquan once left the gods and entered the endless chaos! But at this moment, he was so shocked by Xu Ming that he was completely speechless!

"Could it be... Xu Ming is going to burst my talent throne again?" Sage Huang Quan couldn't help but flash such a thought.

Immediately, the sage Huang Quan felt that his idea was absurd: "Even in the endless chaos, those who can burst the throne of talent are all legendary existences! And bursting two thrones of talent... At least, I am in When roaming in the endless chaos, I have never heard of it!"

Perhaps it is the ignorance of the sage Huangquan, or perhaps... in the endless chaos, there is no metamorphosis that "explodes two talent thrones"!


Immediately afterwards, a subtle "click" sound made Sage Huangquan understand that it was not that his idea was too absurd, but that the world was too crazy!

Click! Click! Click! …

Countless cracks, filled with the natural throne of the Heavenly Dao genre, are densely packed...


The throne trembles!

boom! !

Not long after, the talent throne of the Heavenly Dao school... also exploded!

"What!?" The residual thoughts of Saint Huang Quan were almost collapsed and dissipated by the scene in front of him!

Blast two different talent thrones!

Even in the endless chaos, the sage Huangquan has never heard of such a legend! And now, this scene happened in front of his eyes!

How can Saint Huangquan not be shocked! ?

"Uh..." Xu Ming looked innocent, "The quality of this talent throne is really not good... How can you take a seat and explode a..."

Fortunately, the throne of talent can't speak, otherwise, the throne of talent will definitely ask Xu Ming three words: Blame me?

"That..." Xu Ming looked at the sky with an embarrassed expression, "Saint Huangquan, I really didn't mean to..."


Sage Huangquan just wanted to say - can this kind of thing be done "intentionally"?

"It's all right!" Sage Huang Quan tried his best to make his voice seem calm; if Xu Ming, a silver moon tenth rank finds that he is not calm, he will be embarrassed, "You are in the Tiandao school. The talent is also very amazing... that huh, maybe, you can try it and go to the Heavenly Dao school!"

Before, the sage Huang Quan sternly asked Xu Ming to give up the "stupid idea" of "cultivating several ways". But now, the sage of Huangquan actually offered to ask Xu Ming not to lose the Tiandao school...

no way!

Xu Ming's talent in the Tiandao genre is really too perverted! It would be a pity to give up!

"A truly peerless and independent character cannot be measured by common sense! Perhaps, with a talent like Xu Ming, one should also practice several disciplines..." Saint Huang Quan thought.

"Uh... Heavenly Dao School, I'm also cultivating!" Xu Ming said, "Saint Huangquan, can I... sit on another talent throne?"

Xu Ming said a little embarrassedly.

Xu Ming was of course a little embarrassed that he had already destroyed two other talent thrones.

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