Break Into Another World

Chapter 1131: 3 accounts

"Huh?" Xu Ming's face changed suddenly, "Someone is bombarding the guard formation, trying to destroy my retreat?"

boom! boom! boom! …

Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous banging sound.

The entire guardian formation was shaky and could collapse at any time.

"who is it!?"

Xu Ming's face was extremely ugly.

When you are in retreat, being smashed to guard the formation is undoubtedly a taboo!

If you are retreating and practicing at a critical moment, then, such an impact will cause the retreating person to withdraw from the cultivation state, and at worst, it may even directly cause the retreating person to suffer backlash; the most serious, life-threatening, backlash to death, it is not impossible!

"Who is smashing the formation like this? Fortunately, I just finished the retreat. If I was affected by such an influence when I broke and stood up and recast the particle level, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable!"


Xu Ming was full of anger, and waved his hand to remove the guardian formation.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in Xu Ming's eyes.

"Old ghost Mo Fang, it's you!" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and murderous intent escaped in his eyes.

"Xu Ming!" Mo Fang's eyes were also filled with murderous intent, "I didn't expect that we would meet in God's Domain so soon!"

As soon as he saw Xu Ming, Mo Fang couldn't help but recall the humiliation in Naihe City!

A real shame!

He, Mo Fang, the supreme power of the dignified God Emperor, was slapped by a demigod in Naihe City! - Such a humiliating humiliation is truly unforgettable and unforgettable!

Now, face to face with Xu Ming again, and it is still in reality; unlike the last time in Naihe City, consciousness descended! Mo Fang really wanted to shoot directly and kill Xu Ming.

However, Mo Fang still held back.

"I didn't expect it either..." Xu Ming sneered, "However, what I didn't expect was not to meet you in God's Domain so soon, but... Old Gui Mo Fang, you are a master of the limits of God Emperor, you were in Naihe City, they don't even want to give me 10,000 Divine Stones!"

Back then, when he was in Naihe City, the old ghost Mo Fang threatened Xu Ming and asked Xu Ming to give up the position of the general's direct successor.

Xu Ming put forward a request: exchange for 10,000 God Stones.

But later, City Lord Nai He told Xu Ming: If you want the Temple of Time and Space to transport 10,000 Divine Stones from the Divine Realm to the Dust World, at least 1 million Divine Stones will be required for shipping; and with the character of Mo Fang, it is impossible to take it out. So many **** stones came!

At that time, Xu Ming's strength was still very weak, he was only a demigod; his vision was also very low, and he didn't even know what kind of world God's Domain was like!

At that time, Xu Ming really thought: One million Divine Stones will make Mo Fang bleed a lot!

It was not until Xu Ming came to Divine Realm that he realized that a million Divine Stones were nothing at all!

Especially when he came to Huangquan Hall and learned about Mo Fang's strength, Xu Ming was even more certain: a million divine stones are really nothing to Mo Fang's old ghost!

And this also makes Xu Ming puzzled - since he is not even a fart, why did the old ghost Mo Fang not want to spend this million stone?

You must know that as long as Xu Ming got ten thousand divine stones, Xu Ming would really hand over the position of the general's direct successor! - The value of this position is a trillion times higher than a million divine stones!

Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "Is the old ghost Mo Fang stupid? He is unwilling to do this kind of transaction?"

And now, Xu Ming finally faced the old ghost Mo Fang face to face; he wanted to see what the old ghost Mo Fang would say.

"Haha..." Mo Fang laughed, "What's so unexpected about this?—Yes, a million **** stones are really not even a fart for us; but... at that time, you were just a mere Demigods, are you also worthy of negotiating conditions with me?"

"Humph!" Mo Fang smiled, suddenly stopped smiling, put on a hideous look, "I want you to give up the position of 'the general's personal successor' to give you face and also you Your best choice is to be obedient! But you, dare to make conditions with me!? So... I don't play you, who is it?"

Hearing this, Xu Ming had already guessed what Mo Fang was thinking at the time - very simple, just look down on Xu Ming! He thought that Xu Ming had to surrender in front of him, and was not qualified to put any conditions on him!

Even this condition is not as good as fart!

At the same time, Xu Ming also had some guesses about what the city lord was thinking at the time.

City Lord Naihe must have felt that Xu Ming's strength was too weak. He only knew about the "Sacred Stone", but he didn't know about divine crystals, divine marrow, heaven and earth essence liquid, etc. Therefore, City Lord Naihe did not mention divine crystals or anything. , but deliberately exaggerated: "One million divine stones can make the old ghost Mo Fang bleed!"

And when Xu Ming heard it at the time, he naturally thought "naively": One million divine stones can really make the old ghost Mo Fang bleed!

"Old ghost Mo Fang!" Xu Ming said coldly, "I'm too lazy to turn over the past accounts with you today! But what do you mean by smashing my guardian formation and destroying my retreat today?"

"What do you mean?" Mo Fang sneered, "How dare you ask me what I mean? - Say it! What kind of rhetoric did you say to the hall master, so that the hall master willingly returned the chaotic vitality, energy crystals, and energy crystals in the treasure trove. There are puppets, and they are all given to you?"

What rhetoric did you say to the Hall Master Huangquan?

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help but laugh.

You must know that the entire treasure house of Huangquan Hall belongs to Xu Ming!

If it weren't for Xu Ming's disdain for those "tattered" treasures in the treasure house, then now, the treasure house is not only missing three things: Chaos Primordial Qi, energy crystals, and puppets! But all the treasures, not a single one is left!

And these, does Xu Ming need to explain to Mo Fang old ghost?


"Why did the palace master give me these treasures?" Xu Ming joked, "It's none of your business!?"

"It looks You don't want to explain it to me?" Old Ghost Mo Fang's expression became more and more ferocious and cold.

Xu Ming smiled disdainfully: "Do you want to explain? Go to the hall master! He will explain it to you!"


At this moment, Mo Fang's aura suddenly erupted: "You don't eat or drink for a toast! - I gave you the opportunity to explain it well, but you don't cherish it, and you dare to provoke me!?"

"Alright..." Mo Fang said with a sly smile, "Then the new account and the old account will be calculated together! - Today, you dare to challenge my majesty, you can say how to calculate this account! Also, in Naihe City, The shame you have brought me; this account should also be reckoned!"

Two bills!

Xu Ming smiled strangely, "No, it should be three accounts!"

"Three accounts?" Old Ghost Mo Fang was a little puzzled.

Xu Ming's smile became more and more strange: "Have you forgotten all the slaps you received when you retreated some time ago?"

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