Break Into Another World

Chapter 1139: God's Domain Vibration

call out-

Three figures in Chinese clothing swiftly crossed the Asura Sea.

"Hurry up!" the young man with a pale face and a bewitching imposing manner shouted in the middle, "Manya Island is ahead! This time, our Xieyang Sect will pay tribute to Manado Island, which is of great importance, and we must not make any mistakes. !"



The other two figures in Chinese costumes also speeded up.

Soon, the three arrived near Manado Island.


The three were startled together.

"what happened?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere!"

The three figures in Chinese costumes found it strange that the atmosphere of Manado Island seemed to be a little different from usual. Instead of the majestic and domineering aura of the past, it felt a little...dead!

Yes, it is lifeless!


The three figures in Chinese clothing quickly flew close to Manado Island. Afterwards, the three of them were petrified and petrified there.

"This is…"

The three figures in Chinese clothes looked in horror at the fallen divine body.

"These are the masters of Manado Island, right?"

"What happened? Someone destroyed Manado Island?"

"Manado Island is a dominant power; the Manado Island Lord is the pinnacle of dominance! - If you want to destroy Manado Island quietly, I'm afraid even a half-sage can't do it? At least you have to It was Yasheng who shot..."

"Yasheng... There are not many characters of this level in the entire God's Domain, right?"

The three were frightened for a long time and fled from Manado Island.

At the same time, the news about the destruction of Manado Island quickly spread in the Shura Sea.

"What!? Is Manado Island destroyed?"

"how is this possible!"

"Where's the Manado Island Master? No news?"

"Could it be... Manado Island accidentally offended some superpower?"

The news quickly reached the ears of the other rulers of the West Sea Alliance.

When these masters heard it, they were all shocked. After all, the Manado Island Lord is the leader of their West Sea Alliance; when the Manado Island Lord dies, the West Sea Alliance will be without a leader.

"Manya's causal line has all come to an end! There is no doubt that Manya must have died and disappeared!"

"How could this be, what happened?"

The powers of the West Sea Alliance felt extremely incredible.

"Although Manja seems to be domineering, in fact, his nature is more cautious than anyone else; moreover, Manja's strength is the strongest among us! I thought that even if seventeen of us died, Manja would still be I will live well; I didn’t expect that Mancho would be the first among us to fall!”

"And it fell without warning!"

"How strange!"

"Could it be that Wanya offended a certain semi-sage or even a sub-sage?"

The destruction of Manado Island, the fall of the Lord of Manado Island... This incident quickly shocked the Shura Sea and even the entire Divine Realm!

After all, the dominion peak of God's Domain exists, and that's all there is to it! The fall of a dominant peak is naturally not a trivial matter.

At the same time, the powers of the gods are more puzzled - how did the Lord of Manado die?

Most of the great powers guessed that the Lord of Manado Island should have offended a certain super existence, resulting in his fall!

Manado Island was destroyed; the original sphere of influence of Manado Island was naturally vacant.

However, none of the dominant-level forces dared to enter the sphere of influence of Manado Island—because the rulers of the gods were afraid that if they entered Manado Island without authorization, they would offend the super-existence that destroyed Manado Island.

Therefore, all the ruling powers are watching; after they are sure of safety, they will start to compete for the territory of Manado Island.

Huangquan Hall naturally also received the news of the destruction of Manado Island.


When Huangquan Hall Master heard the news, his face was incredulous, and of course he couldn't help but gloat at the misfortune.

"It's great that the Lord of Manado is dead..."

You must know that among the masters who often come to trouble the Huangquan Temple, the one who jumps the most is the Manado Island Master!

Now, the owner of Wanya Island suddenly died, and the entire Huangquan Temple was simply "joyed"!

Everyone said in unison: It's good to die!

"Hahaha... It's so good to die! It's so good to die!" The Hall Master Huang Quan laughed ecstatically.

It's so heartwarming!

"Huangjue!" Suddenly, the Hall Master Huangquan received a message.

"Huh? Lord Xu Ming?" The master of the Huangquan Palace quickly replied, "You are still near the Huangquan Palace, haven't you left?"

The communication talisman has a limited range, and if the distance is too far, it cannot be communicated.

"I'm on the sea above Huangquan Hall, so I'm too lazy to go down!" Xu Ming said.

The Huangquan Hall was on the bottom of the Asura Sea, going up and down, Xu Ming found it troublesome.

"Then I'll go up and find you!" The Hall Master Huang Quan continued.

"No need! I'm just here to tell you something, and I'll leave!"

"Lord Xu Ming, please speak!" The Hall Master Huang Quan said respectfully.

"Have you heard about the death of the Manado Island Lord?" Xu Ming asked.

"Yes, I heard!"

"I killed it!" Xu Ming said.

"What!?" Hall Master Huang Quan was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

"Also, Manya Island was also destroyed by me!" Xu Ming said again.

"This..." Hall Master Huang Quan couldn't believe it.

"The Lord of Wanya Island came to Yunshang Sect to trouble me, but I had no choice but to use the 'Possessed Treasure'!"

Possessed treasure?

The Hall Master Huangquan was shocked again - he was able to kill the Lord of Manado Island and destroy Manado Island in silence; such a possessed treasure must be at the "Saint" level, right?

Hall Master Huangquan found that he might have underestimated Xu Ming's background.

The origin of Xu Ming is also not simple!

"Could it be, which sub-sage or even a quasi-sage's disciple Xu Ming is?" Hall Master Huang Quan couldn't help but guess.

Those who can relate to the word "Holy" are the topmost figures in the Divine Realm.

At this Xu Ming said again: "It's good that you know about this matter, don't expose me! And...if you think it is necessary, you can declare to the public that you killed Manado Island. Lord, and accept the sphere of influence of Manado Island!"

"Thank you, Lord Xu Ming!" The eyes of Hall Master Huangquan lit up - the sphere of influence of Manado Island, this is a big piece of fat! Moreover, it was claimed to the outside world that he killed the Manado Island Master and destroyed Manado Island, which can also greatly deter other dominant-level forces!

The Lord of the Yellow Springs was right, when he led the masters of the Yellow Springs to occupy the site of Manado Island, and claimed that he killed the Lord of Manado Island and destroyed Manado Island; the entire Shura Sea was shocked!

All the rulers were terrified—Huangquan Hall, this fierce tiger that had been silent for a long time finally showed its fierce fangs!

The rulers of the West Sea Alliance were so frightened that they hurriedly organized a group to apologize—they had bullied Huang Quandian a lot before! Now, Huang Quandian has taken action to destroy Manado Island, so how can they not panic?

Fortunately, the Hall Master Huangquan was still very talkative, telling them not to panic, he was just "killing chickens to warn the monkeys"; and Wanya Island was the chicken he killed!

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