Break Into Another World

Chapter 1186: Can I get a discount?



As soon as Bai Lao’s words fell, each genius moved like a rabbit, rushing to Wanjie Island.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! …

The sound of the six-finger ruler also changed abruptly, becoming the majestic sound of the battlefield.

call out! call out! …

A genius streaked across the void.

The ones rushing to the front are naturally Xu Ming, Li Xiujie, Long Peng, Can Tian and the others—they are the strongest, and they are sitting in the front row, so they can’t even think about it!

"The recruiting has finally officially started! Yin Ran, wait for me!" The perseverance in Xu Ming's eyes was touching; even through the water curtain image, it was conveyed to the heart of Yin Ran who was watching the battle at the other end.

Yin Ran's attention always fell on Xu Ming. In her heart, she kept praying: "Come on!"

call out-

Li Xiujie flew not far from Xu Ming. His eyes were full of gloomy colors, and his eyes were like swords, stabbing at Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming!" Li Xiujie suddenly transmitted a voice and sneered, "Yin Ran must be paying attention to this place, right?"

"Humph!" Xu Ming hummed noncommittally.

Li Xiujie's face was hideous, and he continued his voice transmission: "You'd better look forward to not meeting me on Wanjie Island; otherwise, I will definitely kill you with one sword and one sword in front of Yin Ran!"

Xu Ming only said four words indifferently: "Why do you believe in yourself?"

One after another, the masters and masters also discussed the sound transmission:

"In this fate assessment, who do you like the most?" Yanhua Master said with a smile.

"It is said to be a fate assessment, but in fact it is mainly to assess strength and power! The stronger the strength, the easier it is to find the karma stone! And the stronger the strength, I am afraid that there will be other geniuses who can help find the karma stone together!"

"In terms of strength... Judging from the strength that has been shown, the strongest is naturally Xu Ming; after all, he has a record of defeating Li Xiujie in one shot!" Another talkative master said with a smile, "But... this In a few years, Li Xiujie has obtained the second inheritance in the family; although he has never made a shot, his strength is likely to be stronger than Xu Ming!"

"I also think that Li Xiujie's current strength is probably higher than Xu Ming! After all, the mysterious inheritance of the Li family is too powerful; every time he successfully accepts the inheritance, his strength will soar!"

"Li Xiujie's strength, even if not stronger than Xu Ming, is definitely not weaker than Xu Ming!"

Each ruler is very optimistic about Li Xiujie who has obtained the "second inheritance".

It's just... how do they know that in the past ten years, even if Xu Ming has not acquired any inheritance, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds!

Li Xiujie has really transformed! - But if Xu Ming is willing to use the "life and death style" at any cost to defeat him in seconds, it will still only take one shot!

"In this fate assessment, there will be a hundred talents standing out! If there is no accident, Li Xiujie, Xu Ming, Cantian, Long Peng and other talents will definitely occupy a seat! However, to say who will be the best performer, That is undoubtedly Li Xiujie!" The rulers continued to discuss.


"That's right!"

The other masters also agreed.

"Li Xiujie is the most powerful! And in terms of power, I'm afraid he is also the strongest; only Can Tian can compete with Li Xiujie in power! - The strongest and most powerful! The one with the best results will naturally be Li Xiujie!"

call out! call out! —

Soon, Xu Ming and Li Xiujie arrived near Wanjie Island.

Around Wanjie Island, the space is completely distorted. When Xu Ming and others flew close, their stature shrank sharply; in the blink of an eye, they became even smaller than ants.

"Huh? What a mysterious use of spatial order!" Xu Ming sighed secretly.

With his stature shrinking sharply, Xu Ming naturally felt that the distance between himself and other geniuses such as Li Xiujie and Can Tian was rapidly widening! —Actually, the distance has not been widened, it is still that much; however, the space has been completely distorted, so Xu Ming felt that the distance was widened.

Suddenly, Xu Ming, who had shrunk to an extremely small size, felt like he had touched a layer of enchantment; his body disappeared directly from the original place and was teleported to Myriad Realms Island.

When the other geniuses flew to this layer of enchantment, they were also randomly teleported to somewhere on Wanjie Island.

"Six-finger master!" The Holy Emperor City Lord shouted, "Please touch some exciting songs, so that the geniuses in Wanjie Island will be full of fighting spirit!"

"Yes! City Lord!" Six fingers dominated the sound of the piano, and turned to a "inspirational" tune, which was very suitable for the occasion.

In Myriad Realms Island.

Xu Ming looked at the boundless desolate land around him, and couldn't help but sigh, "This Myriad Realm Island is really big!"

You must know that there are tens of thousands of caves on Wanjie Island, leading to tens of thousands of small worlds; however, Xu Ming's powerful consciousness covered it, but he could not find a cave.

Moreover, Xu Ming opened the "exploration" hook to investigate, and found that the nearest caves were billions of miles away from him (converted to the distance in this space)!

The nearest caves are billions of miles away; and there are tens of thousands of caves on the entire Wanjie Island—doesn’t that mean that the entire Wanjie Island is likely to be hundreds of millions of miles in size?

"The Myriad Realms Island, which is hundreds of millions of miles in size, can be refined into a treasure..." Xu Ming was shocked, "The master of the Space-Time Palace in the space one and the refining one is simply incredible!"

Such means, at least Xu Ming is far from being able to do it!

At this time, the excited and inspirational sound of the piano entered Xu Ming's ears.

"The six-finger master's piano skills are also unbelievable!" Xu Ming secretly said, "With just one touch, the sound of the piano spreads across the entire Wanjie Island for hundreds of millions of miles; even the tens of thousands of small worlds on the Wanjie Island. I am afraid that the sound of the six-finger ruler has spread all over the place!"

"And..." Xu Ming continued to sigh with emotion, "The most surprising thing is that such a simple note can mobilize the emotions of my whole body; it seems that even my fighting spirit is completely ignited!"

Xu Ming just wanted to say: The means to dominate the realm of is really unimaginable!

Suddenly, a sinister and charming smile appeared on Xu Ming's face: "Li Xiujie, it should have come to Wanjie Island..."

Yin Ran has been watching Xu Ming's every move through the water curtain image; the evil and charming smile on Xu Ming's face was naturally captured by her keenly.

"Could it be..." Yin Ran had a premonition in his heart, "Someone is going to have bad luck?"

I have to say, couples are in love! Yin Ran's hunch was very correct!

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar did not behave in any abnormal way; however, the Qi Luck avatar in the world ring raised his slap with a cheap smile.

"Little hang!" Qi Yunliu's clone shouted, "If I use the 'forced face slap' hang many times in a row, can I get a discount?"

At this time, Li Xiujie was sitting cross-legged on the desolate land of Wanjie Island, preparing to use the secret technique of exploring the space.

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