Break Into Another World

Chapter 1195: Tentative

"Unfortunate! You met me!"

Xu Ming's voice was indifferent, as if he was on trial.

Can Tian's face suddenly turned pale: "You... you dare to kill me?"

Xu Ming was expressionless: "You have asked me this question a long time ago! Now ask it again?"

Kill silkworms?

What's not to dare?

"Not good!" Zhu Yi Zhunsheng also felt the murderous intention of the red fruit on Xu Ming's body, "Xu Ming...he wants to kill Cantian?"

Can Tian, ​​but the most outstanding genius of Yehenara's younger generation. Zuyi Zhunsheng didn't know how much training resources he spent on Cantian. If Cantian died in the recruitment examination, the loss to Yehenala's family could be imagined.

Moreover, it is not only the resources and talents that have been lost, but also the face of the dignity of the Yehenala clan!

"Xu Ming, how dare he!?" Zhu Yi Zhunsheng's eyes were red and he was about to breathe fire.

"City Lord!" Zu Yi shouted, "Cantian's recruitment assessment, this is the end! Please, move him out of Wanjie Island!"

Wanjie Island is a treasure under the control of the Holy Emperor City Lord; if the Holy Emperor City Lord is willing, he can indeed move people out of Wanjie Island.

However, the city lord of the Holy Emperor looked at Zu Yi Quansheng, hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said: "Fate assessment, can't help but fight, regardless of life or death! - I will not interfere in any of the battles!"

"You..." Zhu Yi Zhunsheng suddenly became furious, "Can Tian is the most important genius of my Yehenala clan! Lord of the Holy Emperor, did you just watch him get killed?"

The Lord of the Holy Emperor said calmly: "I just maintain the rules of recruiting relatives! Whether it's Cantian, or Xu Ming, Li Xiujie, Long Peng, or any other battle between geniuses, I will not interfere!"

Bai Lao couldn't help but say: "Zhu Yi is a quasi-sage, fate assessment, life or death! If you don't have such mental preparation, then you shouldn't let Cantian participate in the fate assessment!"

Bai Lao's implication is very simple: if you can't play, don't play!

"That's it!"

"Zhu Yi Zhunsheng found that Cantian was in danger, and wanted the city lord to move him out - there is no such way to play!"

"If everyone puts forward the same requirements as you, then this fate assessment, it is better not to do it!"

Even the head of the Li family said yin and yang strangely: "Zun Sheng Zu Yi, if Li Xiujie was in danger, I would never be like you! - Life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, look down on it!"


Zuyi Quansheng is about to vomit blood - look down on wool! Li Family Master is completely standing and talking without back pain!


Zu Yi Zhunsheng saw a strange look in the depths of Li Family Master's eyes, as if he was implying something to him.

Zu Yi Zhunsheng suddenly "understood"! - It's a chance to try!


The aura on Zuyi Quansheng broke out without warning: "Noisy!"


A punch that condensed the power of endless chaos, blasted directly at the unsuspecting old Bai: "Shut up!!"

"What!?" Elder Bai, who was caught off guard, didn't have time to use any complex causal defense methods, so he had to hurriedly cut off all the causal lines on his body.

click! click! click! click! …

Between the heavens and the earth, with Bai Lao as the center, there are countless invisible causal lines, originally like a huge silkworm cocoon, wrapped around Bai Lao; but at this moment, all the causal lines were broken.

The huge "causal thread cocoon" collapsed suddenly.

Bai Lao is completely isolated from the cause and effect of this world! It seems that there is no such person as Bai Lao in this world.

"Causal Paradox" Appears! - The attack of Zhu Yi Zhunsheng was aimed at Bai Lao; and in the whole world, there was no Bai Lao! This is the paradox!

Under the paradox of cause and effect, Zhu Yi Quansheng's attack will even be countered.

"Humph! As expected of the old man, he can react so quickly!" Zu Yi quasi-sage secretly said, "However, trying to block my attack by blocking cause and effect... It's too underestimated my opinion of the 'Chaos Zhidao'. 'Understood!"


The power of chaos between the fronts of Zu Yi's Quasi-Saint Fist instantly turned into the power of cause and effect!

Chaos into ten thousand ways!

The derived power of causality forcibly established an invisible line of cause and effect between Bai Lao and this side of the world, like a cobweb that enveloped Bai Lao.

The vast and majestic attacks flocked to Bai Lao along the "spider silk" on this "cobweb".

"Pfft!" Bai Lao was directly blasted away, his divine body annihilated countless particles and weakened a lot.

Fortunately, Bai Lao decisively cut off all his causal lines from the very beginning; and the causal line established by Zuyi Zhunsheng, the attack power that can be carried is limited after all! Therefore, the power finally conveyed to Bai Lao is also much weaker!

Otherwise, Bai Lao's injuries would probably be far more than what he is now.


An angry shout resounded throughout the space.

The Lord of the Holy Emperor is angry!


The power of the formation surged; thousands of golden chains drilled out from the depths of the void, frantically entwining towards Zuyi Quansheng.

The golden chains came from all directions, Zu Yi Zhunsheng was unavoidable, and he was instantly tied into a zongzi without any resistance.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

The majesty of the Holy Emperor City Lord cannot be challenged.

"Humph! Zu Yi, this time, I don't care about you! If you dare to continue to destroy the marriage, don't blame me for being rude!"

The golden chains gradually receded, but Zu Yi Zhunsheng did not dare to be presumptuous any more—in the Holy Emperor City, the City Lord of the Holy Emperor was an almost invincible existence.

Zhu Yi Zhunsheng's face was ugly, and he stepped aside without saying a word; however, no one noticed, a slyness flashed in the depths of his eyes - the trial is over!

"Huh?" Master Yun showed doubts on his face, as if he couldn't figure it out, that Zhu Yi Zhunsheng would make a move on such an occasion.

Many other masters were also a little surprised; however, they didn't think much about it.

at this time.

Wanjie Island, one of the small worlds.

Xu Ming has quickly approached Can Tian's side.

"Xu Ming! I'll give you all the karma stones, let me go!" Can Tian knew that he was no match, so he had to beg for mercy.

"The karma stone?" Xu Ming smiled How many karma stones can you have? Will I see it? "

Can Tianlian said: "One hundred yuan! I have one hundred karma stones! - As long as you let me go, I will immediately hand over all the karma stones!"

Can Tian deliberately concealed most of the karma stones! Because he believed that one hundred karma stones were enough to shock Xu Ming; of course, he had to hide the remaining karma stones by himself.

Sure enough, Xu Ming's eyes widened: "What!? You have a hundred karma stones!?"

However, Xu Ming's shock only lasted for a very short moment. In the next instant, Xu Ming put on a playful expression: "If I kill you, your karma is still mine!"

call out-

Reincarnation gun out!

"Xu Ming!" Can Tian roared in horror, "You really dare to kill me!? My ancestor of the Yehenala clan, Zu Yi Zhunsheng, is watching now!"

"Killing you, of course, is 'really dare'! Otherwise, is it possible that it is still 'fake dare'?" Xu Ming did not hide the killing intent in his eyes.

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