Break Into Another World

Chapter 1209: can't keep shining

"Real age..." Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "Yes! Less than ten thousand years old!"

Xu Ming didn't say his exact age - it wasn't that he deliberately kept a low profile, but he knew that even if he told his true age, no one would believe him!

After all, Xu Ming's real age is less than two hundred years old! Say it, who will believe it?

Moreover, the highest-grade mirrors are only "10,000-grade"; there is no "millennium-grade" or "hundred-year-grade"! In other words, even if Xu Ming said that his exact age was only over a hundred years old, he could not be verified!

If something that cannot be verified, if it is said, it will only make people feel that it is grandstanding and bragging.

So, let's not talk about it.

Of course, the words "less than 10,000 years old" are enough to make all the masters and geniuses doubt life! -If it weren't for the "zero" displayed on every time mirror; I'm afraid, no one would dare to believe that Xu Ming is really less than ten thousand years old!

"Less than ten thousand years old... Dominate the realm's combat power..." Everyone looked at Xu Ming like a monster, "Why does it exist like this..."

This kind of cultivation speed has completely exceeded the understanding of the masters!

Incredible, it is not enough to describe!

"Impossible! Impossible!" Suddenly, Li Xiujie screamed frantically; he couldn't accept it, Xu Ming's talent was so much stronger than his own, "This is absolutely impossible!"

Patriarch Li also shouted coldly: "Xu Ming, what means did you use to deceive the investigation of the Time Mirror!?"

As soon as Patriarch Li said these words, the eyes of the masters did not turn to Xu Ming, but... they all looked at Patriarch Li as if they were stupid.

Detective deceived by the mirror?

You know, even a saint can never hide his true age in front of the mirror! - The head of the Li family asked such a mindless question. What is it that is not stupid?

Li Patriarch also obviously found that he seemed to have said a "stupid thing", and his face suddenly felt dull; he snorted heavily, then shut up and said nothing!

The City Lord of the Holy Emperor also glanced at the head of Li Family with a look of stupid X. If Xu Ming can really deceive the mirror and do things that even saints can't do, then this talent assessment should not be Xu Ming. win?


In this talent assessment, Xu Ming is undisputed, and he is the first!

In the three stages of the recruitment assessment, Xu Ming has won two "firsts" in a row! Looking at Li Xiujie again, he is still slapped in the palm of his hand continuously, and he can no longer tell if his whole face is a human face! -Comparing the two, the balance in the heart of the Holy Emperor City Lord naturally gradually began to tilt towards Xu Ming's side.

Recruitment assessment, there is the last link! - Background check!

"Background..." The Holy Emperor City Lord frowned slightly. What he disliked most about Xu Ming was the "background"; after all, Xu Ming was born in the world of dust, so what background could he have in God's Domain?


The most important thing for the city lord of the Holy Emperor is the background!

"Xiao Ran's physique is special. If there is no strong enough background protection, once Xiao Ran wakes up... that will be the time of disaster!"

Thinking of this, the Holy Emperor City Lord couldn't help shaking his head silently, and then quietly turned his attention to Li Xiujie.

Compared with Xu Ming, Li Xiujie was naturally unmatched; it even made people feel that Li Xiujie was specifically running out to be embarrassed in this recruitment examination.

However, the Holy Emperor City Lord felt that he might have to choose Li Xiujie.

Yes, have to!

After all, among the geniuses present, I am afraid that only Li Xiujie's background can meet his requirements!

"It's the last session!" Yin Ran watched nervously, "Xu Ming's performance in the first two sessions was extremely terrifying! Even in the background assessment, he might not be as good as Li Xiujie; however, my father should also choose Xu Ming. ?"

Yin Ran's idea is beautiful.

It's just that she didn't know that what her father valued most was the background assessment!


background check? Could Xu Ming be inferior to Li Xiujie?

At this time, Bai Lao loudly announced the rules of the background assessment: "The background assessment will be officially carried out in three days! The rules are very simple - there are more masters than whoever invites!"

Than the number of Dominators invited?

Bai Lao continued: "If you invite the three geniuses with the largest number of masters, you will be the winner, and you will be eligible to send a betrothal gift to the Holy Emperor City Lord! Then, the city owner will consider the preciousness of the betrothal gift and the performance of the three geniuses in the recruitment assessment. Let's choose the son-in-law he is most satisfied with!—Do you understand?"

"So that's the rules of the background assessment..." Li Xiujie couldn't help laughing, "I've won this part! - Compare the number of invited masters? Xu Ming, what do you compare to me? Hahaha... "

Li Family Master directly clasped his fists at the surrounding masters and said, "Masters, please give me some face, and in three days, stand in line for my son!"

Yes! Li Family Master directly invited these ready-made masters on the scene.

"Good talk, good talk!"

"It's natural!"

Many masters agreed without any hesitation! - After all, most of these masters at the scene are from the Thunder Continent and have been with Li Family Master for hundreds of millions of years! Inviting them to stand in a line is such a trivial They will naturally not lose face.

Master Yun's face suddenly became a little ugly - originally, he wanted to do his best to help Xu Ming win the "background assessment"; however, he did not expect that the rules of the background assessment would be like this!

Than the number of Dominators invited?

If it is in the Yanyan Continent, of course Master Yun can easily do it, and summon a large number of masters to cheer! However, now it is not in the Yanyan Continent, but in the Thunder Continent... Here, is the "home ground" of the Li family! It is the "away field" dominated by the cloud!

As the saying goes: A strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake.

In the Li family's territory, there are more people than the Li family? -Even if it is the cloud master, it can't compare!

Moreover, the background assessment will be carried out in three days; even if Master Yun wants to transfer people from Yanyan Continent, it is too late!

Even Master Yun felt that such background assessment rules were completely biased towards the Li family and Li Xiujie!


To be honest, the Holy Emperor City Lord does have a biased meaning in it!

After all, for the City Lord of the Holy Emperor, he certainly hoped that Yin Ran could marry closer; and the Li family, the power in the City of the Holy Emperor, was completely under the control of the City Lord of the Holy Emperor. Therefore, when the assessment rules were formulated before, the Holy Emperor City Lord was indeed a little biased towards the meaning of the Li family.

As soon as the assessment rules came out, all the masters understood in an instant—the background assessment, Li Xiujie won!

However, there are three winners in the background assessment. Therefore, there should be no problem for Xu Ming to get one of the three places; it's just that Xu Ming can't continue to shine like the previous two links.

Can't keep shining?

Xu Ming glanced at Li Xiujie, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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