Break Into Another World

Chapter 1225: This is an order!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The fight between Xu Ming and Li Xiujie continued. The battle between the two is a collision at the level of saints; even top quasi-sages such as the master of cloud, the master of space and time, and the master of the virtual world will not be involved at all.

The gulf between the quasi-saint and the saint is almost insurmountable. Unless, like Xu Ming, he is a quasi-sage of mental power, and at the same time possesses a chaotic weapon, he can barely cross this gap.


The light on the statue of the Lord became more and more dazzling. The powerful power of faith gradually began to control the time and space of the Holy Emperor City and even the entire Thunder Continent!


Suddenly, the Holy Emperor City Lord groaned, and golden blood oozes from the corner of his mouth. He tried to control the great defense formation, but he didn't expect that, not only did he fail to control it successfully, but he was attacked, and he was seriously injured!

"The Holy Master is too cunning! He actually used the statue to manipulate the power of faith, control time and space, and interfere with the defense formation..."

In fact, this is already the third attempt by the Holy Emperor City Lord to control the Great Defense Array after he got rid of Li Xiujie's shackles! The first two times, although the control failed, but it was not attacked; and this third time, it was directly attacked, which shows that... this time and space has almost completely fallen into the control of the Holy Master!

"Big trouble!"

The Holy Emperor City Lord's face was ashen and bloodless.

If he can control the great formation, the city lord of the Holy Emperor can have the combat power of the saint level; but now, without being able to control the great formation, the city lord of the Holy Emperor is just an ordinary quasi-sage…

An ordinary quasi-sage is almost useless on the battlefield at this time!

Destroy the statue of the Lord? - The Lord of the Holy Emperor can't do it!

Help Xu Ming deal with Li Xiujie? - The Lord of the Holy Emperor can't do it!

Even to put Yin Ran into the world ring to relieve Xu Ming's pressure... The City Lord of the Holy Emperor couldn't do it!

On this battlefield, the City Lord of the Holy Emperor is worthless!

In fact, it's not just the city lord of the Holy Emperor; other quasi-sages, such as the Lord of Clouds, the Master of the Space-Time Palace, etc., are all worthless!

The battlefield at this time belongs to Xu Ming alone!

"I regret it!" The Holy Emperor City Lord was full of remorse.

If he had known that such a thing would happen, the City Lord of the Holy Emperor would not have held any marriage invitations at all; in that case, he would not have given Li Xiujie and the Holy Lord an opportunity.

However, the world did not know sooner!

At this point, the City Lord of the Holy Emperor can only pray that Xu Ming can defeat Li Xiujie and destroy the statue of the Holy Lord in time! Otherwise... once the statue of the Holy Master is completely erected, the entire Thunder Continent will be completely under the control of the Holy Master!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Horror collision again and again!

In every collision, Li Xiujie was slightly at a disadvantage.

After colliding again and again, Li Xiujie's disadvantage became bigger and bigger.

However, Xu Ming did not show the slightest excitement. Because, whether it is Xu Ming, or the masters of Yun Zhu, the city master of the Holy Emperor, etc., all of them have discovered that this is not good!

Continue to fight like this, I am afraid, before Li Xiujie is killed, the Holy Master has already descended!

Once the Holy Master comes, the entire Thunder Continent will instantly fall under the control of the Holy Master!

"Xu Ming!" Suddenly, the Lord of the Void Heaven shouted, "I can't be dragged by Li Xiujie like this anymore! Keep dragging on, and the Holy Master will come!"

Can't be held back anymore?

Doesn't Xu Ming know?

However, Li Xiujie firmly grasped Xu Ming's weakness and used Yin Ran to hold Xu Ming down—what can Xu Ming do?

"Xu Ming!" Tushen Zhunsheng also said, "If you continue to drag on, you will definitely lose! It's time for you to make a choice!"


Xu Ming was slightly startled: "What to choose?"

Tushen Quansheng was expressionless, and said: "Two options - either you explode with all your strength, quickly kill Li Xiujie, and then destroy the statue of the Lord! Or, you just throw away Li Xiujie, and just destroy the statue of the Lord first! "

"Huh?" Xu Ming's expression turned cold, "What about Yin Ran?"

Because Xu Ming was distracted to protect Yin Ran, he couldn't break out with all his strength! Once full power erupts, it means to give up Yin Ran!

And let go of Li Xiujie, go directly to destroy the statue of the Holy Lord; to put it bluntly, also give up Yin Ran!

Therefore, the "two choices" that Tushen Zhunsheng said was actually "one choice"! That is - give up Yin Ran!

Tushen Zhunsheng said again: "We will join forces to protect Yin Ran!"

"You protect Yin Ran?" Xu Ming smiled, "You don't even have the power to protect yourself, so you still want to protect Yin Ran? Once Li Xiujie goes crazy and attacks Yin Ran with all his strength, who of you can keep it?"

"This..." The Space-Time Hall Master, the Void Heaven Realm Master, etc., were all dumbfounded.

What Xu Ming said, why didn't they know?

However, when they said these words, they actually hoped that Xu Ming could give up Yin Ran!

If you give up Yin Ran, you can save the Thunder Continent!

It is also the only way to keep the Thunder Continent!

Zhushen Zhunsheng looked at Xu Ming solemnly, and said, "Xu Ming, for the sake of the Divine Realm!"

The Master of Space and Time, the Master of the Void Heaven, and the Master of the Pavilion of Everything, all looked at Xu Ming solemnly and pleadingly: "For the sake of God's Domain!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Li Xiujie's strange laughter sounded, "Yes, yes! Well said! Well said! For the sake of God's Domain! -Xu Hurry up and do something for God's Domain Make a choice! As long as you give up Yin Ran, you can keep the Thunder Continent, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The reason why Li Xiujie said that is completely by way of aggression!

He knew that Xu Ming would not give up Yin Ran, so he deliberately provoked Xu Ming!

"For God's Domain?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "For God's Domain, give up Yin Ran?"

"It's also for yourself!" Tushen Zhunsheng Lian said, "If you don't make a decision early, once the Holy Master comes, not only will the Thunder Continent be finished, but you and Yin Ran will still be impossible to live! - For the sake of the Divine Realm! For yourself!"

For God's Domain?

Also for myself?

"Hahahahaha..." Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's laughter stopped abruptly: "Fart!"

"Uh..." All the great powers were startled.

"In my eyes, compared with Yin Ran, the entire Divine Realm is not even a fart!" Xu Ming sneered, "You still want me to give up Yin Ran for the Divine Realm?"

"Uh..." All powers such as Tushen Quansheng were speechless.

"Hahaha! Wonderful! Wonderful!" Li Xiujie burst into laughter, "Brother Xu Ming, you are indeed a kind and righteous person! Admire! Admire!"

However, at this moment, a tyrannical consciousness swept across from an endless distance.

"It's the consciousness of a certain saint, it's coming!" The masters responded immediately.

However, this kind of consciousness will not have any combat power, it is nothing more than a means of communication!

"Xu Ming!" A voice full of endless coercion resounded in Xu Ming's ear, "Abandon Yin Ran immediately! Go and destroy the statue of the Holy Master! This is an order!"

?? Updated today.



(End of this chapter)

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