Break Into Another World

Chapter 1256: call

"Hahahaha... The cowardly rat! It really is the cowardly rat!"

Eye Sword dominates the wanton laughter, and the mighty sound waves are overwhelming, spreading almost all over the ancient holy city.

Rainwood Forest.

"Oh? Has the show started?"

Zhunsheng Yimu's eyes penetrated through the layers of rain curtains, and he seemed to see the situation in the gathering place of Lei Ting.

"Go and see the fun!"

"The scolding is really ruthless! I don't know, what kind of courage does this new Xu Ming have?" Duan Yu Zhunsheng's face showed a playful look of interest, and he also moved towards Lei Ting. Gather away.

One by one the masters of the realm!

A **** emperor, a king.

As long as they are idle and have nothing to do, they all rush to the gathering place of Lei Tingyi to watch a good show.

Not long after, tens of thousands of ancient cultivators gathered outside Xu Ming's residence.

It is strictly forbidden to do anything in the holy city, so no one dares to smash Xu Ming's door. However, no one could control the mouths of the onlookers.

"What's going on? Has Xu Ming come out yet?"

"It looks like he must be scared! This Xu Ming really doesn't dare to accept the challenge of the Sword Master!"

"It's normal to not dare to accept it! After all, the gap between the two sides is there; as long as Xu Ming is not stupid, he won't dare to accept it! It's just... Obviously he doesn't dare to accept it, but he still has to find an excuse to say that the sword master can't come out. Make a bet; such a practice is very contemptible!"

"Yes! If you don't dare to accept it, just stand up and say it!"

"You said... Xu Ming might not be there?"

"Impossible! Xu Ming is definitely at home, he just doesn't dare to fight!"

Eye Sword Master was a little surprised.

He thought that if he called out a few times, Xu Ming would impulsively kill him and fight him.

"Oh? You really can hold your breath!"

Master Moujian snorted in his heart, then raised his voice again and shouted: "Xu Ming, are you really willing to be a turtle with a shrunken head, and you don't even dare to show your head? - If this is the case, you will Just be a tortoise for the rest of your life, and never come out! Hahahahaha…”

Those "Trusts" who were dominated by the sword and arranged in the crowd, all spoke at this time:

"I thought Xu Ming would be No. 1! I didn't expect it to be a tortoise!"

"Xu Ming's name is just that, but that's it! Hahahaha..."

"Xu Ming!" Master Eye Sword shouted again, "It doesn't matter if you don't dare to fight, but please don't be a tortoise, at least come out and show your face, right? - In the entire ancient holy city, so many masters are waiting for you Show up! Why don't you even dare to come out?"

Every word of the sword master, like hundreds of millions of bells, spread all over the ancient holy city.

As long as the ancient cultivators in the entire holy city are not in retreat, they all know that the sword master is calling out at Xu Ming's door! But Xu Ming did not dare to come out.

Many ancient cultivators are naturally angry at the behavior of the Eye Sword Master—after all, the behavior of the Eye Sword Master is equivalent to provoking all the ancient cultivators.

However, they were even more angry with Xu Ming - because Xu Ming did not dare to fight, it was equivalent to losing the faces of all the ancient cultivators!

"This Xu Ming, why don't you dare to come out?"

"Battle! We ancient cultivators, are we afraid that his sword will dominate a heart cultivator?"

"Xu Ming is really a cowardly rat! When he encounters someone whose cultivation is higher than himself, he doesn't even dare to fight! Disgrace our ancient cultivator school!"

Every ancient cultivator was extremely angry at Xu Ming's "avoidance".

at this time…

"What's the noise? Shut up for me!" A more domineering and louder voice directly suppressed the screams dominated by Eye Sword.

A hunched figure in gray clothes appeared on the sky at an unknown time; it was Guisuo Quansheng.

Although Gui Suo Zhunsheng looked unimpressive, no one dared to underestimate him. On the contrary, the majestic swordsman dominates. Compared with Gui Suo Quansheng, he seems to be a grinning kitten and puppy.

Of course, in fact, in Gui Suo Quansheng's eyes, the Sword Master is really just a kitten and a puppy.

"What are you arguing about? What are you doing, you dare to run wild in my Lei Ting one's territory!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng pointed directly at the master of the sword and scolded.

The look of anger flashed in the eyes of the Sword Master, but he did not dare to be angry at Gui Suo Zhunsheng, but said: "Guizuo Zhunsheng, I'm just here to challenge Xu Ming! But this Xu Ming is hiding like a tortoise. Get up, don't dare to fight!"

"Don't dare to fight!?" Gui Suo Zhunsheng glared and scolded, "Can you speak human words? What is 'don't dare to fight'? - Xu Ming is currently in retreat, and you are making a lot of noise here. , he can't hear it! This is called 'don't dare to fight'? Go away! When Xu Ming is out of the customs, you can come and challenge again!"

Xu Ming is retreating?

The Sword Master couldn't help but be stunned for a Beihan Zhunsheng said with a yin and yang peculiar air: "Who knows if he is really in retreat, or is he deliberately avoiding and not fighting on the grounds of retreat?"

The Eye Sword Master thought for a while and said, "In retreat? That's fine! I'll wait here until he leaves!"

Heart Punishing Arrow, the chaotic divine soldier of the mind force school, the sword master is bound to win!

"Humph!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng snorted coldly and walked away, "If you are willing to wait, just wait!"

But in private, Zhunsheng Gui Suo secretly sent a message: "Xu Ming, the sword master is outside your door and wants to force you to fight; before he leaves, you must hold your breath and don't come out!"

Obviously, in the eyes of Gui Suo Zhunsheng, Xu Ming could not be the opponent of Eye Sword Master.

At this time, Xu Ming's Ancient Cultivator clone and Qi Yun Liu clone were completely immersed in the research, and didn't have time to pay attention to Gui Suo Quansheng's communication.

"Now, each of my marksmanships can be blended into the power of the nine great heavens and the four major orders in an incomparable balance... With one shot, the nine great heavens and the four major orders are merged, and there is already a sense of chaos! "

What Xu Ming wanted was this feeling!

"The power of the power has improved too much than before; it is definitely already a 'master-level' marksmanship!"

Created successfully!

For Xu Ming, creating a "dominant-level" marksmanship is as simple as that!


Xu Ming always felt that there was something missing in his marksmanship. This made him feel that his marksmanship and flaws were not so perfect.

"What's missing..."

For a time, Xu Ming had a hard time understanding.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Xu Ming's mind: "I don't know... Can the Supreme Dao Guidance System guide me?"

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