Break Into Another World

Chapter 1292: Beat the Reservoir Dog

"I'm finally going to kill it!"

The lore quasi-sage broke a crack in the wall of the formation, took Beihan quasi-sage and rushed out quickly - from the very center of the formation, it was really not easy to save Beihan quasi-sage. matter! Even the lore quasi-sage has tried his best.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

When these two figures are about to rush out of the formation.


rumbling —

A long spear, with the tendency of the world to collapse, smashed directly towards the lore quasi-sage duo.

"What's the situation!?" The lore quasi-sage was a little confused - where did the long spear appear?

Before they could figure it out, the spear had already arrived!


The lore quasi-sage and Beihan quasi-sage who were about to escape were directly smashed back by this shot!

Smashed into a daze!

At this time, the two quasi-sages reacted with horror in their eyes: "Xu Ming, it's you!"

"That's right, it's me!" Xu Ming sneered and said, "Fortunately, I'll come back and take a look, otherwise, Beihan would have been escaped by a traitor like you!"

"Traitor?" Quansheng Beihan roared, "Xu Ming, you didn't give me a way to live! You forced me!"

"Ha!" Xu Ming just smiled disdainfully, "It's your own fault, you can't live!"

"Xu Ming, let's go out!" Quansheng Beihan roared frantically.

"Naive!" Xu Ming stood with a gun in his hand, looking like "You can't figure it out".

"You..." Quasi-Saint Beihan was desperate - he originally thought that with the help of the Quasi-Saint, he would finally be able to save his life; but Xu Ming's appearance directly caused him to fall into despair again.

"Xu Ming, you..." The lore quasi-sage was even more hated - this time he entered the world of ten thousand tribulations, and his first task was to kill Xu Ming! Now, Xu Ming stood in front of him again, but it was not he who killed Xu Ming, but Xu Ming toyed with him!

"Damn it!" Although the lore quasi-sage was angry, he was not desperate.

Even if Xu Ming was blocked outside the formation, but with his strength, he would have to spend a little effort to kill all the puppet beasts in the formation first, and then break out of the formation; at that time, Xu Ming would have nothing to do with him. Method.

In that case, Quasi-Saint Beihan might not be able to persist in the formation for so long!

"Then don't care about Beihan!" The lore quasi-sage did not hesitate - he didn't care about the life and death of the quasi-sage Beihan.

"Beihan, ask yourself for more blessings!" The lore quasi-sage said, and he concentrated on beheading the puppet beast, and no longer protected the quasi-sage Beihan.

The pressure of Beihan Quansheng suddenly soared, but he could only grit his teeth to support him.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help frowning, "These two underwater dogs still want to escape?"

That's right, "reservoir dogs"!

First, Quasi-Saint Beihan fell into the formation, like a dog that fell into the water; then, Quasi-Saint of Lore also plunged into the "water".

What should I do if I come across a Reservoir Dog?

That's of course... beating the Reservoir Dog!


Xu Ming sneered and moved out of his Qi Luck clone. Immediately afterwards, Qi Yunliu's clone directly summoned the "Zhuxin Arrow"!


Xu Ming drank softly, and the Heart Punishing Arrow turned into a strange light that was difficult to capture, and shot into the formation, killing the quasi-sage!

"What!?" The lore quasi-sage Dahai - resisting the siege of the puppet beasts, has already given him a lot of pressure; now, he has to face Xu Ming's sneak attack?

In an instant, the lore quasi-sage fell into an extremely difficult situation!

"Damn!" The lore quasi-sage was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do about Xu Ming.

Now, the lore quasi-sage is a Reservoir Dog; and Xu Ming, standing on the "shore", beat the Reservoir Dog so hard that he has no temper at all!

"No, I can't just die here! I must escape alive!" The lore quasi-sage was completely desperate!

At this time, it is not desperate, or death!

Beihan Quansheng also fell into the last madness. However, his strength was already weak, and after being besieged by puppet beasts for so long, his divine body was even more seriously damaged; now, it is only a last desperate struggle, and it will not last long at all.

Sure enough, in a short while, the divine body of Quasi-Saint Beihan became completely thin.

"No—" Quansheng Beihan's eyes were full of fear, unwillingness, and deep regret.

When a bird is about to die, its song is also sad; when a man is about to die, its words are also good. At this moment, Beihan Zhunsheng really regretted, why did he have nothing to do to provoke Xu Ming - isn't it because his life is too long?

It's just that it's too late to regret it!


The divine body of Beihan Quasi-Saint, like a punctured bubble, directly dissipated in this world.

The power of the ancient cultivator school, Beihan Quasi-Saint, die!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The lore quasi-sage slaughtered recklessly, and wave after wave of puppet beasts turned into ashes under his tyrannical attack.

However... the lore quasi-sage himself was not lightly injured - after all, he not only had to face the siege of the puppet beast, but also the sneak attack of the heart-crushing arrow.


"So shameless!"

The lore quasi-sage kept roaring.

The number of puppet beasts gradually decreased; and the divine body that killed the quasi-sage gradually became weaker.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The only thing the lore quasi-sage can do is "kill"!

Kill all the puppet beasts, and then no longer "reservoir dogs", but "climb ashore" to deal with Xu Ming...

I have to say that the strength of the lore quasi-sage cannot be underestimated! Under the full force of the explosion, all the puppet beasts were really cleaned up.


The lore quasi-sage broke out of the formation!

Finally "going ashore"!


At this time, the lore quasi-sage, the divine body has long been weak; the strength has also declined a lot, and only the strength of the "ordinary quasi-sage" is left.

And Xu Ming's two avatars have the strength of "ordinary quasi-sages", and they all stare at the lore quasi-sages.

"Uh..." The lore quasi-sage was stunned - he suddenly realized that there was not much difference between killing himself and directly dying in the formation! Anyway...the word "death" is both horizontal and vertical!

Xu Ming showed no mercy. The two clones, respectively controlling the spear and the Heart-Pulling Arrow, slayed the lore quasi-sage together.

He is a quasi-sage who is already at the end of the shotgun, how can he still stop Xu Ming's "destruction"? In a few moves, he died and disappeared, contributing treasure and luck to Xu Ming.

"Kill me?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully.

What about the Holy Master? —Here in Brother Ming, come one, die one!

After cleaning the battlefield, Xu Ming looked suspiciously at the depths of the abyss below: "I don't know, what chance is hidden here? There are so many puppet beasts guarding?"

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming retracted the Qi Yun Liu clone into the world ring; then, he plunged into the depths of the abyss crack.

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