Break Into Another World

Chapter 1303: Destiny Pointer


Treasure gate.

A quasi-sage under the Holy Master rushed in. His eyes were full of enthusiasm, and at the same time he looked around vigilantly.

"It's the quasi-sage of Cangshan!"

Cangshan Quansheng is the right-hand man of the Holy Master; in terms of strength, I am afraid that it is not much weaker than the commander of the dragon dragon.

At this moment, the quasi-sage of Cangshan rushed directly to the stone platform in the center of the hall; as soon as he stretched out his hand, countless treasures fell onto the stone platform.

clap la la la...

A large number of treasures fell to the stone platform like a violent storm.

Soon, the number of treasures exceeded the sum of all other powerful treasures!

At the same time, the Roulette of Fate above the dome, the area occupied by the Cangshan Quasi Sanctuary, has surpassed the sum of all other great powers!

About 60% of the entire Roulette of Fortune is occupied by Cangshan Quasi-Sanctuary!

"What!?" Everyone was shocked.

"Cangshan Quansheng, why are there so many treasures?"

"A person's treasure is more than all the other powerful treasures combined?"

"how can that be?"

Immediately, all the experts guessed that the quasi-sage of Cangshan might have gathered all the treasures of the Holy Lord's army together!

Cangshan is a quasi-sage, representing the army of the Holy Lord!

"Not good!" All the great experts were shocked and angry, "Cangshan quasi-sage occupies 60% of the area of ​​the wheel of fate, doesn't it mean that Cangshan quasi-sage has a 60% possibility of getting Huangquan sage All the treasures!?"

How can the great powers of the Divine Realm tolerate this kind of thing happening?

In fact, if it wasn't to prevent the treasures of Saint Huangquan from falling into the hands of the Holy Lord's army; the powers of the Divine Realm can discuss it completely. Everyone only puts a little treasure on the stone platform, and there is no need to do it one by one. Gotta go bankrupt.

And now, Cangshan Quansheng, plus the other Holy Master army, has occupied nearly 70% of the area of ​​the Roulette of Fortune!

That is to say, the Holy Lord's army has a nearly 70% chance of being able to obtain all the treasures of Saint Huangquan, while the Divine Realm side has only a 30% chance!

"How does this work!?"

God's Domain is in a hurry!

All the treasures of Saint Huangquan, no matter who falls into their hands, can't fall on the side of the Holy Lord's army!

If the Holy Master is fattened, it will be a disaster for the entire Divine Realm!

Immediately, some of the gods who were hiding behind them couldn't bear it any longer! They all threw their treasures on the stone platform.

A lot of great powers even lost their weapons and the armor they were wearing!

In order to have more chances to inherit the treasures of the sage Huangquan, it can be said to be "all-or-nothing"!

With the concerted efforts of the Divine Realm powers, the area occupied by the Holy Master on the Wheel of Fate was finally reduced to about 50%. The Divine Realm side and the Holy Master side are equally divided.


Two quarters passed quickly. The treasury door slammed shut.


Above the stone platform, a layer of light woven by lightning rose up, covering all the treasures.

Xu Ming roughly estimated the number of treasures, and the value is probably thousands of drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!


At this time, the stone platform sank into the ground of the hall with all the treasures.

The voice of Saint Huangquan sounded again: "The roulette of fate is about to start! - The person pointed by the pointer of fate will get my 'all treasures'!"


The place was suddenly silent.

Everyone stared with bated breath, staring at the wheel of fortune.

"It's mine! It must be mine!"

"The pointer of destiny will definitely point to me!"

The great powers are looking forward to it madly.

Only Xu Ming looked as usual.

"This pointer of destiny should point to me, right?" Xu Ming secretly said.

He only casually threw a treasure on the stone platform, so although his name was on the wheel of fortune, the area occupied was almost negligible!

However, Xu Ming believed that if the sage Huangquan really wanted to give him treasures, then it would not be a problem at all how small the area he occupied on the wheel of fortune! —Even if Xu Ming just lost a piece of divine stone on the stone platform, the pointer of destiny should point to him in the end!

"A treasure worth thousands of drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!" Even Xu Ming was a little excited when he thought about it.

If you have this treasure, Xu Ming's strength will usher in rapid progress again!

"Ha!" At this moment, a disdainful laugh sounded in Xu Ming's ears; it was Mo Qun, "I can't bear to even give up treasures, and I still hope that the pointer of destiny can point to you?"

Mo Qun was very willing to invest his blood and directly threw all the treasures he carried on the stone platform; therefore, the area he occupied on the wheel of destiny was second only to Cangshan Quansheng!

Although, the probability of Mo Qun finally getting the treasure is still less than 1%; but at least, he is more hopeful than most of the other great masters!

Like now, Mo Qun can mock Xu Ming arrogantly because of this.

However, Xu Ming ignored his sarcasm and just laughed without saying a word.

Under the eyes of many expectations, the pointer of destiny slowly began to turn, and it kept turning one name after another!

Cangshan quasi-sage, Mo Qun, Wen Lao, the master of the space-time hall, the master of the virtual world...

"Whose head will luck fall on?"

One by one, everyone is looking forward to it.

"It's me! It's me!"

"Stop on my name!"

"Absolutely me! It must be me!"

Countless voices screamed madly in my heart!

The pointer of destiny is spinning faster and faster, and even the quasi-sages can no longer see the speed of the pointer.

After a short number of breaths, the rotation speed of the pointer of destiny began to drop rapidly - although it was only a short number of breaths, many of the great powers present seemed to have gone through thousands of years!



The needle of fate seems to stop at any moment.

"Stop on my name!"

"Just stop on my name!"

All the greats are looking forward to it.

This is all the treasures of Sage Huangquan! - Enough to make the entire Divine Realm vibrate and go crazy!

On the contrary, the Holy Lord's side seems extremely united-they don't ask the pointer of fate to stop on whose name, but only on their side!

And this, there is a half chance!

"It's about to stop!" Xu Ming saw that the pointer of destiny almost stopped when it approached his name, "It should stop directly on my name, right?"


Xu Ming was wrong!

When the pointer of fate passed his name, it did pause for a moment, as if it was about to stop; but then, the pointer of fate crossed his name and pointed to the name of the quasi-sage of Cangshan! - You must know that the name of Cangshan Quansheng can directly occupy a large area on the wheel of fate!

Nearly 50% of the area!

"That's great!" On the side of the Holy Master, every pair of zealous and pious eyes suddenly lit up - looking at this rhythm, it was absolutely necessary to stop at the name of Cangshan Quansheng!

"No—" On the Divine Realm side, everyone is desperate!

Are the "all treasures" of Saint Huangquan going to fall into the hands of the Holy Master?

"Stop! Stop!" The powerful people on the side of the Holy Master cried out in their hearts.


Destiny fools people!

The pointer of destiny also likes to play with people!

The pointer of fate, which seemed to stop at any time, turned out to be non-stop, but slowly passed the name of Cangshan Quansheng.

"This..." The Holy Master's side is all stunned - this **** doesn't stop! ?

At this time, Mo Qun was suddenly excited! —Because, after the pointer of destiny turns over the name of Cangshan Quansheng, it is his name!

"Could it be me!?" Mo Qun was looking forward to it.

At this moment, the pointer of fate seemed to sense Mo Qun's expectation, and it stopped abruptly, and it couldn't stop!

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