Break Into Another World

Chapter 1320: Holy Sepulchre

Follow the direction of the crowd.

Not long after, Xu Ming came to the end of the crowd gathering.

Here, a high wall made of black divine iron for hundreds of millions of miles surrounds a magnificent fortress, like a hideous ancient beast crawling on the ground.

"What is this place?"

Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder.

However, he saw many people walking into the fortress, so he followed suit.

Entering the gate of the fort, it is a long black passage. Bloody, ferocious, and extremely oppressive.

At the end of the passage, there are two figures in black with grim imposing manners.

"These are... two saints?" Xu Ming was shocked.

There are only a handful of saints in the realm of the gods, and in the star casting world, they can only "watch the gate"!

Of course Xu Ming knew that this was because there was definitely a powerful force somewhere in this black fortress. Otherwise, it is impossible for ordinary forces to ask the two saints to look at the door.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw that everyone who entered it would hand a drop of Chaos Primal Liquid to the two saints!

Xu Ming was shocked again: "The cost of entering this fortress is actually a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid!?"

You must know that in the realm of the gods and the realm of sacrifice, even the saints will take the primordial essence of chaos very seriously. Under the saints, there are very few chaotic primordial fluids!

In the Star Casting Realm, it seems... Chaos Primordial Liquid is not so precious. Even an ordinary master can take out a drop or two.

This discovery made Xu Ming overjoyed - there was a lot of chaotic primordial liquid, which means that it would be easier for Xu Ming to obtain chaotic primal liquid!

"As expected of a prosperous trading world! It's really rich!" Xu Ming also followed the rules and paid a drop of Chaos Primal Liquid.

"First time?" The saint at the door, with extremely sharp eyes, looked at Xu Ming indifferently.

How terrible is the memory of a saint? Even though he came into contact with a large number of gods every day, he could tell at a glance that Xu Ming had never been there before.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

"Yeah!" The saint nodded proudly and said, "Remember, in the Black Blood Fort, except for the martial arts area, other places are strictly prohibited! Violators, die!"

Strictly forbidden?

Xu Ming will not be idle to find trouble with others.

Another sage said with a half-smile: "You don't have to worry! It is strictly forbidden to do anything, so other people can't do anything to you; the entire Black Blood Fortress is extremely safe! - Enjoy! In the Black Blood Fortress, You can do whatever you want!"

Walking through the black passage, Xu Ming suddenly became enlightened.

"This is?" Xu Ming's pupils shrank slightly.

So much fun!

The crowd density in Black Blood Castle is much higher than that on the street outside!

There are countless pavilions.

Some buildings are filled with the smell of killing; some buildings are full of the taste of depravity...

Trading zone, degenerate zone…

Xu Ming immediately understood why the saint just now said, "You can do whatever you want".

In the trading area, any transaction can be carried out; weapons, medicinal pills, exercises, slaves, and even pure jade girls, etc., can be bought here.

In the fallen area, you can linger in the sea of ​​​​flowers, surrounded by Yingyingyanyan, drunk and dreaming of death...

Xu Ming did not go to the trading area, but chose to go to the battle area where the aura of slaughter was permeated.

He wanted to know first what the masters of this world were like.

The battle area is very vast, occupying almost half of the entire Black Blood Castle.

Here, there are slaughter fields where people take pleasure in killing people, and there are experience forests that specialize in cultivating geniuses... Xu Ming watched while watching.

Suddenly, Xu Ming stopped: "The Holy Tomb?"

The word "Holy Tomb" at the entrance of a building with a killing atmosphere aroused Xu Ming's curiosity.

"Go in and see!"

Inside this building is a huge circular battlefield; around the battlefield is a circle of stands.

"This is... a gladiatorial arena?" Xu Ming noticed immediately.

At this time, in the "Holy Tomb", a magnificent voice sounded: "Welcome to the Holy Tomb! - The Holy Tomb, the reason why it is called the Holy Tomb, is because the quasi-sacred invincible who died here, There are too many; and these quasi-sages are invincible, there are many, and they all have the potential to prove the Tao and become sanctified!"

The Holy Sepulchre is the preparation of the tomb of the saints!

"So... today, what game have we prepared to bury the 'preparatory saints'?"

Burial of "prepared saints"?

Xu Ming couldn't help being a little interested, so he picked a spot on the stand and sat down.


The ground in the center of the circular battlefield suddenly cracked.

A terrifying and ferocious aura emerged from the ground. Rao was present, and most of them existed in the dominance realm; but under this momentum, he still felt a strong sense of depression.

Even Xu Ming had a dignified look in his eyes.


Suddenly, a blood-red alien beast with a body length of 100 zhang rushed out from the crack. The terrifying and ferocious aura on it suddenly erupted!

"This is...?" Xu Ming looked at the monster with some doubts.

This monster is extremely ugly, but there is an aura of chaos around him. The momentum is so powerful that it has almost reached the level of a saint!

"Chaos alien beast!"

"This is a Chaos Alien Beast!"

Surrounded by Xu Ming, exclamations continued to sound.

"A chaotic alien beast is a monster that grows in chaos, and it is extremely rare; every chaotic alien must be able to grow to the level of a saint! Looking at the aura of this alien chaotic beast, it should have stepped into the level of a saint with one foot. , it can be sanctified at any time! - The 'Holy Tomb' is willing to take out such a chaotic alien beast!?"

This chaotic alien beast is almost equivalent to a saint!

Moreover, because the growth potential of the chaotic alien beast is very great; therefore, this chaotic alien beast is even more valuable than some low-level saints!

At this time, the grand voice of the host of the Holy Tomb sounded again: "Everyone must have seen the strength of this chaotic beast! You only need to pay ten drops of chaotic primordial to challenge; if you can If you defeat it, and control it not to kill this chaotic alien beast, then you can directly take it away!"


There was an uproar in the audience, and it became extremely lively.

Taking away a chaotic beast that may break through to sanctification at any time is undoubtedly extremely attractive!

"However, everyone should understand the rules of our Holy Tomb! - Entering a battle, you will either win or...die! There is no such thing as a defeat!"

This is the cruelty of the Holy Sepulchre!

Want a challenge? -Can! But, be prepared to die!

In this way, those masters who want to try it will be forced back directly! After all, no one will risk their lives to try!

"Of course, this challenge is subject to conditions! You must be under the cultivation level of a saint before you can participate; if you are a saint, don't participate!" The magnificent voice continued, "Also, even if you can't control it. If you kill it, we will also have a hundred drops of Chaos Primal Liquid as a reward!"

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