Break Into Another World

Chapter 1328: auction

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but stunned, "Why does the Heart-Zhuing Arrow react? Could it be... Is there any connection between the Heart-Zhuing Arrow and the black arrow being auctioned?"

On the auction table, the auctioneer with a goatee had a shrewd look in his eyes; he introduced with a smile: "Although this black arrow looks like a very ordinary chaotic weapon; I feel that there is something special hidden in this arrow! As for what is special, the master of floating and sinking can't tell! Now, in our Eternal Universe Auction, we will sell this black arrow here; the starting price Ten thousand drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, those who are destined will get it!"

As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, there was an uproar in the auction hall.

"Master Fushen, but a famous appraiser in the world of casting stars! Even Master Fushen thinks that there is something extraordinary in this arrow; then, I am afraid that this arrow is really extraordinary!"

"Maybe it is a great treasure, buy it and see!"

Immediately, there were several great experts, all of whom had a lot of interest in this black arrow.

Of course, most of the great powers are still very rational!

"Master Fushen said that there is something special? - Oh! Who knows what is special! Maybe, it's just that this Chaos Divine Weapon comes with a little function, and then it is taken out to brag; after all, It's not the first time that Hengzhou Auction House has done this kind of thing!"

"That's right! If it's really a very amazing treasure, how can the Hengzhou auction house easily take it out for auction? Besides, it's so cheap!"

"The price of an ordinary chaotic weapon is only 1,000 drops of chaotic primordial fluid; even a mind-flow chaotic primordial weapon is usually priced at 3,000 drops of chaotic primordial fluid! And the starting price of this black arrow is unexpectedly high. It's just 10,000 drops - Hengzhou Auction, you really know how to do business!"

"Heh! Let's see what price this ordinary Chaos Divine Weapon will be photographed for!"

"Everyone!" The goatee auctioneer laughed, "This black arrow is really incomprehensible to even the master of floating and sinking; we took it out for auction in the auction hall, and we hope that someone who is destined can discover the mystery. !—Not much to say, the auction starts now!"

At this point in the auction, it's actually just a "warm-up stage". The ones that are put up for auction are only some less valuable treasures; the truly precious ones have not yet appeared!

"Ten thousand drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

"Eleven thousand drops!"

"Twelve thousand drops..."

Immediately, many great powers participated in the auction-although most great powers doubted whether this black arrow was worth the price; but, after all, the price was not expensive, so there were still a lot of people holding on to it. The idea of ​​buying it back and trying it out.

Soon, the price of this black arrow was shouted at 30,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid.

Then, the power of bidding became a little less, and the voice of the quotation became a little sparse - after all, this is already ten times the price of the ordinary mind flow Chaos God Weapon; if the price goes up, not many people are willing to buy it .

"It's time to take action!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Since this black arrow has something to do with the Zhuxin Arrow, it must have something extraordinary, maybe it will be a chance.

Since Xu Ming already owns the Heart Punishing Arrow, as long as the price is not too outrageous, he will definitely take this black arrow back to study it.

"Thirty-one thousand five hundred drops! - Is there a higher price?" the auctioneer shouted.

At this moment, Xu Ming raised his hand and shouted, "Thirty-two thousand drops!"

Thirty-two thousand drops!

As soon as the price came out, the two auctioneers who were still hesitating before gave up immediately. This price has exceeded their psychological expectations by a lot.

"Thirty-two thousand drops, is there anything higher?" the auctioneer was still agitating.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no sound of other offers.

"It seems that there is no higher price! In this case... 32,000 drops, one time!" The auctioneer began to count down.

"Thirty-two thousand drops, twice!"

Just when the auctioneer was about to make a final decision, an arrogant voice sounded: "Forty thousand drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

Forty thousand drops!

"What? Someone shouted 40,000 drops!?"

"who is it!?"

All eyes turned to the source of the sound.

It was Xu Ming's "old acquaintance" who called out the price of "40,000 drops" - Zhen Ling!

Zhen Ling glanced at Xu Ming contemptuously and said with a sneer, "It's not a pleasure to even increase the price! Only 500 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid are added for one price increase? - Just like you, you're too embarrassed to sit in the VIP area?"

Xu Ming glanced at it, ignored it, and continued to quote himself: "50,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!"

"Oh?" Seeing Xu Ming's bid again, Zhen Ling immediately became interested, "Dare to argue with me?—Humph! Sixty thousand drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!"

Xu Ming's expression was calm, and he continued to say indifferently, "Seventy thousand drops!"

"Huh—" Zhen Ling became more and more curious, "How dare you follow such a high price? Could it be that you have discovered the mystery in this black arrow? In this case... 100,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid, there are Follow your skills!"

Zhen Ling immediately called the price to 100,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!

Seeing this, Xu Ming said without hesitation, "I don't want it anymore, you can buy it!"

Although Xu Ming was curious, would there be any special difference between this black arrow and the Heart Punishing Arrow; but Xu Ming could not spend too much to satisfy his own needs. Curious.

After all, there were only about 200,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid on Xu Ming's body. It is impossible for him to take out half of his belongings to buy a treasure that he does not know what it is.

Save 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, for Xu Ming, it can upgrade the plug-in and improve a lot of strength!

Therefore, Xu Ming resolutely gave up and refused to follow.

"What? You don't want it anymore?"

Xu Ming gave up, and it was Zhen Ling's turn to be stunned!

The reason why Zhen Ling jumped out to shoot this black arrow and raised the price so high was because he wanted to cheat Xu Ming.

After all, Zhen Ling didn't think there was anything special about this black arrow; in his opinion, it was just a very ordinary mind-flow chaotic weapon!

Extremely ordinary!

It was completely taken out by the Hengzhou Auction House to make money!

Therefore, after Zhen Ling raised the price to 100,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid, he did not plan to shout, but waited for Xu Ming to take over. But what he didn't expect was... Xu Ming didn't play with him!

This made Zhen Ling stunned!

"You don't dare to follow the price at such a low price?" Zhen Ling looked at Xu Ming and wanted to provoke Xu Ming to continue to follow the price, "It seems that the VIP area is really not the place for you to sit! You don’t even have the courage to bid with me? Are you embarrassed to sit in the VIP area?”

Xu Ming didn't bother to pay attention to Zhen Ling's provocation at all, and sneered disdainfully: "If you want, I'll give it to you! — Oh, right! The VIP area should be seated by a mindless bigwig like you, right? "

One more today.

These two days have been too hard to write, and the second one has to be written until three or four o'clock. Today, I will not continue to write, and adjust my schedule. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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