Break Into Another World

Chapter 1330: Treasure mirror


Zhen Ling originally wanted to make another bid to see if there was a chance to photograph the chaotic alien beast; but when he heard the "Treasure Mirror", he immediately woke up—yes! Family matters are important!

"Humph!" Zhen Ling snorted bitterly, looking at Xu Ming with murderous intent.

The price of chaotic beasts has skyrocketed!

Finally, it broke through the million mark!

Xu Ming couldn't stop laughing: "More than a million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid! Hahaha..."

Can you feel bad about picking up more than one million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid in vain?

Actually, to be able to shoot at such a high price, Xu Ming really has to thank Zhen Ling! Because, if it weren't for Zhen Ling's "provocation", I'm afraid this chaotic beast really wouldn't be able to get such a high price!

"With so many hanging points, when I look back, I will upgrade all the plug-in functions that should be upgraded to level 5!"

All plug-in functions such as "Leaping Level Invincible" have all been upgraded to level 5. Xu Ming's combat power is simply heavenly!

After the auction of Chaos Alien Beasts, the atmosphere in the auction hall seemed to drop all of a sudden.

The next auction, the atmosphere is a little dull.

Especially in the VIP area, there were very few bids. Obviously, all the forces are waiting for something.

Xu Ming also felt the unusual atmosphere, and secretly guessed that there will be a good show to watch next!

"I don't know... what treasures will appear in the next auction!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In fact, at the auction, Xu Ming has been thinking about what kind of business is suitable for his "Wanjie Mall". After all, the reason why Xu Ming appeared in the Star Casting World was to open a mall to make money.

And Xu Ming entered the Black Blood Castle to get acquainted with the market conditions in the Star Casting World.

Suddenly, the auctioneer's voice became high-pitched: "Next, is the final treasure of this auction, and the last treasure!"

"Come on!" All the powerful people in the VIP area were obviously shocked.

Many great powers did not bid at all in the previous auction; they came to participate in the auction just for this finale treasure!

"This treasure is..." The auctioneer paused and said, "The Treasure Mirror!"

Under the protection of six "sage ninth-order" powers, a world ring was presented to the auction table.

The world ring opened, and it was a circular bronze mirror the size of a palm.

"This is the treasure mirror that covers the sky?" Xu Ming looked curiously - this is too unpretentious!

However, if you look into the mirror carefully, you will find that this bronze mirror is not as simple as it looks from the outside. In the mirror, there is a surging power of chaos, mighty.

"There are indeed some famous halls!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In the VIP area, the eyes of the powerful people suddenly became hot!

"The Treasure Mirror!"

"We cast the star realm, and finally we waited for a treasure mirror to cover the sky again!"

"A treasure mirror that covers the sky can completely become the foundation of a party's power inheritance! The chaotic world protected by the treasure mirror can not be attacked even by the powerhouse in the chaos realm!"

"I must photograph this treasure mirror at any cost!"

"The treasure mirror that covers the sky belongs to me!"

The Zhen family.

Elder Zhen stared at the Heaven-covering Treasure Mirror: "Our Zhen family, although we rule more than a dozen chaotic worlds, we don't even have a Heaven-covering Treasure Mirror! A force that cannot be destroyed by anyone; then our Zhen family will definitely have more status in the endless chaos!"

In his own chaotic world, the "star master" can almost match the powerhouses in the chaos realm; however, the powerhouses in the chaos realm can still be forcibly suppressed at any cost!

However, with the Heaven-covering Treasure Mirror, even a powerhouse in the Chaos Realm would never be able to suppress a Chaos World with a Star Lord in charge!'s an extremely powerful existence in Chaos Realm!

However... extremely powerful beings in the Chaos Realm are extremely rare even in the Endless Chaos.

With such a force as the Zhen family, even if they wanted to provoke a super existence at that level, they probably wouldn't be able to touch anyone. And the super existence at that level doesn't even bother to deal with ants like the Zhen family.


Only a force like the Zhen family will see the Heaven-shading Treasure Mirror as so important! Because, as long as there is a treasure mirror that covers the sky, there is almost never any need to worry about the destruction of the power!

And the power that already has a treasure mirror that covers the sky, also hopes to get the second one. After all, a treasure mirror that covers the sky can only protect a chaotic world.

Just as the great powers were gearing up and preparing to bid, Xu Ming searched for information about the Treasure Mirror in the "Wanjie Mall System".

"Yes!" Xu Ming quickly found it, "Although the Treasure Mirror is precious, it does not contain a soul; therefore, only in the Wanjie Mall system can some be sold!"

The price in the Wanjie Mall system is one million points and a level 14 hanging point.

That is, one million drops of Chaos Primal Liquid.

"I don't know what price the Treasure Mirror will sell for at the auction!" Xu Ming is looking forward to But... Seeing the eyes of these great experts, I'm afraid the price will never be the same. Low! "

If the auction price is very high, Xu Ming can sell the Treasure Mirror after the auction is over!

As long as the price is lower than the auction price, Xu Ming believes that some people are willing to buy it!

"Look at the auction first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

With a smug smile on his face, the auctioneer glanced at the audience, thinking to himself: A group of people who have never seen the world! A piece of mirror that covers the sky will make you excited like this!

When the excited voices on the field gradually subsided, the auctioneer slowly said: "I believe everyone knows the preciousness of the Treasure Mirror, so I won't say much! Around our Star Casting Realm, although there are countless The Chaos World is incomparably vast; however, compared to the entire Chaos Country, it is only a small place!"

"The Treasure Mirror is only produced in the capital of the Chaos Kingdom! In our Star Casting Realm, only our Eternal Universe Auction House is eligible for auction!" The auctioneer smiled, "But... we Cast Star Realm, after all, only It is a small place; therefore, it is extremely difficult to get a piece of the Heaven-covering Treasure Mirror from Chaos Kingdom! It will take a long time to get one piece!"

What the auctioneer said, the powerful people present, of course, have long known.

If there are enough mirrors to cover the sky, then there is no need to be so nervous and excited!

"It's still the old rules! - A piece of heaven-shading treasure mirror, the starting price is 3 million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid! Now... the auction starts!" After a brief introduction, the auctioneer shouted directly.

Second more.

Continue to code, try to try to write the third update, but it is not 100% guaranteed; don't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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