Break Into Another World

Chapter 1340: take a bath

call out-

With the help of the "Wanjie Mall System", Xu Ming traveled through the chaos and returned to the realm of the gods.

The avatars of ancient cultivators, the avatars of Qi Yunliu, and the avatars of Tiandao Liu gathered together.

"came back!"

This trip to the Star Casting World, Xu Ming's harvest was very huge.

Today, each of Xu Ming's avatars has the "Eternal Power" hanging on the star master level; even the weakest avatar of Tiandao Liu has the combat power of a saint!

Xu Ming's main body and three avatars are equivalent to the combat power of four saints!

It's just terrifying!

However... the strength of these four major bodies of Xu Ming, among the saints, is only at the middle and lower levels; even if the four major bodies join forces, I am afraid that they are still not the opponents of the Holy Master.

"Don't worry, wait for me to improve the cultivation of the Heavenly Dao School and the Faith School; the four schools are unified, break through the **** realm, and cultivate into the "Indestructible Demon Body"... Then, it should not be difficult to deal with the Holy Master! "

Before the integration of the four major schools of Xu Ming, each clone already had the combat power of the saint level; when the four clones merged, the strength would be so strong... unimaginable!

However, dealing with the Holy Master is definitely a matter of grasping!

"Look at the black arrow I got in the star casting world, what's so special about it!"

The black arrow was the treasure that Xu Ming saw at the Hengzhou auction site, which was almost the same as the Zhuxin Arrow. Moreover, the black arrow and the Zhuxin Arrow also had a sense of resonance and resonance.

At that time, Xu Ming concluded that this black arrow was absolutely extraordinary!

It's just that Xu Ming didn't have much chaotic essence in his hand at that time, so he couldn't take a picture of the black arrow, but it fell into the hands of Zhen Ling; however, after Zhen Ling was killed, the black arrow finally reached Xu. Ming hand.


Xu Ming summoned both the Heart Punishing Arrow and the Black Arrow.

When the two arrows "meeted", it was like a reunion of relatives, and they all buzzed excitedly.

The two arrows entangled and circled each other, like two swimming fish playing in the water.

Xu Ming observed carefully: "It seems... there is nothing special about it!"

Xu Ming looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't see anything, it was nothing more than an extra chaotic magic weapon with a lot of energy.

"Not bad! In this way, I have two 'Heart Punishment Arrows'!"

Afterwards, Xu Ming refined a set of top-level Chaos Divine Weapons for each body; including the deity of the Faith School far away in the dust world, was also refined!

Xu Ming is now rich and powerful, and the Chaos Divine Weapon he purchased is naturally the best in the Star Casting World!

Moreover, not only did he buy it himself, but Xu Ming also bought a complete set of top-level Chaos Divine Weapons for Gu Hanmo, Yin Ran, and Lu Qing!

For Xu Ming, the Chaos Primal Liquid spent was only a drop in the bucket.

After everything was packed up, Xu Ming went to Yin Ran first.

Yin Ran's stomach remained motionless; however, Xu Ming could feel that the breath of life in his stomach was gradually getting stronger.

Xu Ming took out one after another of Chaos Divine Weapons, helped Yin Ran to refine them one by one, and protected them with three layers inside and three layers outside. Although Xu Ming has always had at least one avatar to protect Yin Ran by his side; however, with an extra layer of care and protection, it is definitely not wrong!

Then, Xu Ming took out another... bucket!



A wooden barrel with a green and red texture exudes a strong breath of life; if there is a dying **** with a lower cultivation base lying down in the wooden barrel, I am afraid that it will soon return to its peak state.

This wooden barrel is a... Chaos divine weapon.

"What's this for?" Yin Ran couldn't help but wonder.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I gave you a bath!"

"Take a bath?"

Immediately afterwards, Yin Ran's eyes gradually changed from doubt to shock.

I saw Xu Ming took out a small jade bottle, but this small jade bottle contained... 60 million drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

That is, the Chaos Yuan Liquid of the three parties!

"Let's take a bath with this in the future!"

After leaving Yin Ran, Xu Ming went to see Lu Qing again.

Similarly, Lu Qing was also armed to the teeth with Chaos Divine Weapon!

Afterwards, he also gave Lu Qing some Chaos Primal Liquid.

But I didn't give a lot - after all, Lu Qing didn't need to take a bath with Chaos Primal Liquid; he didn't usually use much Chaos Primal Liquid.

Dusty world.

Xu Ming's "puppet army" spread like a plague in the world of dust.

Before you know it, more than 10% of the billions of dust worlds have been completely occupied and controlled by Xu Ming.

The dusty worlds continuously provided Xu Ming with the power of belief.

However, the creatures in the dust world are too weak after all! At Xu Ming's current state, the power of faith that can be provided to him is very limited.

Xu Ming can only hope that the slaves he bought in the Star Casting Realm can develop a devout belief in him as soon as possible; in that case, Xu Ming can cultivate the deity of the school of belief, and his cultivation will rise.

Endless Continent.

Xu Ming's deity moved another wooden barrel with a green and red texture in front of Gu Hanmo.

Gu Hanmo was slightly surprised, secretly surprised that Xu Ming could get such a treasure.

"I'll give you a bath!" Xu Ming smiled and took out 60 million drops of Chaos Primal Liquid.

Although Gu Hanmo has never been pregnant; however, Xu Ming must not favor one over the other when it comes to taking a bath, but rather... rain and dew.

Give as much to Yin Ran as to Gu Hanmo.

in a separate space.

Gu Hanmo was lying alone in this wooden barrel of the chaotic divine weapon level, his thoughts were flying.

"I didn't expect that Xu Ming's growth rate would be so terrifying! Even in the depths of endless chaos, the top talent cultivated with the best resources might not be as good as Xu Ming!" Gu Hanmo closed his eyes , enjoying the feeling of taking a bath with the chaotic primordial liquid, " many treasures and primordial primordial liquid, I don't know where Xu Ming got it..."


None of this surprised Gu Hanmo the most.

The most shocking thing for her is...

"This space is under Xu Ming's complete control! But... I can't see how this space is constructed... Incredible! Incredible!" Gu Hanmo sighed in his heart, "Although my strength has not recovered; However, there are not many things that even I can't see through, even in the endless chaos!"

And here Xu Ming, there is something she can't see through!

This is Gu Hanmo, how can he not be shocked.

"It seems that Xu Ming also hides many secrets..."

Gradually, Gu Hanmo stopped thinking too much.

No matter what secrets Xu Ming has, or what secrets she has in herself; anyway, Gu Hanmo is sure that there is a soul resonance between himself and Xu Ming!

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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