Break Into Another World

Chapter 1347: plunged into darkness

What's wrong with the lower level of strength?

It still consumes you!

Xu Ming started a very "rogue" tactic again, relying on his invincibility to defend himself, and sticking to the Asura saint; and once the Asura saint showed any flaws, he would immediately attack him!

Although Xu Ming is only the fifth-rank saint, and the Asura saint is the sixth-rank saint, but after the fight, Xu Ming was unscathed, but the Asura saint was injured a lot.

"You..." Sage Shura was angry and annoyed. Suddenly, there was a hint of cunning in his eyes, "Since I can't kill you, then..."


The Asura Saint suddenly changed his offensive and turned into a smashing trick like the "Heaven Collapse Style"!

And he "smashed" Xu Ming into the dark realm!

"Huh!?" Of course Xu Ming also discovered the intention of Saint Asura, but he was not anxious.

"Although I can defend against Shura's offensive, after all, he is stronger than me; I am still weak in comparison..." Xu Ming secretly said, "Furthermore, other places in Taitian's Lost Formation are full of dangers; If you want to leave now, Shura will definitely take action against me…”

Around the dark realm, only the "little black spot" of the dark realm is a dangerous place; and other places in the Taitian Mystery Array, there are many dangerous places, and it is impossible to guard against it!

Therefore, if he chooses where to fight with the Asura saint, Xu Ming is definitely willing to be in this place, not in other areas of Taitian.

And now, Xu Ming has encountered threats around the dark realm, and it is even more impossible to escape to other places!

Of course, Xu Ming didn't plan to escape at all!

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I will be forced to fall into the dark realm! But..." Xu Ming secretly said, "But... if I fall into the dark realm, then I will fall into the dark realm! What a big deal!"

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

In fact, Xu Ming wanted to enter the dark realm for a long time; anyway, for Xu Ming, the price is not high. If in the dark realm, if you really encounter some irresistible danger, Xu Ming will blow up this ancient cultivator clone. ! At that time, the plug-in will naturally sense that there is one less of Xu Ming's avatar; just spend some hanging points, and it can be re-condensed.

Thinking of this, Xu Ming has made up his mind: "Then enter the dark realm! But... I want to enter the dark realm, and I will definitely drag Shura down together!"

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Take a photo!"

Photo-taking style, the power is not strong, but the speed is strange!

Since Sage Asura wanted to force Xu Ming into the dark realm, Xu Ming also used the "photographing style" to force Sage Asura!

"Huh?" Of course, Saint Shura also discovered this, and he sneered, "If you want to force me into the dark realm, then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The battle between the two kept thinking that the dark realm was approaching.

At extreme distances, the dark domain is just a small black spot, a thousand times smaller than dust.

But the closer you get, the bigger the dark domain!

Soon, the small black spot became as big as a fist, and then became as big as a house... Even, the volume soared rapidly, occupying half of Xu Ming's field of vision!

Half of Xu Ming's vision is endless light; the other half is the endless darkness.

Light and dark, cut by a line.

"One line cuts!" Xu Ming secretly said, "It is said that if you cross this line, you will fall into the dark realm, and you will never be able to come out again!"

Therefore, what Xu Ming has to do is to force the Asura saint to pass the "one-line cut"!

And what the Asura sage has to do is the same!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The fighting area of ​​the two stayed at the side of "One Line Cut".

At this position, both sides become cautious; after all, if one is not careful, it is possible to fall into the dark domain and never come out again!

"Heaven collapses!"

Suddenly, Xu Ming had the upper hand, and immediately displayed the "Heaven Collapse Style", wanting to smash Saint Shura directly into the dark realm!

As for the Sage Asura, he turned into an afterimage and quickly retreated; at the same time, his sword penetrated Changhong and slashed towards Xu Ming.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Every time they fought, Sage Shura was extremely solemn and cautious.

But Xu Ming gradually became a little impatient: "If you fight like this, how long will you have to fight?"

After thinking about it, Xu Ming suddenly smiled strangely, and said to himself, "Anyway, I want to enter the dark realm..."

In the next instant, Xu Ming dodged and appeared beside Sage Shura.

"Huh?" Sage Shura was startled, then overjoyed, "Courtesy of death!"


The mighty attack flocked to Xu Ming in an instant.

However, Xu Ming did not dodge or evade. Instead, facing this tyrannical attack, he continued to pounce on Saint Asura.

When approaching Sage Asura, Xu Ming directly unleashed his divine power, domineeringly grabbed Sage Asura and did not let go!

Yes! Just hold on tight!

"Hehe!" Xu Ming sneered, "Asura, let's go to the dark realm and play together!"

"You want to..." Sage Shura obviously did not expect Xu Ming to come like this! Could it be that he is willing to burn jade and stone?

"Mad! Go away! Who wants to enter the dark realm with you!" Sage Shura was in a hurry.

"Hey! I'm afraid it's up to you!" After Xu Ming "caught" Saint Shura, he fell directly towards the dark realm!

Although Sage Asura realized what Xu Ming was going to do, Xu Ming was preemptive after all. By the time he reacted, it was too late. Xu Ming had already dragged him and crossed the "line of cut"!

"What!? I cut through a line!?" Sage Shura's face was ashen.

Going through a line of cuts means that you have fallen into the dark realm and can no longer leave!

Moreover, he is not Xu Ming, but he has no avatar!

"Xu Ming!!" Sage Shura's eyes were split.

Immediately afterwards, the two felt a huge gravitational force acting on them. This gravitational force is not very strong, but it is vast and magnificent, and there is an illusion that it cannot be resisted.

Xu Ming did not resist, and let this huge gravitational force guide him and fall into the depths of the dark realm.

Looking back, Xu Ming saw that the infinite bright area on the other side of the "line cut" was getting smaller and smaller. When he fell into the depths of the dark realm, the infinitely bright area had shrunk into an incomparably small white dot.

It is a thousand times, ten thousand times smaller than dust!

"What a magical space mystery!"

The mystery of the dark realm was not something Xu Ming could understand after all.

Xu Ming put away his mind and looked down carefully, but it was dark and nothing was found.

"Where am I going to fall?" Xu Ming had no idea.

However, Xu Ming really doesn't matter; if it's a big deal, just lose an ancient cultivator clone and spend some hanging points to reunite!

Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes lit up: "Below... there seems to be a black continent?"

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