Break Into Another World

Chapter 1559: high imitation

Qingluan City.

In the last chaotic era, it should have been a side city in the ancient temple; now, it has become one of the stations from the outer temple to the inner temple.

Those who can appear in Qingluan City are usually at least the eighth-order prehistoric realm; even many are the ninth-level prehistoric realm!

Fanghua Building is a famous teahouse in Qingluan City.

The owner of the teahouse is said to have been an existence at the very top of the prehistoric realm! However, he was already tired of killing, and for countless epochs, he has lived in seclusion in this Fanghua Building, drinking tea, telling stories, and living a leisurely life.

As long as the ancient world does not completely collapse, I am afraid that he will live in seclusion like this forever.

"Lord, please comment on the battle between Xu Ming and the Divine Phoenix Alliance, the Contract Alliance, and the Myriad Tribulation Sect!"

"Yeah, Lord! It is unimaginable that Xu Ming can kill nearly 3,000 experts above the eighth rank of the Great Desolate Realm by himself!"

The owner of Fanghua was dressed in plain clothes and fondled the tea set.

He said softly: "To be honest... I also have a lot of things that I can't figure out in this battle!"

"Lord, just tell me!"

"Even if you can't figure it out, you're definitely more vicious than our eyesight!"

Fanghua Landlord was already at the top of the prehistoric realm before countless epochs, and now his strength may be stronger, and he has reached the prehistoric realm invincible! How could his eyesight be comparable to the eighth and ninth steps of the ordinary Great Desolate Realm?

"Forget it, I'll just talk about it!" Fanghua landlord made a pot of tea and started talking like a storyteller, "Actually, I really have a lot of doubts about this battle! First of all, I have a lot of doubts about Xu Ming. I'm quite doubtful about the strength..."

"Everyone should have heard that the strength that Xu Ming showed before he opened the Cangyu Array was the limit of the Great Desolate Realm! Moreover, he only reached the limit of the Great Desolate Realm with the help of the best weapons of all things! But...after opening the Cangyu Array, Xu Ming killed nearly 3,000 experts from the Divine Phoenix Alliance, the Contract Alliance, and the Myriad Tribulations!" Fanghua said indifferently, "What happened in the Cangyu Great Array? what?"

"Even if Xu Ming deliberately concealed his cultivation and lured the powerhouses of the three forces to enter! However, if you want to kill nearly 3,000 powerhouses, you will undoubtedly need extremely strong strength!" Fanghua landlord said again, "You must know , in the face of nearly 3,000 strong people above the eighth-order of the prehistoric realm, even if they are invincible in the prehistoric realm, they must flee! Even the top prehistoric realm geniuses from the chaotic secret realm, whose strength is comparable to the realm of all things, must retreat; if it is positive If they collide, they will all be suppressed and killed! - The ability to kill 3,000 high-level prehistoric realms, in the ancient relic realm, as everyone knows, only 'Wu Jun' can do it; no other genius can do it! Could it be... Xu Ming His strength has also reached the level of Wujun? Are they much stronger than the top geniuses from the Primal Chaos Realm?"

The owner of Fanghua talked eloquently.

The powerhouses in the teahouse also discussed Xu Ming's strength.

Needless to say, Xu Ming's strength is definitely much stronger than the top geniuses from the Primal Chaos Realm. The only question is - Xu Ming and Wu Jun, who is stronger and who is weaker?

"Nonsense! Of course Xu Ming is stronger! - No matter how strong Wu Jun is, he has not achieved a record of one enemy and three thousand!" In the teahouse, a strong man with a gun suddenly stood up and shouted.

If you look closely, you will find that this gun-wielding strongman is very similar to Xu Ming in both appearance and aura! - This is a "high imitation" Xu Ming!

Those who haven't seen Xu Ming with their own eyes will never be able to tell whether he is the real Xu Ming or the fake Xu Ming.


Apparently none of the strong people in the teahouse took him as the real Xu Ming.

After all, there are too many such "high imitation Xu Ming" in the ancient relic world now! No, in the corner of the tea house, there is still a high imitation Xu Ming!

The corner of the tea house…

Xu Ming's mood is complicated - he is the real Xu Ming!

"There are so many people pretending to be me..."

Xu Ming had just come to Qingluan City; he had been traveling alone before, and it was difficult to even meet a single person.

After entering Qingluan City, Xu Ming encountered no less than five "imitations of himself"! Although these high imitation versions of Xu Ming have not seen Xu Ming himself, they have seen Xu Ming's appearance and aura from the rewards offered by the contract alliance.

Now, the Covenant Alliance no longer offers a reward to Xu Ming. Because... "Xu Ming" is too much!

"I heard that the first group of people who pretended to be me have already used my name to play a lot of prestige! Even... a few people used my name to deceive a few female nuns... "Xu Ming thought a little embarrassedly.

He was really worried that after he returned to the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm, those female cultivators who had been deceived would not put the blame on him—that would be wrong!

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong!" Xu Ming sighed helplessly.

Inside the teahouse.

A group of experts are still arguing, Xu Ming and Wu Jun, who is stronger and who is weaker.


Xu Ming was really interested.

Ever since he entered the ancient relic realm, Xu Ming has been hearing the legend about Wujun—Wujun, who is only the ninth-level cultivation base of the Xuanhuang realm, is the well-deserved number one powerhouse in the ancient relic realm!

"I don't know, what kind of opportunity Wujun got in the ancient relic world!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But... this Wujun seems to want to capture me, and it's rude to attack me! If I meet He, there is no need to be polite to him; at that time, I can see what kind of opportunity Wujun got!"

The debate in the teahouse continued.

However, most experts still think that Wujun is stronger! After all, Wu Jun has suppressed the ancient relics for hundreds of millions of years, and his prestige has been deep; and Xu Ming only has this victory, and this battle happened in the Cangyu Great Array without any witnesses. , there is no way to know what Xu Ming's true strength is.


A grand and vast voice resounded throughout Qingluan City. The powerful people in Fanghua Teahouse naturally heard it clearly.

"Qingluan City Battle Stage, the 'Xu Ming Contest for Hegemony' will be held!"

Xu Ming is fighting for hegemony?

"True Xu Ming" looked strange: "What is this?"

The majestic voice continued to sound: "The one who won the championship in the 'Xu Ming Contest for Hegemony' will be able to meet Xu Ming and receive Xu Ming's guidance!"

"What?" Xu Ming's expression became more and more strange, "Can you see me? And get my advice? - Why don't I know this is the case?"

However, the "high imitation Xu Ming" in the teahouse suddenly couldn't calm down.


Gao imitation Xu Ming stood up abruptly, then rushed out of the teahouse and rushed towards the Qingluan City battle platform.

"Uh..." Xu Ming thought for a while, then stood up and went to the Qingluan City battle platform to see what happened.

Many of the other great powers in the teahouse also stood up and said, "The two fake Xu Mings have passed, let's go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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