Break Into Another World

Chapter 1576: sorry to hang up

The Xu clan, in this area, can also be regarded as a prominent family. After all, among the clan, there are quite a few people in the realm of destruction.

But among the clan, the Xu clan members only accounted for a minority; on the contrary, servants and servants accounted for the majority!

Some of these servants and servants came from ruined clans, and some came from other continents "ascended" to the Holy Realm of Destiny.

Among the clan, Xu Ming's residence is already quite good; the high-walled palace is also equipped with hundreds of servants. However... when Xu Ming returned to his residence, he found that a famous servant was walking out.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned these servants, not staying there, where are they going?

Moreover, although hundreds of servants saw Xu Ming, none of them came forward to say hello.

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help but laugh. He has already guessed that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs! These servants, obviously some people are willing to accept them; therefore, all have to flee to other places.

Even if Xu Ming killed these servants directly, it would have nothing to do with them. However, with Xu Ming's demeanor, it wasn't enough to get along with a group of servants. Moreover... these servants are all from the Chaos Realm; if Xu Ming killed them all easily, he would inevitably attract attention.

Xu Ming also wanted to keep a low profile and lead the snake out of the hole; see who in the clan would make things difficult for him, and who would give help.

"Oh! A group of servants! There will be times when they regret..." Xu Ming secretly thought.

Even without mentioning Xu Ming's identity as a "traverser"! Even aside from Xu Ming's "plug-in"! Just that Xu Ming is now a "Nine Rank of the Heavenly Rank", he can easily shake the entire clan to pieces!

The servant also needs to rely on a powerful master! When they find out later that Xu Ming is so powerful, they will naturally regret it.

Xu Ming walked into the residence indifferently.

"Yun Tian?" Xu Ming was surprised to find that there was still a servant in his residence.

Yun Tian used to be a member of the Yun clan. It was only later that the Yun clan was conquered by other clans, and many people in the clan became slaves; this Yun Tian was one of them.

"Why don't you leave?" Xu Ming smiled.

"I..." Yun Tian didn't know how to answer, but her eyes were firm, "I will stay here forever!"

"You have a heart!" Xu Ming smiled, "Everyone else has left, I won't blame you if you leave! I'm very grateful that you can stay until now!"

"I won't go!" Yun Tian said.

"Ha! Let it go!" Xu Ming said indifferently, preparing to go back to the house to practice.

After all, he only needs to restore his cultivation base; coupled with the fact that his destiny is "Ninth Grade Heavenly Grade", he will definitely cultivate a thousand miles in a day.

"Master... Master!" Yun Tian couldn't help shouting, "Young Master Xu Yang came to spread the news, saying that your destiny is a 'first-class human', and he also took away your servants..."

"Xu Yang?" Xu Ming squinted his eyes slightly, not too surprised. This Xu Yang, to put it bluntly, is Xu Peng's dog-leg, "It's okay, leave him alone! When he comes to trouble again next time, settle the account with him once again!"

Xu Ming can't be bothered to waste his time and energy on such a small role.

And Xu Ming was sure that this kind of **** wouldn't come only once; it should be coming again soon.


Before Xu Ming could enter the room, a voice that was neither yin nor yang came from behind him.

"Brother Xu Ming, why did you come back?" Xu Yang sneered, "Awakened to the fate of a first-rank human being, how dare you stay at the altar?"

"Is something wrong?" Xu Ming just said lightly.

"It's something!" Xu Yang continued with a sneer, "Brother Xu Ming, you should know your status in the clan now! With your status, are you not qualified to have servants? Your servants are going to defect. Me, it should be normal, right?"

Xu Ming smiled noncommittally and quietly watched the performance of the other party.

"Since your servant is willing to be with me, then it's naturally mine! But... I heard, brother Xu Ming, you forcibly kept a servant?" Xu Yang's eyes turned to Yun Tian, ​​and he reprimanded, "I still Don't come over for me!"

Xu Yang robbing Xu Ming's servant was naturally arranged by Xu Peng. The purpose... Obviously, it is to damage Xu Ming's face first; in this way, if Xu Peng comes over to "do the right thing" and **** the ancient divine rune, it will be much easier! If Xu Ming is still the original Xu Ming, then there is no problem with Xu Peng's plan!

It's a pity that Xu Peng didn't know that Xu Ming had changed his personality!

It was replaced by someone he couldn't afford to offend!

"I..." Yun Tian was reprimanded, naturally a little scared, but still gritted her teeth, "I'm not going to your place!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look up at Yun Tian. Now, although Yun Tian's identity is only a servant, she is undoubtedly a person of great love!

Based on this alone, in Xu Ming's eyes, Yun Tian is more worthy of his friendship than most people in the clan.

"Huh?" Xu Yang's face suddenly sank! Naturally, he wanted to **** all Xu Ming's servants away, which would damage Xu Ming's face the most. Now, a loyal servant has appeared, and even his reprimands are useless; in this way, not only did Xu Ming lose much face, but Xu Yang himself lost a lot of face!

Being pushed back by a servant is indeed a bit humiliating.

"You dare not obey my orders!?" Xu Yang shouted angrily.

"I..." Although Yun Tian was afraid, her attitude was still firm.

"Xu Yang!" Xu Ming shouted softly, "My people, when will it be your turn to point fingers? Get out!"

"Go away? Xu Ming, how dare you tell me to go away!?" Xu Yang was instantly angry that he had just awakened the fate of the third-grade earth-level, which was already a good fate for him; Xu Ming, who has a "human-level first-class" fate, was reprimanded!

How could Xu Yang not be angry?

"You dare to scold me!?" Xu Yang said coldly, "My Xu Ming clan brother, my clan brother, will learn from you and help you move the divine body! Do you have any opinion?"

Xu Yang obviously wanted to cook Xu Ming in the name of

"You... learn from me?" Xu Ming couldn't help but laugh.

A first-order chaotic realm cultivation base dared to come up to Xu Ming to discuss... In such a situation, Xu Ming was embarrassed to hang up!

If this is the case, it is simply an insult to the cheating! Killing chickens and slaughtering dogs, why plug in?

"What? Are you afraid!?" Xu Yang snorted coldly, "If you are afraid, hand over this maid! Then apologize to me, and forget about it!"

Xu Yang came here on Xu Peng's order, so naturally he tried his best to damage Xu Ming's face!

If Xu Ming took the initiative to hand over the maid under his coercion, then Xu Ming would definitely lose face!

"Afraid?" Xu Ming shook his head and said lightly, "No! I accept your experience!"

Xu Ming looked at Xu Yang indifferently, since he dared to be a dog, he must be prepared to be beaten.

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