Break Into Another World

Chapter 1597: 0 years in a hurry

"How to deal with it?"

Xu Ming waved his hand, indicating that the lone gunman can decide what to do.

"Yes!" The Lone Gunner respectfully backed away from Xu Ming, and then turned his attention to the leader of the Cast Sky Alliance.

"Lord Zhutian!" The Lone Gunner resumed his domineering attitude and said lightly, "I remember... In Yuxin City, it seems that there have never been Danyang Pavilion, Senluo Palace, Fenghuo Pavilion, Wudingxuan and other forces? Remember it wrong?"

The Zhutian Alliance Master understood, and naturally understood the meaning of the Lone Gunner in seconds, and also echoed: "Yes! There have never been such forces!"

The masters of the Danyang Pavilion and other forces suddenly turned pale - just these two simple dialogues, the death sentence of these forces has been pronounced!

They want to ask for forgiveness, but under the oppression of Nirvana, they can't even speak or transmit sound! Can only stand in endless fear, waiting for the arrival of the death judgment!

The smashing of the Danyang Pavilion and other forces seems to damage the face of Moyin Mall; but in fact, it sets off the power of Moyin Mall and Xu Ming!

The entire Yuxincheng remembered what happened on the opening day of Moyin Mall!

Especially the fourth-grade forces in Yuxin City, they are even more careful - there were several fourth-grade forces even more arrogant than them, who dared to provoke Moyin Mall; now, those arrogant fourth-grade forces The resident, the weeds are already several feet high!

Even, there is no other force that dares to settle in these deserted stations; for fear that it will annoy Moyin Mall.

In any case, Moyin Mall is already in Yuxin City, and it became a hit!

The novel and convenient sales model of Moyin Mall quickly conquered the entire Yuxincheng. Even the business of the sixth-rank forces such as Fenghuo Pavilion has been greatly impacted!

And the sixth-rank forces such as Fenghuo Pavilion did not dare to have any opinions at all, and even came to congratulate Moyin Mall on the booming business - after all, the mysterious Xu Ming in Moyin Mall, but the existence of "Shaoyuzhu" have to nod and bow down. !

What other forces dare to provoke Moyin Mall in Yuxin City?

Heavenly Heart Realm.

The Lone Gunner looked excited and frantic, looking at the back of the green-robed long-haired old man in front of him.

"Brother Ming is really interesting!" The Lone Gunner secretly said in his heart, "He actually helped me get Senior Palm's shot!"

Last time, Senior Palm God just touched his head lightly and helped him break through the shackles from the Great Desolate Realm to the Realm of Everything!

"This time... Senior Palm God, what will I feel like?" The Lone Gunner was looking forward to it and was uneasy, but he would never have thought that "Senior Palm God" and "Xu Ming" were actually the same person!

If one day, the Lone Gunner knows the truth, I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Just when the Lone Gunner was nervously looking forward to it, "Senior Palm God" slowly turned around.

Later, the Lone Gunner saw that Senior Palm gave him a kind and satisfied smile: "Well! The hairstyle is good!"


The scorching sun shines on the bald head of the Lone Gunner.

However, the Lone Gunner didn't feel anything wrong with the word "hairstyle", but was very excited: "Brother Ming will not deceive me! Senior Palm God really likes bald heads!"

"Come on, stick your head out..."

This time, without the need for "Senior Palm God" to finish speaking, the Lone Gunner took the initiative to put his head in front of "Senior Palm God", waiting to be played and tasted.

Xu Ming was not pretentious, and directly covered the "tea egg head" of the lone gunner with his hand, and opened the "Guide to the Way"!

Because during this period of time, Moyin Mall operated well and earned a lot of hanging points; therefore, Xu Ming did not hesitate to guide, and directly guided the cultivation path of the Lone Gunner to the peak of the realm of all things!

If the Lone Gunner can continue to perform well in the future, Xu Ming may not be able to guide him to the realm of destruction, or even to the realm of Nirvana!

If a human-level first-rank Fate can be cultivated to the Realm of Destruction and Nirvana, this will definitely be a legend!

Xu Ming did not know that in the endless future, after this era of chaos was destroyed... The Lone Gunner really became a legend!

A hundred years have passed in an instant.

During this nearly 100 years, Xu Ming has continuously expanded the scale of Moyin Mall.

In the vicinity of Pantianyu, there are hundreds of Yuxincheng, and the shadow of Moyin Mall appeared. Moreover, every Moyin mall has a very good business.

In just a hundred years, Xu Ming has earned hundreds of millions of Chaos Origin Stones and tens of millions of Chaos Origin Crystals! Even... even the middle-grade Chaos Origin Crystal and the top-grade Chaos Origin Crystal that were exchanged for level 19 and 20 hanging points, Xu Ming made a lot of money.

You know... Hanging points is strength!

With so many hanging points, when Xu Ming returns to the future and returns to endless chaos, his strength will inevitably soar!

At that time, Xu Ming will be able to uncover more secrets in the endless chaos! -Xu Ming always felt that the endless chaos is not as simple as he saw on the surface, and there must be many secrets hidden!

for example…

Gu Hanmo, where did he go?

Where is the "Eternal Hall" where even Jian Lao and Qingluan Boundary Master are silent?

There are other kinds... All of these can only be revealed one by one when Xu Ming's strength is strong enough!

"Unfortunately... I have been running Moyin Mall for a hundred years, but I didn't earn a level 21 hanging point!" Xu Ming was very curious - what treasures are there on the Chaos Origin Crystal, which can be exchanged for a level 21 hanging point?

The level 21 hanging point corresponds to the level of the domain master realm!

"By the way, the 100-year period has come, and it seems that I still have a battle!" Xu Ming secretly said.

A hundred years ago, Xu Peng of the Xu clan, relying on his prefecture-level seventh-rank fate, made an appointment to fight Xu Ming, and in a battle a hundred years later, the bet is Xu Ming's "Prime Talisman"!

At that time... Xu Ming directly linked it with "attribute modification", locking Xu Peng's cultivation realm!

"That Xu Peng, his current cultivation base must still be the first-order Chaos Realm!" Xu Ming smiled, "I don't know if that kid has doubts about life?"

Doubt about life?

As early as a hundred years ago, Xu Peng had doubts about life!

Even though he is a seventh-grade prefecture-level destiny, he hasn't improved his cultivation for a hundred years—Xu Peng has been able to live strong to this day, and his psychological quality is already very good!

"It's time to go back to the clan!"

Xu Ming has no feelings for the Xu But since there is still an appointment battle, Xu Ming will definitely go back to fight!

Pantianyuyu Heart City.

Ten Thousand Medicine Hall.

Elder Baicao, who had been in retreat for nearly a hundred years, suddenly woke up from the retreat: "That terrifying existence has finally replied to my message!?"


In front of Elder Baicao, a water curtain image suddenly appeared.

If Xu Ming was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the figure in the water curtain image was precisely the one who was forced into the river of time by him... Huang Yu!

Some brothers seem to have guessed what happened to me... Thank you for your concern, and I will officially announce it after a while!

Today is another update, thank you for your understanding!

(End of this chapter)

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