Break Into Another World

Chapter 1604: Mercury retrograde

"I see! I know what's going on with the 'combat power lock'!"

Xu Peng's punches roared! The power of the Profound Yellow Realm is beyond doubt!

However, Xu Ming felt an abnormality on top of this punch: "This punch... seems to be a bit crooked!"


A little crooked!

Xu Peng's punch was clearly aimed at Xu Ming angrily. But for some reason, when this punch was close to Xu Ming, most of the power was directed towards the void around Xu Ming; only a very small part of the power was directed at Xu Ming.

And this very little part of the power is only the combat power of "Fourth-Order Chaos Realm"!

"I understand!" Xu Ming secretly said, "'Battle power lock' is not to prevent Xu Peng from exerting a combat power that exceeds the fourth-order Chaos Realm; it is to let him play no matter how high the combat power is, it will fall on me. , it can only have the power of the fourth-order Chaos Realm, it can't be higher!"

It was just the power of the fourth-order Chaos Realm. Xu Ming did not dodge or evade his strength at all. He directly used the strength of the "fifth-order Chaos Realm" that had been shown in the clan before, and he easily blocked it.


Xu Ming resisted Xu Peng's move and did not move. On the contrary, Xu Peng was shocked back.



Xu Tianfeng, Xu Tianchen and other powerful clans were a little confused: "How can this happen?"

You must know that Xu Peng is a real powerhouse in the Xuanhuang realm! There is absolutely no doubt about the power of that punch just now!

And Xu Ming, obviously, what he showed just now was only the power of the fifth-order Chaos Realm!

But why... Xu Ming didn't move, but Xu Peng was shocked back?

The powers watching the battle have extremely vicious eyesight; naturally, it can be seen that the main reason for this scene is that Xu Peng did not play well, and the punch went wrong...

The cultivation base of Xuanhuangjing, bullying Chaos Realm, even punched crookedly?

It's so **** stupid, isn't it?

This is like killing chickens with a bull's knife, and as a result... the bull's knife went wrong!

"Xu Peng's psychological quality doesn't seem to be very good..." The elders of the Xu family couldn't think of other reasons, so they had to attribute the reason to Xu Peng's poor psychological quality.

"Cough cough..." Xu Tianfeng was naturally embarrassed when he saw his son behave like this, "It may be that my son has just broken through the Xuanhuang realm and has not fully adapted to the power of the Xuanhuang realm! The next punch will definitely be the winner. !"

"That's right!"

"It should be so!"

The other elders and experts in the clan also echoed the words of Elder Xu Tianfeng. After all, they couldn't think of any other reason besides that.

on the battlefield.

"Sure enough!" After Xu Ming made a move with Xu Peng, he confirmed the conjecture in his heart and knew the effect of "combat lock", "Xu Peng's attack was really locked in chaos. At the fourth level of the realm, what about Xu Peng's defense?"

Combat power, but includes attack, defense and many other aspects!

Because Xu Peng "played crookedly", the power of Xuanhuang Realm fell on Xu Ming, and only the power of "Fourth-Order Chaos Realm" remained.

Now, what Xu Ming is curious about is—how would the defense of Xu Peng's Xuanhuang Realm be weakened to the fourth-order Chaos Realm?

"Try to attack!" Xu Ming thought to himself.


Before Xu Peng could react from the stunned situation, Xu Ming directly attacked Xu Peng.


"Xu Ming dares to attack?"

The powerful people around the battlefield were dumbfounded.

In their opinion, Xu Ming is only in the Chaos Realm, but Xu Peng is in the Xuanhuang Realm! If Xu Ming didn't take good care of the defense, it would be fine, but he still dared to fight back and attack? - When did the Chaos Realm become so arrogant?

Xu Tianfeng even snorted coldly: "I don't know whether to live or die! My son just let him make a move, and he even slapped his nose on his face!"

But then, Xu Tianfeng, Xu Tianchen and many other masters were all more dumbfounded.

They saw that... Xu Peng actually punched crooked again, and Xu Ming's attack not only "coincidentally" landed on Xu Peng's vital position, but also triggered an effect similar to a "crit". The landing is perfectly vented on Xu Peng's divine body!

Even... because Xu Peng was in a hurry, his own attacking power also affected himself a little...

"I hit myself? This is all right?" Around the battlefield, the onlookers were in a mess, expressing that they were drunk - this Xu Peng, is it too careless?


Xu Peng was knocked to the ground by one move, and even his divine body was slightly damaged.

"This..." Xu Peng never thought that this battle would turn out like this... He existed in the Xuanhuang realm, and he was at a disadvantage when fighting against an opponent of the fifth-order combat power in the chaos realm...

This is too frustrating!

"I..." Xu Peng reviewed the two fights just now, "I lost my mind! I have to be more serious!"

"Xu Ming!" Xu Peng shouted, "Don't think that you are lucky enough to hurt me, how incredible it is! The next move, you will definitely lose!"


This time, Xu Peng did not dare to be careless, and even showed his sword.

But the weird thing is... Xu Peng's attack this time is still wrong! Moreover, in turn, he was kicked by Xu Ming! Moreover, Xu Ming took advantage of his strength and once again relied on the power of Xu Peng's attack to hurt Xu Peng.

"Why..." Xu Peng got up from the ground again. At this moment, he was so depressed that he doubted his life, "How could this happen!?"

The cultivation of the Xuanhuangjing has been crushed by the combat power of only the fifth-order Chaos Realm for three consecutive moves... This kind of thing, no one will believe it!

But what the **** happened!

"Cough, cough!" Elder Xu Tianfeng, who was under the stage, didn't know how to help his son to smooth things out, so he had to say embarrassingly, "It should be that my son is too nervous..."


The great experts of the Xu clan were speechless one after another - the dignified Xuanhuang Realm, what's so nervous about dealing with a Chaos Realm?


Xu Peng, who suffered three consecutive losses, was indeed nervous.

"Damn it!" Xu Peng didn't believe in evil, "Xu Ming, take my ultimate move - Heaven and Earth Destroy!"


The dignified Xuanhuang Realm exists, and when dealing with a Chaos Realm, he was forced to use his ultimate move.

Xu Tianfeng even hurriedly shouted, "Be careful! You can't kill Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming has refined the ancient divine rune! If Xu Ming were to die, then Xu Peng would never have thought of obtaining the ancient divine rune.

However, when Xu Tianfeng shouted, it was too late! Xu Peng's ultimate move was already killing Xu Ming.


Just when all the powers watching the battle felt that Xu Ming would definitely die... a strange scene appeared again!

I saw Xu Ming "stagger" in the void, and he "just happened" to avoid Xu Peng's ultimate move again.

"Pfft!" There was already an almighty Xu Shi who vomited blood!

A staggering to avoid the ultimate move? - This is too **** coincidental, isn't it?

And... Void Walk, why would I stumble upon a trip? —There is nothing in the void to stumble upon!

However, no matter how unbelievable Xu's powers are, all of this is so coincidental! And, it happened right before their eyes.

What is even more unacceptable to the public is that after Xu Ming avoided Xu Peng's ultimate move with "a stagger", he lifted his foot and kicked Xu Peng's back casually, and actually "just" hit Xu Peng's key point again! Not only did Xu Peng eat his own ultimate move, but he was also kicked out of the battlefield.

"This..." Xu Tianfeng vomited blood, "My son... is not in good condition! Not in good condition!"

bad mood?

See it! - The state is more than "bad", it's just that the Mercury is retrograde!

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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