Break Into Another World

Chapter 1607: ambush

After the arrival of the masters of the Domain Lord's Mansion such as the Lone Gunner, they naturally took control of the entire Xu family in an instant.

After all, Xu's current strongest combat power is at best in the Destruction Realm; and the Lone Gunner, even the existence of Nirvana Realm, brought two over here! Anyone who exists in the Nirvana state can easily suppress the Xu Clan.

"Brother Ming, how do you deal with these people!?" The lone gunman was fierce and looked like a dog's leg.

"Forget it!" Xu Ming shook his head and sighed, "From today on, I will leave the clan and have no grudges with the Xu family!"

Although Xu's actions were excessive, after all, this was the power that Xu Ming was born with now! Moreover, the parents of this divine body also tried their best to revitalize the Xu family before they fell; Xu Ming, now, naturally, it is not easy to make a move to destroy the Xu family.

If that's the case, then leave the clan and cut off the ties!

"But..." Suddenly, Xu Ming looked at Elder Xu Tianfeng and said, "You can't cheat on the bet you lost to me!"

"This..." Elder Xu Tianfeng was startled - of course he doesn't dare to be rude now! However, from the very beginning, he never thought that his son would lose to Xu Ming; therefore, he did not prepare any bets at all!

For a while, Xu Tianfeng couldn't make any bets at all.

"Huh?" Without Xu Ming's words, the face of the dog-legged gunman sank, with a strong sense of threat.

The Xu Clan's great power was agitated, and the elders did not dare to hesitate, and they made up enough chaotic source crystals for Xu Tianfeng, and honestly sent them to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming calmly accepted it.

Although, after Xu Ming's Moyin Mall was completely spread out in the Holy Land of Destiny, he really couldn't look down on such a chaotic source crystal. But this was a wager in a gambling battle, and Xu Ming took it for granted.

"Thank you!" After leaving the Xu family, Xu Ming said casually to the lone gunner.

"Brother Ming, what are you talking about!" The Lone Gunner's face became solemn, and he said in fear, "You said 'thank you', aren't you hitting me in the face? If it wasn't for you to help me in front of Senior Palm God After a few words, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I have now!"

Senior Palm God?

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

Maybe... The Lone Gunner would never know or dare to imagine that the Xu Ming in front of him was actually the same person as the palm **** he was in awe of!

"However... this lone gunman's favor is easy to repay!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "When you have time, go to Tianxinjie and touch his head, this favor will be more than enough!"

at this time.

In the mountains far away from Xu's "Thirty Million Realms".

Above the mountains, every fallen leaf is comparable to the size of a chaotic world; every ancient tree is thousands of worlds high; every mountain peak is more than 100,000 worlds high!

This is just a very ordinary mountain range in the Destiny Sacred Realm.

In the mountains, there are three masters hidden.

Two of the black and stern figures are experts in the Destruction Realm; the other is the "Elder Hundred Herbs" of the Ten Thousand Medicine Hall that Xu Ming stepped on.

"Baicao, are you sure that Yun Tian has entered the Xu Clan again?" One of the shattered realm powerhouses with blood-colored eyebrows said in a low voice. Obviously, he is still a little jealous of the Xu family; after all, there are quite a lot of Xu family's Destruction Realm powerhouses.

"Yes!" Elder Baicao said, "In this mountain range, with my eyeliner, I'm sure Yun Tian has returned to the Xu family!"

"A step late!" The blood-brow powerhouse snorted, "If you could arrive earlier and intercept Yun Tian outside of the Xu family, then it would be easy to do things... It's a pity! Now, we can only wait for Yun Tian to come out from the Xu family. It's gone!"

"Yeah!" Another Destruction Realm powerhouse, with an inverted triangle "囧" eyebrows, was very happy, "Just wait here! When Yun Tian comes out from the Xu family and goes to Yuxin City, it must be through the mountains!"

"Not bad!" said the blood-brow powerhouse, "It is said that... Yun Tian was in the Yuxin City, and actually climbed the relationship with the Domain Lord's Mansion! We must catch her before she enters the Yuxin City; otherwise, let her be captured. When she enters Yuxin City, it will not be easy to deal with her!"


Before the blood-brow powerhouse and the down-brow powerhouse came, they never thought that it would be so troublesome to capture a mere Yun Tian! - Yun Tian was in the Xu family, and they didn't dare to rush in to capture it; Yun Tian entered Yuxin City, and they didn't dare to capture it! Therefore, it can only be done from the outside world.

"Two seniors!" Elder Baicao said, "This Yun Tian is a waste maid of the Xu family, and usually follows that waste! When the time comes, when the two capture Yun Tian, ​​please also capture Xu Ming. Come down, avenge me!"

Elder Baicao still remembered Xu Ming's revenge for his humiliation.

"Waste?" The brow powerhouse sneered, "Then you are suppressed by a waste, what is it!?"

"This..." Elder Baicao was speechless for a moment.

"Humph!" The man with the downturned brow snorted again, "But... don't worry! Since you are faithful in doing things, we will not see you being bullied in vain! We will pay you back for your revenge!"

We were chatting for three days.

Suddenly, the eyes of the blood-brow powerhouse lit up: "Someone is coming from the Xu family in this direction! It seems to be... Yun Tian!"

The eyes of the strong eyebrows also shot through the endless distance: "You came out of the Xu family so quickly? God helps us! Huh - but, there are dozens of people around Yun Tian!"

The blood-brow powerhouses and the down-brow powerhouses couldn't help but feel a little jealous: "Could it be... is the powerhouse of the Xu clan who came out with Yun Tian!? - Let's see if there are any elders of the Xu clan!"

The blood-brow powerhouse and the down-brow powerhouse were even carefully identified.

The elders of the Xu clan all possess the cultivation base of the Destruction Realm, and their strength is not inferior to them.

After identifying it carefully, the two of them showed joy, and they immediately felt relieved: "There is no Elder Xu in this group of people!"

After a while, Elder Baicao could also see Yun Tian and Xu Ming.

"It's him!" Elder Baicao shouted excitedly, "The one next to Yun Tian is Xu's waste!"

"Baicao, take a closer look, are there any strong people among this group of people?" said the blood-brow strong man - he had already felt that the dozens of people around Yun Tian were not strong!

"Stronger?" Elder Baicao took a closer look and said with certainty, "No! They are all unfamiliar faces! Unless...they are disguised so that I can't recognize them!"

"Disguise? No!" The blood-brow powerhouse believes in If there is a disguise, I will definitely see through it! If you want to hide the breath of dozens of people at the same time, unless there are several Nirvana realm powerhouses together, you can escape our perception! "

Several Nirvana realm together to cover up the breath?

The blood brow powerhouse does not think that there will be a Nirvana realm powerhouse who will help Yun Tian and others cover up their breath when they are idle! And... a Nirvana realm powerhouse is not enough, at least two or more must be at the same time to cover up the breath, in order to hide the perception of the blood-brow powerhouse and the down-brow powerhouse.

"It should be a mob!" Elder Baicao said.

"It's a chance to do it!" The man with the downturned eyebrows also said.

"Yeah!" The blood-brow powerhouse sneered, "Then let's capture Yun Tian!"


The blood-brow powerhouse and the down-brow powerhouse would never have imagined that there were really two Nirvana realm existences, and they were bored by Xu Ming and Yun Tian!

(End of this chapter)

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