Break Into Another World

Chapter 1614: It's worth dying

"It's okay, there will be more Destruction Realms, waiting for you to sweep!"

Of course Xu Ming knew why Yun Tian was so excited! After all, crushing an enemy whose cultivation base is higher than himself is a very cool thing! Xu Ming often does this kind of thing.

Oh no, not "often" but "every day".

Outside the blood cloud magic formation, Yaoxian's anger continued to echo in the void: "The people of the palm formation in the formation, speak to me!"

"Ignore him!" Xu Ming said, "Let him shout!"

"Yeah!" Yun Tian naturally obeyed Xu Ming's words.

As time went by, the powerhouses from the various domains of the Destiny Sacred Realm gradually arrived at the Blood Cloud Demon Formation.

Most of the powerhouses who came behind were not stupid; seeing the powerhouses who arrived early, they all stood outside the blood cloud magic formation and did not enter, and most of them naturally did not dare to enter.

Only a few impulsive, or rather... stupid, would rush into the Blood Cloud Demon Formation foolishly, and then be swept out by Yun Tian's sword energy.

"Damn it!" Being ravaged by a weak existence at the beginning of the realm of all things, the powerhouses who were swept out were naturally very angry, but they were helpless.

The blood cloud magic formation, suppressing millions of worlds, how huge!

There are only a few thousand people from the Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm who have come from the various domains of the Destiny Sacred Realm one after another; standing around such a huge blood cloud magic formation, it is naturally sparse.

The saint of Kunshan was alone, standing in the corner of the blood cloud magic formation, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the people in the formation are waiting for more people to gather..."

The Kunshan Saint faintly guessed some of the intentions of the person in charge of the formation.

boom! boom! boom! …

At this time, there are several tyrannical momentum coming.

"Oh? It's the powerhouse in the ancient temple!" The Kunshan saint glanced.

The Immemorial Temple is the absolute center of the Destiny Sacred Realm. The powerhouse from the ancient temple has a special status.

Of course, the Kunshan saints will not be very afraid of the powerhouses of the ancient temple. After all, the strength of Nirvana represents an extraordinary status!

Among these tyrannical auras, there is one person that Xu Ming knew... Huang Yu!

"Oh? Huang Yu is here too!" In the blood cloud magic formation, Xu Ming couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Isn't he talking about the current situation?

"Huang Yu, it should have come from the Primordial Temple..." Xu Ming pondered, "Having come so far, then... most of the interested powerhouses should have already arrived!"

In this case...

Xu Ming's eyes shone with light, this is the light of greed!

"Then let's start!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

"Everyone from the Destiny Sacred Realm!" Xu Ming said in a loud voice, his voice rumbling and spreading throughout the millions of realms around the Blood Cloud Demon Formation, "Everyone came from afar, should it be for Yun's treasure?"

The Yun clan is the inheritance left by the ancestors of the blood cloud, and there are many branches in the various domains of the holy world.

All the forces in the holy world of destiny are guessing which branch of the Yun clan is in control of the real treasure left by the ancestors of the blood cloud. Like Huang Yu, the guess is the Pan Tianyu Yun Clan where Yun Tian is located.

Of course, now, no one of the thousands of great powers outside the Blood Cloud Demon Formation knows which branch of the Yun clan the person in charge of the formation is from. After all...they couldn't even see the silhouette of the person in charge.

And Huang Yu, also did not know, he even guessed right! It is Yun Tian who knows where the real Yun's treasure is!

At this time, Xu Ming continued: "I started the Blood Cloud Demon Formation, but it was just an unintentional act; I didn't expect that there would be so many powerful people interested in my Yun's treasure! It seems... in my Yun's treasure, There must be something extraordinary!"

When Xu Ming spoke, it was completely a "man in charge" attitude. After all, Yun Tian would definitely not be able to do something like bragging about flickering people, so Brother Ming still had to act in person.

"I just unintentionally opened Yun's treasure..." Xu Ming continued to flicker, "I know that with my strength, I am afraid that I am not enough to possess the extraordinary things in the treasure; therefore, I don't plan to force it! But ...It's impossible for me to hand over the treasure to others!"

"Boy! What are you going to do!?" Yaoxian shouted coldly.

"I don't have any ambitions either..." Xu Ming said lightly, as if it were true, "I just want to take this opportunity to earn a little Chaos Origin Crystal!"

Xu Ming showed his fox tail to deceive these mighty Chaos Origin Crystals!

You must know that the powerhouses in the realm of destruction usually use middle-grade chaotic source crystals; If you can fool a wave of chaotic source crystals, then... the 19th level hanging point and the 20th level hanging point will all be there!

"From now on..." Xu Ming continued, "Whoever produces the highest chaotic source crystal and meets my psychological expectations, I will let him enter the blood cloud magic circle! I can tell you clearly that the core of the blood cloud magic circle , there is a portal to Yun's treasure!"

Xu Ming's voice fell, and around the blood cloud magic formation, there was no powerful voice for a while.

Everyone could hear what Xu Ming meant by "meeting psychological expectations"? Obviously, Xu Ming will definitely ask for different quantities and levels of Chaos Source Crystals according to the level of cultivation and strength!

Like a strong person in the Nirvana Realm, I am afraid that they have to take out the high-grade Chaos Source Crystal in order to meet Xu Ming's psychological expectations.

For a time, there is no one who is the first to jump out of the quotation.

After a long time, Yaoxian shouted coldly: "The kid inside... How dare you charge us tolls!?"

Xu Ming guarded the entrance of Yun's treasure and asked the great masters for the Chaos Source Crystal. Isn't that the equivalent of collecting tolls?

"Humph!" Yaoxian snorted coldly, "Boy, I advise you to quickly withdraw from the formation and let us in! Otherwise... When the power of the formation is exhausted and the formation dissipates, I will kill you!"

"Surely take my life?" Xu Ming was startled.

Ouch I'm going!

It's really bigger than your feet!

However, Brother Ming was also provoked!

"Everyone outside the formation!" Xu Ming shouted loudly, "If anyone can take Yaoxian's life, I would like to be the first to let him enter Yun's Treasure! And it's free!"

"What!?" Yaoxian's face suddenly changed. This is really cruel!

Sure enough, around the Blood Cloud Demon Formation, the eyes of other powerhouses suddenly lit up. As long as they took Yaoxian's life, they would be the first to enter Yun's treasure! And it's free to enter!

At this moment, Yaoxian, in the eyes of the surrounding great powers, is no longer a powerhouse of Destruction Realm, but... a bunch of sparkling treasures!

A lot of great powers have already shown evil and evil smiles at Yaoxian; moreover, most of them are great powers of Nirvana!

And Yaoxian, who was about to cry but had no tears, was so scared that she wanted to pull out her legs and ran away. Why should she talk too much...



Being stared at by a group of Nirvana realm powers, how to run?

"Brother Yaoxian!" Kunshan sage grinned, "Offended! Don't worry... You didn't die in vain, but it's worth dying!"

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