Break Into Another World

Chapter 1631: There are 0 people outside the city who want to hit you

After negotiating the "settlement" auction, Xu Ming settled down in the City of Death.

In the city of death, there is silence and tranquility.

However, after hearing that the powerhouses in the Holy Land of Destiny were going to auction the places to enter the Tower of Immortality, they suddenly became restless.

"A place to enter the Tower of Immortality? Is there really an auction!?"

He is a Nirvana realm powerhouse! And he is still the most powerful one among the Nirvana realm powerhouses!

"Yes! Master!" Beside the old man, a girl in green clothes bowed.

"That's great!" In the eyes of the old man, all light erupted in vain, and he seemed to see hope again, "In this life, I have been in the holy realm of destiny; below the domain master, it is rare to find an opponent! Less than one opponent! It's just... hate that, no matter what, I can't comprehend the 'real realm'!"

If you can't comprehend the "true self", you can't set foot in the domain master realm! When this chaotic era is shattered, it can only be turned into dust!

Only by comprehending the realm of "true self", then even if the era of chaos is shattered, one can continue to survive!

"If I can't comprehend the 'real self', then the only hope I have left is the tower of immortality..." the old man murmured, "It's a pity... the eight immortal swords are all in the hands of all forces! Enter the tower of immortality. There are only so many places, and I am not a direct line of those forces, so it is not my turn at all..."

Now, when I heard that there is an auction of places to enter the Immortal Tower, the old man instantly decided to go to the City of Death!

"The City of Death, I haven't been there for hundreds of millions of epochs... Let's take a look!" The old man stood up, "But... the auction quota is said to be only a low-level Nirvana realm? Haha! It's so naive, a low-level Nirvana realm, why? May be qualified to control the immortal sword; in the end, is it not a wedding dress for others?"

Thousands of people who compete for Yun's treasures exist in the Realm of Destruction and Nirvana, and of course they also heard the news of the auction.

"What!? The Immortal Sword appeared in the City of Death?"

"What!? Someone is auctioning off a place to enter the Immortal Tower?"

These powerhouses were still inquiring in various places, looking for the trace of the immortal sword; suddenly, they heard that the immortal sword appeared in the city of death.

After thousands of strong people heard the news, their first reaction was - who is it! ?

Who finally got the Immortal Sword?

Who made them thousands of powerhouses go round and round?

Soon, they got the answer - Xu Ming!

"Xu Ming?"

"Xu Ming from Moyin Mall?"

Xu Ming's reputation is actually not very loud in the holy world of destiny.

After leaving Pantianyu, the only person who knew Xu Ming in other places was the owner of Moyin Mall.

However, the powerhouses in the Destruction Realm and Nirvana Realm don't like to go to the Moyin Mall to do business; therefore, Xu Ming's "upper level" in the Destiny Holy Realm can almost be said to have little reputation.

"A nameless **** who relies on Pan Tianyu's master, how dare he make fun of so many of our powerhouses!?" These thousands of powerhouses were all angry!

"That's right! Now, the Lord of Pantian Territory has fallen! Such a nameless soldier, in the Holy Realm of Destiny, doesn't even count as a fart, if he says he's crushed to death, he'll be crushed to death!"

"I can't say the same - judging from the strength he showed in Ximoyu, he also has the strength of the low-level Nirvana realm!"

"Lower Nirvana Realm? Not an ant yet!?"

"Kill! Go to the City of Death!"

"Humph! You've made fun of us, and you dare to show up for auction places like this, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

A strong man, all angrily rushed to the city of death.

Pantianyu, Yuxincheng.

"What!? It's Xu Ming!?"

Mandaoren, Wuye, and Huanxin finally understood at this time—obviously, Xu Ming must have obtained the Immortal Sword, and he deliberately spread rumors that the Immortal Sword was on them!

Therefore, the three people of Mandao were "humiliated" by thousands of strong people.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" The Taoist Man was furious, "How dare you use this method to deal with me! - When you go to the city of death, you must make Xu Ming look good! Also, by the way, he will also arrest the Lone Gunner. It's gone!"

"Too hateful!" Wuye and Huanxin also gritted their teeth.

Ancient Temple.

Huang Yu knelt down weakly at the residence, the whole person was very decadent, as if he had lost his soul!

That's horrible!

In the position of the blood cloud magic formation, after he was taken away by the powerhouses with special hobbies, everything he experienced... It was really tragic!

Terrible, can't even describe it!

Going back to the "past" against the current of time, but being given to that... It's miserable to think about!

If it wasn't for Huang Yu's psychological endurance, he would have died of shame and anger! Being able to live to this day shows that... Huang Yu is very strong!

"The treasure has been robbed. If you leave the Primordial Temple, you may be caught and humiliated by those people again..."

Huang Yu really didn't know how to go in the future.

too difficult!


Huang Yu got a message.

"Walking through the city of death, will auctions be made to enter the Immortal Tower? The auctioneer is... Xu Ming!?"

Huang Yu figured out in an instant, the scenes she experienced in Yun's treasure...

"It's Xu Ming... deliberately trying to trick me!!" Huang Yu finally understood!

"Too bullying!" Huang Yu roared silently.

When she was in the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm, Huang Yu was forced to enter the long river of time because she lost to Xu Ming and returned to this chaotic era.

In the holy world of destiny, he was once again suspected of life by Xu Ming...

"Xu Ming! Xu Ming!" Huang Yu gritted his teeth, his eyes were splitting.


Huang Yu didn't even think about it - in the mysterious realm of Divine Phoenix, if he hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Xu Ming, how could he have ended up in this chaotic era? In the Sacred World of Destiny, if he hadn't repeatedly sent people to attack Xu Ming, how could he have been trapped like this by Xu Ming?

Moreover, Xu Ming didn't really entrap Huang Yu; if you want to blame it, you can only blame Huang Yu... You have a bad fate!

"Xu Ming... Originally I didn't want to touch you! After all, we are all from the future, from the mystical realm of Divine Phoenix! But now... you forced me!" Huang Yu's eyes were burning with anger, "In that case, I will take you Tell the 'Future League' about the news of this chaotic era!"

The Future Alliance is composed of geniuses from endless chaos!

In the Sacred World of Destiny, only a strong person like Huang Yu who came from the "future" will understand the true meaning of the three words "future alliance".

"Future League... is definitely interested in a genius like you!"

There was a grin in Huang Yu's eyes.

"His—" Immediately, he couldn't help baring his teeth in pain—it turned out that the wound below was torn open again.

Walking dead city.

The lone gunman suddenly hurried in: "Brother Ming! Brother Ming! It's not good!"

"Calm down!" Xu Ming glanced at the Lone Gunner lightly, took a sip of tea, and asked, "What's the matter, so panic?"

"Brother Ming..." The lone gunman was full of horror, "Outside the city...Outside the city..."

"What's outside the city?" Xu Ming frowned slightly - how could he say nothing?

"There are thousands of strong people outside the city who want to beat you..."

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