Break Into Another World

Chapter 1671: Xu Ming's disciples

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Only one punch, the outcome is already divided!


Gu Yanying was shocked—you must know that Ye Xuan and Bai Qingqiu were originally his disciples; he naturally knew their strengths well! In his opinion, Ye Xuan should win Bai Qingqiu steadily!


On the stage, it turned out that Ye Xuan was defeated by one punch!

Of course, there is a reason for Ye Xuan's carelessness; but if it wasn't for Bai Qingqiu's strength, he would definitely not be able to do it!

"Could it be that I'm wrong? This Bai Qingqiu is the real genius?" Gu Yanying couldn't help thinking.

"This..." Ye Xuan looked at Bai Qingqiu on the battlefield in disbelief, but in the end he didn't have the courage to fight again - the punch just now made him see the gap! He knew that even if he re-entered the battlefield, he would not be Bai Qingqiu's opponent! That being the case, don't humiliate yourself!

Also shocked were other teachers and disciples of the ninth order of Chaos Realm.

"Bai Qingqiu's strength is indeed very strong! I'm afraid it is comparable to some first-level Xuanhuangjing!"

"In the freshman assessment, no one should be his opponent!"

The teachers in Wen Dao Mansion had such a vicious vision; soon, all the great experts came to a judgment that Bai Qingqiu should be the first genius in the Chaos Realm in the "New Student Assessment".

All the teachers secretly gave such evaluations, and other disciples of the ninth order of Chaos Realm naturally did not dare to go to the battlefield to seek abuse.

"This Xu Ming, is it too lucky?"

"That's right! If you accept any disciple, you will actually accept a genius like Bai Qingqiu!"

"We have to find a way to dig Bai Qingqiu over!"

The teachers in Wendao Mansion couldn't help but think.

At this time, Bai Qingqiu continued to invite Bafang: "But there are still people who are willing to come to power and fight?"

Bai Qingqiu stood proudly on the battlefield, with extraordinary aura. But in fact, Bai Qingqiu was really depressed in his heart - after he accepted Xu Ming's advice, he practiced hard, in order to show his strength well on today's battle stage! But... he just punched, and no one dared to fight...

How did Bai Qingqiu show his strength?

Can't show his strength, how can Bai Qingqiu not be depressed?

After waiting for a while, no one dared to take the stage again, so Bai Qingqiu had no choice but to go down angrily.

Just as Bai Qingqiu came down, Xu Ming pointed at Qin Jian again and said, "Come on!"

"Yes!" Qin Jian was called by Xu Ming, and without hesitation, he immediately stepped onto the stage. He and Bai Qingqiu looked around in the same way, arrogant and arrogant, "Which one dares to come to power?"

Ye Xuan, who had just been knocked off the stage with a punch, was feeling a little depressed! After he saw Bai Qingqiu go down, Qin Jian even dared to be arrogant on the stage, and suddenly became angry - as the best new disciple under Teacher Gu Yanying, how could he bear it?

"Bai Qingqiu is better than me, so forget it! I don't believe it, Qin Jian can also be better than me!" Ye Xuan thought in his heart, and jumped onto the battlefield again, "I'm coming!"

"Uh..." Qin Jian glanced at Ye Xuan with a strange expression.

"What? Scared!?" Ye Xuan sneered.

"Can I... shoot?" Qin Jian asked lightly - just now, although Bai Qingqiu beat Ye Xuan with one punch, he was criticized for being suspected of sneak attack! And now, Qin Jian intends to crush Ye Xuan mightily without giving anyone a chance to question!

"Although let the horse come over!" Ye Xuan shouted angrily. However, his attention was always on guard against Qin Jian's fist - after all, it would be too embarrassing to be punched twice on the same stage!

"Hum! Good!" Qin Jian sneered, his whole body slammed at Ye Xuan. Instead of punching, he chose...with his feet!

This kick is like a whip!

Ye Xuan just had time to react when he was kicked by Qin Jian's whip and flew out of the battlefield.

"I..." Ye Xuan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood - he stepped onto the stage in the name of a genius, but he was defeated by one move twice in a row...

Seriously! Ye Xuan really even wanted to die!

The one who was equally depressed was undoubtedly Gu Yanying - Ye Xuan was the one who was abused, but it was his teacher's face who was beaten!

"I didn't expect that Qin Jian's talent was as strong as Bai Qingqiu!" Gu Yanying shook her head weakly. If he had known earlier, he would definitely end up training Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian! Only now, these two geniuses who should belong to him have worshipped Xu Ming as their teacher.

It's just... Gu Yanying still doesn't know, it's not that Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian have extraordinary talents; it's that they met Xu Ming, and Xu Ming made them extraordinary talents!

The grievances between Xu Ming and Gu Yanying were heard by many teachers in the mansion. Seeing these two battles, these teachers couldn't help but sigh: "Xu Ming's luck is too good, right? He poached the ground, but poached two super geniuses from Gu Yanying!"

Until now, no one thought that the reason why Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian were so strong was because of Xu Ming's good guidance - after all, the time for the two to apprentice Xu Ming was too short! No one thought that the strength of the two could change in such a short period of time.

Qin Jian also reluctantly walked off the stage because no one dared to challenge him.

As he walked off the stage, he still sighed with emotion: "I knew I just tapped the kick just now! That way, I can play a few more kicks on the stage!"

"I..." Ye Xuan wanted to vomit blood again.

"Next..." Xu Ming pointed to Zhao Xu again, "You can go on!"

Of course, the disciples under his sect have to appear on the battlefield!

"Yes!" Zhao Xu was looking forward to this moment for a long time! Now, he will let the entire Wendao Mansion see his strength!

"Zhao Xu?" Ye Xuan, who was beaten twice in a row, had another thought in his mind, "This kid has mediocre talent, and he is not even qualified to be accepted as a disciple by Teacher Gu Yanying! If I want to win him, it will definitely be easy!"

Ye Xuan is also talented! He needs a hearty victory to prove his strength!

"Let this Zhao Xu be my stepping stone on the road to a strong man!" Ye Xuan thought to himself as he stepped onto the stage for the third time.

"What!?" This time, Bai Qingqiu and Qin Jian were both stunned—you must know that Zhao Xu's strength is stronger than both of them! And Ye Xuan, actually dared to step on the stage... He really became more and more courageous!

However, eating a cut will make you wiser! Ye Xuan has learned to be smart!

This time, as soon as he got on the battlefield, Ye Xuan no longer talked nonsense or waited for the opponent to take action, but launched the attack on his own initiative.

"Death to me!" When Ye Xuan killed Zhao Xu and found that Zhao Xu was motionless, he couldn't help but look more and more hideous.

boom! !

However, when his attack came into contact with Zhao Xu's divine body, his expression suddenly changed! - Ye Xuan felt that Zhao Xu's divine body was extremely indestructible!

At the same time, Zhao Xu's divine body bounced, and Ye Xuan was directly shaken out, and he was directly shaken out of the battlefield...


Ye Xuan took the initiative to attack Zhao Xu, but was shocked by Zhao Xu out of the battlefield...

Three changes completed.

(End of this chapter)

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