Break Into Another World

Chapter 1677: The worst domain master

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In the mundane world of dust, eating rice, grilling meat, and drinking alcohol without the slightest energy is a different taste.

It's been a long time since I felt this way!

During the chat, Xu Ming knew that these four men and two women were going to the "Wu Yun Sect" to participate in the assessment.

"Wu Yunzong?" In Xu Ming's eyes, a lingering color appeared again - what a familiar feeling!

At the beginning, when Xu Ming was still a weak mortal, he and Gu Hanmo went from Feiyun Country to the Wilderness Sect to participate in the entrance examination.

It was also in the Wilderness Sect that Xu Ming gained various opportunities and rose rapidly.

Today, Xu Ming is an existence that can easily suppress thousands of chaotic worlds, but in this small world of dust, his memories are aroused.

Of course, the key is to see Hong Lingge who is very similar to Gu Hanmo.

"Heh!" At this moment, Wei Hai's sarcasm sounded, "Boy, you are here because you are going to Wuxun Sect, right?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was startled and said, "Yes!"

"Just you, want to join the Wuxun Sect?" Wei Hai shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid it's still a lot worse? - Are you in the innate realm?"

When Wei Hai spoke, he deliberately glanced at Xu Ming contemptuously; obviously, he meant to show off in front of Gu Hanmo.


Xu Ming shook his head and said truthfully, "It's not innate!"

Of course Xu Ming is not in the innate realm... He is many times stronger than the innate realm!

"Humph! I expected that you were not in the innate realm!" Wei Hai looked like he had known this for a long time. "You don't have the slightest innate aura in your body! Your cultivation level should only be at the level of internal training, right?"

Xu Ming was noncommittal and did not speak.

Wei Hai thought that Xu Ming didn't say anything, just acquiesced, and continued to sneer: "You can only appear in the Black Wolf Mountains by practicing your own cultivation... Your courage is really good!"

Wei Hai's words sounded like he was complimenting Xu Ming; but in fact, he was relying on Xu Ming to set off his strength and improve his presence in front of Hong Lingge.

Of course, given Xu Ming's current state, Wei Hai's actions are just a joke! It is also impossible for him to kill Wei Hai because of this kind of jealousy.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Ming did not want to affect Hong Lingge's life. He wanted to carefully observe whether Hong Lingge and Gu Hanmo were related.

If it's related... it probably means that Gu Hanmo has been reincarnated again! - If this is the case, Xu Ming will at least not be as powerless as when he was in God's Domain! After all... Xu Ming now has two supreme divine weapons anyway; even in the face of the existence of the supreme state, he should be able to struggle a little.

Seeing that Xu Ming ignored him, Wei Hai didn't stop taunting: "Although your courage is good, courage does not mean strength! Fortunately, you are lucky enough to meet us; otherwise... you might not even be able to reach the Wuxun Sect, He died in the Black Wolf Mountain Range! But... even if you reach the Five Aggregates Sect, it is estimated that you can only be a disciple of the outer sect! And the few of us can all become disciples of the inner sect!"

"Alas..." Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head in his heart - no matter where he went or what cultivation realm he went, people who thought they were right always existed!

Xu Ming is the strength of the domain master, but he was mocked by an ant in the innate realm... This kind of thing, looking at the entire endless chaos, I am afraid it is difficult to find a second case! If it spreads out, it will definitely become a big joke of the entire endless chaos!

However, seeing that Wei Hai just likes to talk nonsense with his mouth, but in fact there is no malicious intent, Xu Ming is too lazy to care about it - forgiving an ant, Xu Ming still has such a belly.

The sky was overcast.

The night wind is cool.

Xu Ming and his party of seven were stationed by a spring at the foot of a mountain.

The bonfire is lit, and the starry sky is infinite.

"Little Mingzi!" Jiang Bi patted Xu Ming on the shoulder, and said arrogantly, "From now on in the Wuyun Sect, if anyone from the outer sect dares to bully you, just come to the inner sect to find sister!"

"I..." Xu Ming, who was leaning against a tree to drink alone, almost didn't spit out - he was covered by a little girl in the early days of innate.

"Cough!" Xu Ming was speechless.

"Don't get excited! Don't get excited!" Jiang Bi thought that Xu Ming was coughing because he was excited! He patted Xu Ming on the shoulder again and said.

Xu Ming silently walked aside, ignoring her.

The other three youngsters are all Wei Hai's younger brothers; however, their cultivation is not bad, they all have the innate early stage. In this dusty world, he can be regarded as a genius.

The three teenagers glanced at Xu Ming and said, "With a character like yours, you will suffer a loss when you reach the Wuxun Sect!"

"..." Xu Ming was completely speechless.

Four men and two women, except Hong Lingge, all showed "love" or contempt for him.

Xu Ming just wanted to say - I might be the worst one among the powerhouses in the domain master realm.

Xu Ming's eyes looked at Hong Lingge vaguely - he didn't use his divine power to look at it, he just looked at it from the perspective of a mortal.

Every glance reminded him of Gu Hanmo.

At this time, Hong Lingge was sitting beside the spring water; Yuzu was soaked in the cool spring water, it was very pleasant.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming frowned slightly—he saw that Wei Hai was walking towards Hong Lingge.

As he walked, Wei Hai had a caring smile on his face: "Hong Lingge, you are easy to catch cold like this!"

With that said, Wei Hai decided to take off his coat and put it on Hong Lingge.

Catching a cold?

This Nima, Xu Ming can't listen anymore - have you ever heard of a congenital strong person catching a cold?

Of course Xu Ming could not tolerate it, Wei Hai put his coat on Hong Lingge.

Although Xu Ming saw that Hong Lingge had frowned slightly and was about to avoid Wei Hai's actions, Xu Ming still decided to teach Wei Hai a small lesson.

Xu Ming thought for a moment.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! …

In the woods, there are actually flocks of birds flying Wei Hai and others are a little puzzled - you must know that in general, birds do not move at night!

There was a wicked smile on Xu Ming's mouth, and he commanded in his heart: "Aim! Cast 'Xiang'"

Immediately, thousands of big birds flew over Wei Hai's head, and each one of them threw "fly" at Wei Hai with precision. Moreover, they only cast on Wei Hai, not even next to Wei Hai.

"What!?" Wei Hai was stunned - in fact, Wei Hai didn't know why, but he couldn't avoid the "throwing" of birds in the middle stage of his dignified congenital; he could only say that maybe at this time, he was just right Stupid!"

But it was just so stunned, thousands of throws, all of which hit Wei Hai with precision and error - this picture is too beautiful, people dare not look at it!

"This..." Hong Lingge looked dumbfounded.

"This..." Jiang Bi was also dumbfounded.

Wei Hai was so angry that he wanted to explode: "You stinky birds!"

Angrily, he chased and killed the thousands of stink birds.

At this time, Hong Lingge withdrew her feet from the spring water, as if thinking that Wei Hai would definitely go to the spring water to wash her body...

Seeing that there was no one beside Xu Ming, Hong Lingge sat down beside Xu Ming.

The two chatted casually without a word.

Hong Lingge didn't know why she could talk so much with Xu Ming.

"Do you have any dreams?" Xu Ming asked suddenly.


Hong Lingge looked up at the starry sky and said, "I want to build a sect that is a hundred times stronger than the Five Aggregates Sect!"

Is it just such a dream?

However, Xu Ming also knows that Hong Lingge's strength is still very weak after all, I am afraid that he has never seen any real strong! Therefore, this dream is very realistic for her.

Xu Ming silently wrote down this dream.

(End of this chapter)

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