Break Into Another World

Chapter 1701: wait and see

"Forced slavery!"


In the face of "forced slavery", even if Yu Fusheng reached the realm of "third-order true self", even if his talent was outstanding, he would become Xu Ming's slave without any resistance.

Soon, Yu Fusheng looked at Xu Ming and became pious and fanatical: "Master!"

"Why?" Xu Ming looked at Yu Fusheng and shook his head gently.

Originally, Prison Fusheng and Xu Ming really had no grievances or hatred. Even if Yu Fusheng wanted to join the Temple of Despair, Xu Ming didn't need to deal with him; however, if Yu Fusheng took the initiative to come to court for death, he would not complain about being enslaved by Xu Ming.

Self-inflicted sin, not to live.

"How much do you know about the Temple of Destiny?" Xu Ming asked.

"It's quite a lot!" Yu Fusheng said, "What's wrong with the master?"

"I have a question I want to ask you!" Xu Ming said directly, "How can we... destroy the Temple of Destiny?"

what! ?

As soon as Xu Ming asked this question, Yu Fusheng's eyes were rounded - he never thought that his master would ask such a question!

You know, in the eyes of Jail Fusheng, although Xu Ming has some magical means, his strength does not seem to be much stronger than him, right? It's too far from the Temple of Destruction!

"Huh?" Xu Ming looked at Yu Fusheng, waiting for his answer.

Xu Ming couldn't ask Chu Xie this kind of question. After all, Chu Xie was a member of the Temple of Despair, and it seemed that he had already been enslaved by the Temple of Destruction; even if Xu Ming asked, he would definitely not be able to find out what the name was, and he might even startle the snake.

Therefore, Xu Ming will ask Prison Floating Life.

"This..." Yu Fusheng thought about it, and said, "Master, the Temple of Destiny, but the number one force of the 'Destiny Heaven', even the Supreme Realm, has three! Moreover, the Lord of the Temple of Destiny is even more A very powerful being among the Supremes! I want to destroy the Temple of Destiny..."

Prison floating life did not continue, but the meaning was very clear - impossible!

This answer did not exceed Xu Ming's expectations. He didn't even reach the level of the world master, so what did he use to overthrow the main hall of the Temple of Destruction?

However, Xu Ming only asked casually.

"The Temple of Despair..." Xu Ming looked into the distance, three sword-shaped peaks distorted in time and space, and three "soap bubbles" surrounding each other above the sword-shaped peaks.

In Xu Ming's eyes, hatred burned. But soon, this hatred calmed down and turned cold.

"With my current strength, even if I go to the main hall of the Temple of Destiny, in a short period of time, I can't let it hurt at all! If it's just some small damage, it's completely impossible for such a powerful Temple of Destiny. It doesn't hurt! In other words, even if I go, it's meaningless!" Xu Ming is very rational, "And... in the border of disorder, time and space are chaotic and changing; if you are not careful, in the endless chaos, the endless may have passed. Years! If I delay in the Temple of Despair and miss the 'Wen Dao Mansion Grand Competition', I will not be able to go to the 'Nine Heaven'!"

Jiuzhongtian is the ladder leading to the "truth of the universe"!

Xu Ming thought for a while, between "Jiuzhongtian" and "Death Temple", he still chose to go to Jiuzhongtian.

After all, with Xu Ming's current strength, even going to the Temple of Despair would probably be a waste of time. And going to Jiuzhongtian, Xu Ming may rapidly improve his strength!

Xu Ming knew very well that with his current strength, even if he killed some minions of the Temple of Destiny, it would be of little help to Gu Hanmo, and he might not even be able to help Gu Hanmo at all! After all, Gu Hanmo incarnates billions of millions, and in a virtual universe, there may not be a single incarnation of Gu Hanmo; it is meaningless to kill one or two minions in the virtual universe.

I really want to help Gu Hanmo, unless... destroy the main hall of the temple of death in front of me!

However, Xu Ming doesn't have this strength!

What if I have no strength?

Then go ahead and increase your strength!

After making up his mind, Xu Ming ordered: "Prison floating life, I will not go to the Temple of Death for the time being! You go first, help me lay some foundations there, and wait for my arrival!"

"Yes! Master!" As Xu Ming's servant, Jail Fusheng would naturally not have the slightest doubt about every command of Xu Ming.

"Well! Go!"

Watching Yu Fusheng fly to the main hall of the Temple of Despair, Xu Ming remembered this location and embarked on his way back to the endless chaos.

"Hope... Next time I come again, I can find a way to destroy the entire Temple of Despair!" Xu Ming was not afraid of the Temple of Despair that was countless times stronger than himself.

call out-

Following the trajectory from where he came, he flew for some time; Xu Ming met the second group of people after he entered the border of disorder.

This time, it was three black-robed powerhouses. Under the black robe, there seemed to be three cold poisonous snakes.

"Stop!" the three black-robed powerhouses shouted, "The direction you came from is the Temple of Destiny?"

Inquire about the Temple of Death?

Xu Ming's eyes were slightly cold, but he still said truthfully: "Yes!"

He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

"That's right! It's nothing to do with you, get out!" The three black-robed powerhouses shouted in unison, as if they were three people in one body.

Then, the three of them looked in another direction in unison—a direction completely different from the Temple of Despair.

"Go over there, and you should be able to reach the shattered virtual universe!"

"Not bad! In that virtual universe, even the chaotic pronucleus was smashed into pieces in the first war! The powerhouses in the virtual universe are almost dead! If we rush there earlier, maybe we can pick up one or two chaotic pronuclei. Fragments!"

Chaos Pronuclear Fragment?

Xu Ming couldn't help but his eyes lit up - this can be exchanged for level 21 hanging points! And Xu Ming has nowhere to get it!

Now, I heard that there is a place where you may be able to obtain chaotic pronuclear fragments; of course, Xu Ming suddenly became interested!

"Just look at it in the past, it shouldn't take much time! If there are chaotic pronuclear fragments, that would be great!"

call out-

Xu Ming quietly followed the three black-robed powerhouses.

A few months later, Xu Ming saw a dull soap bubble—obviously, it was a broken virtual universe.

"Boy, are you following us all the way?" At this time, the three black-robed powerhouses finally found Xu Ming.

Xu Ming smiled noncommittally.

"Humph! Want a piece of the pie? Come on if you're not afraid of death!" The three black-robed powerhouses certainly felt that Xu Ming was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but he still put down his harsh words.

But obviously, they were still quite afraid of Xu Ming; otherwise, they would not be harsh, but would do it.

Continue to fly closer to this broken virtual universe.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled, "A lot of people..."

As he continued to fly closer, Xu Ming had already seen that in every direction outside the virtual universe, there were a lot of great powers, and there were tens of thousands of them, and they all existed in the Nirvana realm! Moreover, these powers did not enter the virtual universe, but stood on the periphery of the virtual universe, as if they were watching something.

One more today.

I will make up the debt at the fifth day of tomorrow, but don't rush it. I will plan it well during the day and send it out together at night.

(End of this chapter)

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