Break Into Another World

Chapter 1708: distribute

"Let's continue to talk about how to distribute the treasures at that time!"

Dozens of "high-rank domain masters" level powerhouses looked away from Xu Ming and returned to the domain master Yi Tao.

At this time, Jiang Taichu also said: "Everyone here is the existence of the master level of the high-grade domain! In the fateful day, it can be regarded as a character more or less!"

The strong men nodded.

Don't look at the dozens of high-rank domain masters gathered here, I think there are many powerhouses at this level! You must know that every high-rank domain master means having "supreme potential" - even if this potential is very small, it is almost impossible to become supreme, but it is also supreme potential!

In fact, in Destiny Heaven, thousands of virtual universes, high-grade domain masters are very rare! Many world masters who are at the domain master level directly break through from the "middle-grade domain master peak" to the world master realm, and will never go through the stage of "high-grade domain master"!

Like in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, although there are 100,000 domain masters, the vast majority of those 100,000 domain owners are only low-rank domain owners, and a few are middle-rank domain owners.

Therefore, Jiang Taichu said that everyone here is a character, and it is no exaggeration!

"But..." At this time, Jiang Taichu said again, "Although they are both at the main level of the upper-grade domain, there are also strong and weak points! Moreover, the gap is huge! So...the distribution of treasures at that time will never be equal. divided!"

All the strong men nodded silently.

Indeed, how big is the gap between the first-level high-grade domain master and the top-grade domain master peak? If they were evenly distributed, the top-ranked domain masters Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu would definitely not be willing to do so; and those high-ranked domain masters at the beginning... I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to let themselves get so many treasures!

There are too many treasures, and it is also hot!

The domain master Yi Tao also opened his mouth and said: "The treasure of a shattered virtual universe cannot be obtained by anyone alone; even me, I can't eat it alone! Therefore, I suggest that there are so many of us with the strength of the top-rank domain masters. Strength to distribute treasures; as for other people in this virtual universe, they are not qualified to share treasures with us!"

Dozens of high-grade domain owners seem to be few and few; but you must know how huge the gap is between high-grade domain owners and middle-grade domain owners and low-grade domain owners? - What's more, among the powerhouses who entered this shattered virtual universe, there are many strengths that have not even reached the masters of the lower rank, but are only "first-order true self" Nirvana.

Therefore, these dozens of high-rank domain masters can indeed sweep tens of thousands of powerhouses in the entire virtual universe!

"Yitao Domain Master, Tai Chu Domain Master, just say directly, how should we distribute it? If it is similar, we will not have any opinions!" said a high-grade Domain Master.

"Okay!" Jiang Taichu said, "Then I'll tell you straight-out of the dozens of us, Yi Tao is the strongest and should get the most shares; if he gets 30%, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Thirty percent?

Xu Ming frowned slightly.

One person, took away 30% of the treasures of the entire virtual universe?

However, other high-rank domain masters seem to have no opinion; moreover, the strength of the domain master Yi Tao, if placed in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, may be called "invincible under the realm master". Therefore, Xu Ming did not refute for the time being.

Jiang Taichu continued: "I am also the peak of the top-rank domain master, but my strength is slightly lower than Yi Tao, so I can divide it into 20%!"

Twenty percent?

In this way, these two people have divided half of the treasures of the entire virtual universe! —Although the virtual universe is shattered and the chaotic original nucleus is broken; in terms of value, it is far less than the intact virtual universe. But in Xu Ming's view, such a distribution is too ugly!

Moreover, Xu Ming gradually realized that the domain master Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu were using their other high-rank domain masters as "cannon fodder"!

After all, no matter how strong Yi Tao Yu and Jiang Taichu are, there are only two of them; under the siege of tens of thousands of strong people, they are likely to fall into danger. But now, with the help of dozens of high-rank domain masters, it will be different!

Then, Jiang Taichu talked about the distribution of the treasures of dozens of other powerhouses.

According to the strength displayed by each strong man, the proportion of the points is different. Those who are more, get 5%; and those who are less, such as Xu Ming, only get 1%!

What surprised Xu Ming was that the other top-rank domain owners had no opinion on such a distribution plan.

But it's normal to think about it. Even if these ordinary high-rank domain masters do not join forces with Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu, they will act alone; the treasures they can obtain may not necessarily be more!

After Jiang Taichu finished speaking, he glanced around: "If there is no opinion, just follow this allocation plan? If anyone feels that they have been allocated less, they can challenge the allocated more now - all rely on strength to speak! "

No one made a sound.

"If that's the case, then..."

Jiang Taichu really wanted to come to a conclusion, but heard Xu Ming say, "Hold on!"

"Little friend Xu Ming, what's your opinion?" Jiang Taichu looked at Xu Ming with a smile.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said decisively - he just felt that he had been allocated less!

Only one percent, how could Xu Ming be willing?

Even 10%, Xu Ming is too little!

"Then you want to challenge...?" Jiang Taichu asked.

"Is it possible to challenge anyone?" Xu Ming asked rhetorically.

"Yes! Anyone can!" Jiang Taichu said, "As long as you have the strength, you can get more points! have only one chance to challenge!"

"Oh!" Xu Ming smiled meaningfully, "Then I want to challenge..."

All the high-rank domain masters looked at Xu Ming with disdain in their eyes.

You know, who can become the master of the high-grade domain, who has no arrogance in his heart? Outside of the virtual universe, when they saw Xu Ming's calm momentum, they didn't pay much attention to Xu Ming; now, if Jiang Taichu had not verified Xu Ming's strength, other high-rank domain masters would probably not accept Xu Ming as " oriole".

And now, Xu Ming, a newly arrived oriole, is still dissatisfied with the distribution of treasures, and has to challenge other high-rank domain owners?

It's simply incomprehensible!

"Who will he challenge?"

"I feel that Xu Ming's strength should only be at the primary level of the upper-level domain master, and he can only be allocated so many treasures! Could it be that he wants to challenge the upper-level domain master and the middle-level powerhouse?"

"Look! Maybe, this battle will make Xu Ming realize that the sky is high!"

Many high-rank domain masters and powerhouses looked at Xu Ming jokingly, and spoke quietly through voice transmission.

"What I want to challenge is..." Xu Ming's eyes swept across the powerhouses one by one; after a slight pause on Jiang Taichu's body, he finally landed on the domain master Yi Tao, "That's... the domain master Yi Tao. !"

(End of this chapter)

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