Break Into Another World

Chapter 1726: Heaven is over?

"One move, one move!"

Everyone was shocked!


The disciples of Wendao Mansion stood up in shock.


The twenty-seven disciples of Xu Ming's eyes widened. Except for Lin Lan, the other disciples could not imagine that their teacher Xu Ming could defeat Elder Dragon Blood! And now, not only defeated, but defeated by one move!

"too strong!"

"This is our teacher!"

The twenty-seven disciples felt their hearts surging—it was definitely the most honored thing in their life to be able to worship Xu Ming as their teacher!


The teachers and elders of Wendao Mansion, as well as the great experts who came to Wendao Mansion to observe, also stood up in shock.


Even Palace Master Wendao and World Master Daoying, the two realm masters, were shocked and stunned—although they didn't stand up in shock, their eyes were full of disbelief. !

how is this possible! ?

Xu Ming is just a cultivation base in the realm of all things!

And the elder dragon blood is the pinnacle of Nirvana realm! Moreover, he is quite accomplished in the "real self", and he is even about to step into the existence of the domain master!

Xu Ming, actually defeated Elder Dragon Blood with one move!

And obviously, Xu Ming obviously didn't do his best, and he didn't even take out his weapon.

"This... is too fake, right?"

Many almighty people couldn't help but turn their attention to Elder Dragon Blood, as if to say: Did you release water on purpose?

However, they really can't figure out, what is the benefit of "deliberately releasing water" for Elder Dragon Blood? - It seems that it will only be shameful, and it will not do any good, right?

It's impossible, Elder Dragon Blood is cooperating with Xu Ming in a grandstanding drama, right?

The most embarrassed person in the audience is undoubtedly the Dragon Blood Elder—the battle is over before he can understand what is going on! He is already under the battlefield!

But there is no doubt that Xu Ming's strength is very strong! Very strong! Much stronger than him!

In this huge shock, the audience fell into a long silence.

After a long time, Elder Dragon Blood got up from the ground, faced Xu Ming, and lowered his noble head: "I lost!"

I lost!

The dragon blood elder was convinced to lose! - And he knew that Xu Ming had really shown mercy; otherwise, he would already be a dead person, and he would never have a chance to stand here and speak.

The Palace Master Wen Dao and the Dao Shadow World Master have also recovered from their shock. With their knowledge, they naturally had some guesses about Xu Ming's strength.

"Xu Ming's realm, I am afraid that he has reached the 'real self' level three'!" Wen Dao Palace Master said privately.

"Yeah!" Daoying World Master also said, "Only in this way, Xu Ming can defeat Elder Dragonblood with one move! And...Looking at Xu Ming's appearance, it is obvious that he has not exerted his full strength; it is very likely that Xu Ming is about to condense." The flower of the true self is now! - The third-order of the true self condenses the flower of the true self, which is directly the master of the high-grade domain! In the future, there is full hope that it will reach the height of you and me!"

"It's so terrifying!" Palace Master Wendao couldn't help but said, "What's even more terrifying is that he is only a cultivation of the realm of all things... The realm of all things, directly comprehend the 'real self's third-order' and condense the 'real self flower', What kind of talent this must be! Even if he enters the 'Nine Heavens', he is an overlord-level existence!"

"Yeah!" The Daoying World Lord also agreed, "Nine-layer days can bring together countless geniuses from virtual universes! Even among countless virtual universes, Xu Ming's talent is the top! In terms of talent, I am afraid only He is on a par with him, nothing surpasses him!"

"It's hard to say!" This time, the Daoying World Lord shook his head, "Have you forgotten that there are strong people from there in the Nine Heavens?"

"Where?" Palace Master Wen Dao couldn't help flashing fear and fear in his eyes.

Before the "Wen Dao House Competition" was over, Xu Ming's terrifying strength and talent, as well as his ability to teach his disciples, had already spread among the "upper layers" of the endless chaos.

Throughout the endless chaos, every realm master and every domain master, as long as he is not in a closed state, has already learned about Xu Ming, this heaven-defying genius!

Many world masters and domain masters have more or less entered the realm of disorder; naturally, it is clear that Xu Ming's talent against the sky means what it means.

Even the Divine Phoenix Realm Master and Jian Lao were shocked by Xu Ming.

"I really didn't see the wrong person!" Jian Lao couldn't help but say, "My talent is not as good as Xu Ming!"

The Divine Phoenix Realm looked at Jian Lao with some surprises—you must know that Jian Lao is even stronger than him simply in terms of cultivation and talent! Moreover, Jian Lao has now stepped into the Supreme Realm with one foot!

And that's it, Jian Lao still actively admits that his talent is not as good as Xu Ming's; it can be seen how terrifying Xu Ming's talent is!

"Our Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is not enough for Xu Ming to grow up!" Jian Lao sighed.

"Yeah! Leaving Xu Ming in the Endless Chaos will only limit his growth; only the 'Frontier of Disorder' or 'Nine Layers' is where Xu Ming should go!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord also said, " I heard that Xu Ming wanted to go to Jiuzhongtian for a long time, but now... Jiuzhongtian can't go there anymore!"

"Yeah! We people from the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix have no way to go to Jiuzhongtian! We haven't told Palace Master Wen Dao about this!" Jian Lao also said, "Divine Phoenix, tell him about it. Bar!"

"Yeah!" The Divine Phoenix Realm nodded slightly, "But... it's not impossible! With Xu Ming's talent, it's definitely worth asking other virtual universes for a place for him!"

Wen Dao Dragon Blood Elder is willing to bet and lose, and all the merits accumulated over the years have been transferred to Xu Ming. Coupled with the merits Xu Ming obtained in this Wendao Mansion Competition, Xu Ming's merits are enough to go to the "Nine Heaven"!

"I have seen the Palace Master, the Daoying World Master!"

In Wendao Mansion, Xu Ming met two world masters alone.

"Xu Ming!" Wen Dao Palace Master looked kind, obviously treating Xu Ming as a strong man of the same level, "What do you want to exchange for your merits?"

Xu Ming said without hesitation, "Go to Jiuzhongtian!"


Wen Dao Palace Master and Dao Shadow World Master looked at each other and laughed.

Wen Dao Palace Master said: "The Divine Phoenix Realm Master also just sent a message to tell me: The road to heaven is dead!"

"The road to heaven is over?" Xu Ming wondered.

"Yes!" Palace Master Wendao continued, "Because our Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm had some conflicts with a certain Supreme Being, and the other party blocked our way to the 'Nine Heavens'!"

"This..." Xu Ming couldn't help but startled—he had been busy for so long, could it be that he couldn't go to the "Nine Heaven"?

As for Xu Ming, he had already guessed that the "some supreme" in the mouth of Palace Master Wendao should be Yuan Zun!

"Haha! But don't worry!" Palace Master Wendao said again, "For you, the world master of the Divine Phoenix has already gone to the world masters of other virtual universes to ask for a place to go to the 'Jiuzhongtian'! For the world masters , a place is only, it is not precious, it should be available soon! Just wait in Wendao Mansion first!"

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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