Break Into Another World

Chapter 1728: Bring a plug-in is dry

"If you want to catch up with Han Mo's pace, it's too far away and too ethereal! Then, let's start from the first three heavens that dominate the Nine Heavens!"

The first layer of heaven, the highest is the realm of all things!

The second day, the highest is the Destruction Realm!

The third heaven, the highest is Nirvana!

Xu Ming is confident that with his current strength, he should still be able to dominate the top three heavens!

As for the fourth heaven, Xu Ming did not have the confidence to dominate for the time being! After all, the powerhouses in the domain master realm in the Nine Heavens are a little more powerful, and I am afraid they have the strength to directly rival the realm masters; and Xu Ming's current strength is slightly worse.

However, Xu Ming believes that after he enters the Nine Heavens, his strength will definitely undergo a new transformation; maybe, after he dominates the first Three Heavens, he will already have the strength to dominate the Fourth Heaven!

At that time, Xu Ming might be able to gradually follow Gu Hanmo's footsteps!

The Divine Phoenix Realm Master and Elder Jian, of course, did not know what Xu Ming was thinking at the moment; if they knew, they would definitely scold Xu Ming for being arrogant and arrogant.

Jian Lao even said earnestly: "Xu Ming, your talent has truly amazed the entire endless chaos; here, you are indeed qualified to be self-willed! However, remember, after reaching the Jiuzhongtian, you must keep a low profile. Also, stay as long as possible in the First Heaven; the geniuses of the Second Heaven are much more terrifying than the First Heaven!”

"Yeah!" Xu Ming didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

He can't tell Mr. Jian that when I go to Jiuzhongtian, I'm not going to be low-key, but to dominate the top three...

If you really want to say that, maybe the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord will not dare to send him to Jiuzhongtian!

"Xu Ming! If you are ready, I will send you off!" said the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord.

"It's all ready!" Xu Ming said.

In order to go to the Nine Heavens, Xu Ming has been waiting for three years! And, to be honest, Xu Ming really had nothing to prepare for; for Xu Ming... no matter where you go, just bring a plug-in and just do it!

However, in the past three years, Xu Ming has really done something else.

Because Xu Ming's ability to teach his disciples is too appalling; therefore, in the endless chaos, many great masters have come to Xu Ming to ask him to help his younger disciples.

The person who will ask Xu Ming here is at least the domain master realm, even the realm master! As for Nirvana, he is no longer qualified to have a dialogue with Xu Ming!

Most of the domain masters in the endless chaos are only low-rank domain masters, and naturally there are not many chaotic pronuclear fragments on their bodies, and Xu Ming can't count on them to earn level 21 hanging points. Therefore, after guiding the younger generation of the great masters, Xu Ming asked these great masters for other "remuneration" rewards, that is, to borrow the power of these great masters!

Yes, borrow their "power".

What is the use of power?

You must know that most of the domain masters in the endless chaos rule one side of the territory; in the territory they rule, there is no doubt that the overlord level exists! And the power of a domain master who has asked Xu Ming is almost all over the endless chaos!


Xu Ming directly borrowed the power of these domain lords to help him clean up the forces that penetrated into the endless chaos of the "Death Temple"! Although there are not many real masters in the power of the Temple of Death, it may threaten Gu Hanmo's incarnation. As for Xu Ming, if he slowly developed his own power and wanted to clean up the power of the Temple of Destiny in the endless chaos, it would probably take a long time to do so;

For the domain owners, the forces under their command were originally raised there, and they were idle when they were idle. Although they don't know why Xu Ming wants to clean up these forces, but it does not prevent these powerful people from happily reaching a deal with Xu Ming.

Therefore, Xu Ming is now leaving Endless Chaos, and he is really relieved to leave! His affairs in the endless chaos have been arranged properly.

"Okay! Now that you're ready, let's go!" said the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, "Originally, in our Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, there was a heavenly road that could be connected to the center of the 'Destiny Heaven'; there, You can directly enter Jiuzhongtian! However, because I had some conflicts with the 'Yuan Zun' in the disordered border, Yuan Zun cut off the way of heaven with his great supernatural power; therefore, I can't directly send you to Jiuzhong. God, but I want to send you to other virtual universes first! Now, I will open up the passage to other virtual universes!"

It is also possible to establish time-space channels between different virtual universes. However, this kind of thing can only be done by the controller of the virtual universe; moreover, the controllers of both virtual universes must agree to establish a time-space channel.

"Let's back away!" Jian Lao took Xu Ming and stepped aside.


The time and space around the Divine Phoenix World Lord began to boil. Xu Ming "sees" that in the boiling time and space, there seems to be a steady stream of power flowing into the divine body of the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord.

Jian Lao explained: "The Lord of the Divine Phoenix is ​​calling on the power of the entire endless chaos!"

"His" Xu Ming couldn't help being horrified.

But thinking about it carefully, it is not surprising that the Divine Phoenix Realm Master controls the entire endless chaos.

Jian Lao continued: "In the endless chaos Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, is almost an invincible existence! Even if it is a 'superior', if you dare to enter the endless chaos, you will be suppressed by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord! "

High-ranking Supreme?

Xu Ming couldn't help but ask: "Yuan Zun, what level of Supreme is it?"

"Lower Supreme!" Jian Lao said, "Not long ago, Yuan Zun broke into the endless chaos, and I don't know why he came! However, I was easily repelled by the Divine Phoenix Realm Master and I, and he was not injured. light!"

"Oh..." Of course Xu Ming knew why Yuan Zun came here to enslave him!

However, Xu Ming was too lazy to talk about this kind of thing, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. After all, even Yuan Zun, an existence in the Supreme Realm, wanted to enslave him. If Elder Jian and Divine Phoenix Realm knew about this, they might also want to enslave him; in that case, nothing would happen!

"Elder Jian." Xu Ming asked curiously, "If it is outside the endless chaos, who is stronger between you and the Divine Phoenix Realm?"

"Beyond the endless chaos?" Jian Lao laughed and didn't hide it, "That's naturally I'm stronger! My realm is slightly higher than that of the Divine Phoenix Realm!"

While speaking, the aura of the Divine Phoenix World Master had already climbed to the point where Xu Ming suffocated.

The time and space around the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord was even crazily distorted, and it was directly distorted into a "black hole"!

In the black hole, nothing can be seen; not even Xu Ming's spiritual sense can penetrate into it.

"This is the time-space passage leading to the 'Qinglei Realm'!" said the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, "Go, Qinglei Realm Master, he is already waiting for you at the other end of the time-space passage!"

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