Break Into Another World

Chapter 1738: meet deceased

"It's them…?"

Xu Ming never expected that he would meet these two people here - Yun Tian, ​​Lone Gunner!

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner were both met by Xu Ming in the "last chaotic era" of endless chaos!

Yun Tian's original identity was Xu Ming's maid; and the Lone Gunner had received Xu Ming's guidance, and had a mentoring and apprenticeship relationship with Xu Ming!

"It's really... Where do we never meet in life!" Xu Ming couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect that they would appear here!"

Xu Ming thought that he would never meet the two of them again; as a result, he just came to the world of the first layer of heaven, and he actually ran into it!

I have to say, the fate is really amazing!

"That's even better!" Xu Ming smiled.

With these two people, Xu Ming learned about the "First Layer World", and it was naturally much more convenient! The two of them will definitely know everything about Xu Ming.

"Just don't know... how long have they been here?"

After all, they are two people from the last Chaos Era of Endless Chaos. On the "timeline", they are too far away from Xu Ming!

However, since they had already met him, Xu Ming was not in a hurry to go up to say hello; when the battle was over and the crowd dispersed, it would not be too late to go up again.

boom! boom! boom! …

In the center of the battlefield, the battle between Feng Chenglong and Ning'e became more and more fierce and fierce. Obviously, both of them have already started desperately.

"Isn't it just a 'people list'? Do you need to fight like this?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking in his heart - but Xu Ming still didn't know what it meant to be on the list of all things in the world of One World!

Even if it's just a "list of all things", it's not easy!

boom! boom! …

The scope of the battle between the two is also getting bigger and bigger.

"Retreat!" Many onlookers of the genius of the realm of all things felt the danger, and they all pulled away and flew back - after all, the fight at the level of "the second-order true self" is really very dangerous for many ordinary geniuses of the realm of all things! If you are not careful, you may fall in the aftermath of the battle!

boom! boom! boom! …

Feng Chenglong and Ning'e were obviously completely insane, and they didn't even care about the existence of other spectators around! The figures of the two changed rapidly in space, and they did not consider whether the aftermath of the battle would hurt others.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly. He saw that there were a few weak geniuses in the realm of all things, because they couldn't avoid them, they had already turned into nothingness under the aftermath of the battle.


Suddenly, Ning'e's figure was blasted back hundreds of worlds away, and Feng Rulong took the opportunity to chase and kill!

"Humph!" Not to be outdone, Ning'e jumped back in the void and slayed Feng Rulong again.


The central position of Feng Rulong and Ning'e is exactly where Yun Tian and Lone Gunner are! - Yun Tian and Lone Gunner, after all, are still weak; facing the "flanking attack" of the two "Second-Order True Self" levels, the two of them couldn't even escape!

As for Feng Rulong and Ning'e, it doesn't matter who the two of them are about to fight! - They didn't take the fate of ordinary geniuses as fate at all!

"Not good!" Xu Ming's face changed slightly - if he didn't take action, Yun Tian and the Lone Gunner would probably not be able to escape this disaster! He has just met two people again, so naturally it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen!

Except for Xu Ming, there is no other genius in the realm of all things, who will focus on Yun Tian and Lone Gunner! All the spectators focused their attention on both sides of the battle.

"Feng Rulong's speed is too fast! The 'real self' he realized must have something to do with speed! Just now, it was also based on speed to force Ning'e back!"

"Not bad! In my opinion, Feng Rulong has a bigger chance of winning this battle!"

"Not necessarily? Ning'er is not at a disadvantage! Besides, Ning'er's 'real self' is more comprehensive. If the battle continues, Ning'er should be the winner!"

"Both of them already have the strength to 'be on the list of people'! But...the number of places on the list of people is limited after all, there should be at most one person who can be on the list!"

The spectators were discussing the ongoing battle vigorously.

As for those geniuses who died in the aftermath of the battle, no one cared about their lives. Likewise, no one cared about the dangerous situation of Yun Tian and Lone Gunner—except Xu Ming.

"It's about to collide!"

"Looking at the appearance of the two, it is obvious that in this collision, the winner will be decided!"

"Not bad! The two of them are still gaining momentum, and it is obvious that they need to distinguish between highs and lows in this collision - the one who is at a disadvantage in the collision will at least be seriously injured! The next battle will be very difficult!"

"This is about 'one-shot victory'!"

"Look, Feng Rulong burns the divine body and activates the secret technique! It's really desperate!"

"Ninger too!"

The spectators present are totally looking forward to it!

Who is the "genius of the people list"! ?

However, at this time, Yun Tian and the Lone Gunner turned ashes!

"Escape! Run away!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner are struggling to escape! But at this moment, the tit-for-tat auras of Feng Rulong and Ning'er were all pressing on them, making them feel like they were trapped in a quagmire, unable to escape at all.

"Are you going to die?" Yun Tian was desperate.

In her mind, Xu Ming's figure could not help but emerge - this is the stalwart back that was deeply imprinted in her mind and could not be erased!

The Lone Gunner was also desperate: "Could it be that we just woke are going to die like this?"

Lone gunmen are not afraid of death!

But the problem is, being affected by the battle of other geniuses and dying - dying is too wrong!

"No—" The two of them shouted frantically from the bottom of their hearts, but they were unable to escape.

"Brother Ming, farewell..." There was still strong expectation in Yun Tian's eyes.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Yun Tian blinked her eyes in disbelief—she saw a stalwart figure suddenly appearing not far in front of her eyes; this stalwart figure was exactly the brother Ming she was thinking about. !

"Shouldn't I be hallucinating?" Yun Tian turned to look at the Lone Gunner in disbelief, wanting to see what the Lone Gunner looked like at the moment; as soon as she turned around, she saw that the Lone Gunner was also with She looked exactly the same.

"Could it be... this is really Brother Ming!?" Yun Tian and the lone gunman cast their gazes at Xu Ming again in disbelief.

At this time, Feng Rulong and Ning'er's attack also arrived!

"Brother Ming! Be careful!" Yun Tian and Lone Gunner shouted subconsciously.


Feng Rulong's reckless saber qi slashes everything!

Ning'e's fierce sword qi contains the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

At this moment, Xu Ming calmly stretched out his hands. With one hand he grabbed Feng Rulong's giant sword, and the other hand grabbed Ning'er's long sword.

Bang! Bang!

Two muffled sounds.

The giant sword and the long sword were both grasped by Xu Ming in the palm of his hand, as if he was holding two toys; moreover, the power of cutting everything and destroying the sky and the earth disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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