Break Into Another World

Chapter 1740: Silver Light City Lord

"Brother Ming, we have arrived at the residence!"

The two of them lived in a simple courtyard with many flowers, plants, fruits and trees.

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner each have a house, a training room and a residence.

"It's quite comfortable here!" Xu Ming laughed.

"The main thing is safety!" Yun Tian said, "If we were outside the city, our weak strength might be robbed and killed at some point! But in Silver Light City, it is absolutely safe; at least, no Who dares to kill here."

Yun Tian said this with a look of gratitude on her face: "I would like to thank City Lord Yinguang. If he hadn't rescued me and placed me in the city, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Brother Ming today!"

The Lone Gunner continued: "After I entered Yinguang City once, I met Yun Tian, ​​and Zhanguang also lived in the city! Before, I lived a life of anxiety!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming nodded silently, "So, if you have a chance, I would like to thank this Silver Light City Lord!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner are Xu Ming's subordinates anyway. City Lord Yinguang saved Xu Ming's subordinates, and Xu Ming should naturally thank one or two.

As for whether the strength of City Lord Yinguang is strong or weak, Xu Ming doesn't care much - after all, when Brother Ming makes friends, he never depends on his strength! Anyway, no matter how strong he is, he will be beaten by Brother Ming!

"Brother Ming!" Yun Tian said expectantly, "How about you live here too?"

"Live here?" Xu Ming smiled, "Alright, let's stay for a while!"

Although Xu Ming wanted to conquer the world of the First World as soon as possible, he couldn't just go out and kill people without thinking, right? It is better to live here first, and first understand the power structure of the First World World.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Ming realized that he really wanted to chat with City Lord Yinguang! After all, in Silver Light City, the news of the Silver Light City Lord must be relatively well-informed.

Saying that, Xu Ming waved his hand.

Suddenly, in the small courtyard, a simple pavilion rose out of thin air.

Xu Ming casually arranged some formations: "From now on, I will live in this pavilion!"

"Brother Ming, I'll go prepare some food and drink for you!" Yun Tian always maintained the attitude of a maid in front of Xu Ming.


But at this moment, the gate of the small courtyard was banged heavily.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's face sank - obviously, the visitor was not good.

"It's my business!" The Lone Gunner's face changed, and he said, "It's an enemy I offended before I awakened my memory! He also awakened his memory, and found that his father was actually a man in Silver Light City. A master of the list!"

Yun Tian also said: "Fortunately, we can't do it in Yinguang City, otherwise, we will be in some trouble!"

Xu Ming said with some blame: "Then you still dare to go out of the city to watch the fun?"

The Lone Gunner said: "It's okay, Brother Ming, he won't really kill me! After all, we've dealt with each other many times, and we've never been a killer! Even if we meet outside the city, at most we'll be humiliated by him. Stop it!"

Xu Ming's expression softened a little - it seems that the lone gunman and the person who smashed the door did not have any deep hatred.

"Go open the door!" Xu Ming said, "With me here, I won't let him humiliate you!"

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" The Lone Gunner continued.

The courtyard door opened.

A fierce master stepped forward, pointed at the lone gunman and sneered: "Humph! Boy! If you hadn't been hiding in Silver Light City, I would have cleaned you up every once in a while!"

"Qing Xiao!" The Lone Gunner shouted, "If you have the ability, don't rely on the advantage of the sword! Could it be... I'm still afraid that you won't succeed!?"

In fact, the lone gunman is also quite aggrieved!

Between him and Qing Xiao, they didn't know each other; moreover, before awakening his memory, most of them were pressing Qing Xiao!

However, after Qing Xiao awakened his memory, he found his father and got a powerful weapon from his father; in this way, the Lone Gunner is no longer an opponent!

What's more, what makes the Lone Gunner even more aggrieved is that when it comes to fighting father, he really may not be able to beat Qing Xiao! After all, his father is a strong domain master! But the problem is, his father is definitely not in the world of the first layer, but in the world of the fourth layer; with the current strength of the Lone Gunner, he can't find his father at all.

"Hahahaha..." Qing Xiao laughed loudly, "If you have the ability, you can also rely on the advantage of the sword!"

Xu Ming ignored the commotion, his eyes suddenly turned to the outside of the courtyard gate: "Someone is here again, and his strength is not weak!"

Xu Ming's eyes instantly fell on the two men in Chinese clothes on the streets of Yinguang City.

"It's all in the realm of the 'real me third-order'! Besides, it's coming for me!" Xu Ming waited indifferently.

Two "real me third-order", but also can't arouse his jealousy!

If the comer is well-intentioned, then forget it! If you have malicious intentions, don't blame Brother Ming for being rude! —As for the prohibition of hands in Silver Light City?

Ha ha! The rules are made by the strong! Xu Ming's strength is much stronger than City Lord Yinguang, so what rules do he need to care about?


At this time, Yun Tian, ​​Lone Gunner, and Qing Xiao also found these two figures walking over. Immediately, the expressions of the three of them changed.

"Brother Ming!" The Lone Gunner continued to transmit his voice, "The silver-robed master is the City Lord of Silver Light! The other black-robed master is Qing Xiao's father, Qing Mo!"

"Oh!" Xu Ming nodded slightly. He was pondering when to visit City Lord Yinguang. Unexpectedly, the other party came to the door on his own initiative!

"Silver Light City Lord!"

"Silver Light City Lord!"

Yun Tian and Lone Gunner even stepped forward.

"Father..." Qing Xiao greeted the black robe master.

The gaze of the Silver Light City Lord quickly fell on Xu Ming: "This is the mysterious master outside the Silver Light City, right? Dare I ask what you call him?"

As the Lord of the City of Silver Light, he is naturally very informed about the news around Silver Light City.

"Xu Ming!" Xu Ming laughed.

"It turned out to be Brother Xu Ming!" City Lord Yinguang and Qing Mo both clasped their fists.

"It's a pleasure to meet!" Xu Ming also said, and introduced Yun Tian and Lone Gunner at the same time.

Looking at Xu Ming's face, Yinguang City Lord and Qingmo naturally have equal status with Yun Tian and Lone Gunner.

The Lone Gunner even secretly said: Brother Ming is good if he is here! The city lord of Yinguang, who was originally unattainable, took the initiative to associate with my peers!

"Yun Tian!" Yinguang City Lord naturally recognized Yun Tian and remembered that he had rescued her. And this time City Lord Yinguang took the initiative to find Xu Ming, in fact, he wanted to ask for something; seeing Yun Tian, ​​City Lord Yinguang was naturally overjoyed.

Qing Mo patted his son's head and said, "Why are you standing here stupidly? If you don't go up, say hello to Uncle Xu, Uncle Gu, and Aunt Yun!"

"I..." Qing Xiao was suddenly speechless! —Others are all sons to cheat on their fathers, this father is completely here to cheat on their sons! He just ran over and wanted to humiliate the Lone Gunner a little bit; in the blink of an eye, his father and the Lone Gunner were brothers! And Qing Xiao, he has to control the solitary gunman calling him uncle...

This makes Qing Xiao, how can he raise his head in front of the Lone Gunner in the future?

City Lord Yinguang ignored this little farce, but looked at Xu Ming and said straight to the point: "Brother Xu Ming, let's be honest, I'm here this time because I want to ask you for help!"

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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