Break Into Another World

Chapter 1749: The attraction of the strong

"Everyone outside Yinguang City, help me spread the word, just say that I am very interested in Mo Jiangran's strength!"

Xu Ming's voice rumbled loudly.

The great powers such as Princess Youlong outside Yinguang City were all stunned and dumbfounded: "Xu Ming is trying to... challenge the Heavenly Ranking!?"

Tianbang is completely unattainable existence!

In the entire Yunhe Prefecture, 10,800 counties, and hundreds of millions of divine cities, there is not a single strong person who is truly ranked in the sky! —Although Mo Jiangran should have the strength of the Heaven Ranking, he was still listed on the Earth Ranking because he has not made a move for a long time.

And Xu Ming, daring to challenge Mo Jiangran, is actually no different from challenging Tianbang!

"Where did Xu Ming get his confidence from!?"

All the strong people can't believe it.

"Does Xu Ming not know Mo Jiangran's true strength? Do you think Mo Jiangran is only in the top ten on the Earth Ranking and is not a powerhouse on the Heavenly Ranking!?"

"Even if Mo Jiangran is only in the top ten on the Earth Ranking, where does Xu Ming have the confidence to challenge him? - Could it be that Xu Ming thinks he has the strength in the Earth Ranking's top 10?"

"Xu Ming is too arrogant!"

"Indeed! Heaven's list is majestic and cannot be provoked; Xu Ming's words have already provoked Mo Jiangran, and there is only one end...die!"

"Yeah! Unless... the rest of us don't spread Xu Ming's words out! In that case, Mo Jiangran doesn't know that Xu Ming's words are rude to him, so there will be nothing wrong!"

"None of us spread Xu Ming's words out? - How is it possible! Now Xu Ming himself asked to spread the words! And I guess that these words have already spread, and they are about to reach Mo Jiangran's ears. bingo!"

Clouds and states are big.

However, it is not difficult for the powerhouses to communicate with each other.

Indeed, Xu Ming's words of provoking Mo Jiangran reached Mo Jiangran's ears after only a few messages.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" After Mo Jiangran heard about it, he said lightly, "But it's okay... I haven't made a move since breaking through the 'True Self's Tier 3'! I can just take this opportunity to show the strength of the Heavenly Ranking and get on the list. On the list!"

Mo Jiang is about to make a move!

This news spreads faster!

The powerhouses in the entire Yunhe Prefecture, as well as the powerhouses at the top of the county rankings, soon learned the news!

"Mo Jiangran is the 'Emperor's True Self', and it is very likely that he has reached the 'Emperor's True Self'! Is he going to take action?"

"Hurry up to Yinguang City! - You must know that the third level of the emperor's true self contains the essence of the 'real self'! Although everyone understands the 'true self' differently; however, one can see To the 'Emperor's True Self Level 3', being able to smell the special breath that belongs to the 'True Self Essence Profound Truth' will be of great benefit for us to comprehend the 'True Self'!"

"That's right! Once, there was a man on the list of powerhouses, because he watched the battle between the two powerhouses in the sky, and smelled the essence of the true self; as a result, his 'true self' was transformed into a 'superior product'. The real me', the strength has also stepped into the level of the earth list!"

"It is suspected that the powerhouse in the sky will make a move, don't miss it! Go to Silver Light City!"

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that, just a moment after his words were released, the entire Yunhezhou was in a commotion.

In order to see the powerhouses in the sky, the top powerhouses in the entire Yunhe Prefecture rushed to Yinguang City with all their might. That's all for the strong ones! And in Yunhe Prefecture, if you want to see a strong player in the sky, even billions of epochs may not have a chance!

Even some states around Yunhe State got the news and rushed towards Silver Light City frantically.

Cloud and City.

A certain super sect.

A powerhouse ranked in the top 500 on the Earth Ranking hurriedly called the disciples of the entire sect: "All disciples, enter my world ring immediately! I'm going to take you to watch a big chance!"

The disciples were curious: "What is the big chance?"

The strong man said solemnly: "There is a day when the strong man is going to take action!"

You Long County.

In a city of gods near Silver Light City.

A powerhouse with a ranking of more than 5,000 people, looking at the powerhouses constantly passing overhead, can't help but be full of doubts: "A lot of powerhouses... Moreover, many of them are powerhouses on the Earth List! Even the weakest, They're all in the top 500 on the list!"

This strong man ranked 5,000 out of 1000, it is really unimaginable, what happened to attract so many strong men to the past.

"Would you like to follow me?" The strong man couldn't help but think, "But... there are so many strong men passing by, if I follow, there may be danger..."

In the end, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity and walked towards Silver Light City.

The distant Shengtian state.

Taikoo Court General Pavilion.

A strong man whose whole body seems to be real but empty, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Oh? Mo Jiangran is finally willing to do it?"

How well-informed is the news of Taikoo Pavilion's main pavilion?

Mo Jiangran had already broken through to the "Tier 3 Emperor's True Self", so the general pavilion of Taikoo Pavilion would not be unaware. It's just...because Mo Jiangran has never made a move, it is impossible to make a correct assessment of his strength, so Mo Jiangran has never been on the list.

"Exactly, I can go and see how powerful Mo Jiangran is, so that I can make a correct ranking on the heavenly list! And... that invitation letter for the Eternal Battlefield should also be sent to Mo Jiangran! "

Even Xu Ming did not expect that the attraction of the powerhouses in the sky would be so strong!

It didn't take long for his words to be released, and experts from the rankings and the rankings arrived outside the Silver Light City one after another.

In a short time, the number of masters outside Yinguang City exceeded 10,000! Moreover, it is still rising at a terrifying speed.

The City Lord of Silver Light was stunned—he had never thought that his small city of Silver Light would one day attract so many strong men! I'm afraid... the powerhouses of the entire Yunhe state will be attracted, right?

That's right!

Not only the powerhouses of the entire Yunhe state were attracted, but even the powerhouses of some surrounding states rushed over!

Before you know it, the number of strong people has exceeded one million!

Generally speaking, the weakest among these million-strong people are the top 500 people in a certain county! Even weaker, the news is not so well-informed, and it is impossible to rush over so quickly.

Even Xu Ming was a little surprised: "Is this the attraction of the powerhouses in the sky?"

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to Mo Jiangran's strength!

The powerhouses outside Yinguang City are still gathering more and more.


The time and space around Silver Light City was completely silent.

An extremely arrogant black figure stepped out from the end of the sky. He is like the ruler of this side of time and space, even the powerhouses on the earth list are eclipsed in front of him.

"Mo Jiangran, here we are!"

(End of this chapter)

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