Break Into Another World

Chapter 1765: 1 gun?

Eternal Battlefield.

Space barriers are like mountains, space cracks are like abyss, all over the battlefield. There are also countless space storms, sweeping the entire battlefield.

The entire battlefield of eternity seems to be silent, but in fact it is full of dangers. In the chaotic time and space, even the powerhouses whose strength is comparable to the "half-step world master" dare not be too careless; otherwise, once they fall into a dangerous place, there will be a lot of trouble.

Xu Ming, Ye Juetian, and other five people hid their figures and moved forward carefully.

"Brother Xu Ming." Ye Juetian said with a smile, "We are heading to a small battlefield with a low level of danger - the Red Floating Realm!"

"Lower risk?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"Yes!" Ye Juetian explained, "In the Chifu Realm, most of them are small teams like us, and there are very few large-scale battles! Moreover, the battles in the Chifu Realm are usually more rational; no Like some other battlefields, many powerhouses have already been killed!"

That kind of super large-scale battle is the meat grinder of the strong! After a battle, I don't know how many powerhouses will fall!

"Of course—" Ye Juetian said again, "Even if the level of danger is low, every battle must be a life-and-death struggle! Brother Xu Ming, you have to be prepared!"

Ye Juetian just reminded him casually.

After all, at their level of strength, who else did not come out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood? When fighting, no one will be soft! - To be soft to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.

"Xu Ming, don't be too nervous!" Bo Xue said with a smile, "Ye Juetian's strength is very strong! It's quite safe to follow him!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded silently and asked curiously, "How many powerhouses are there in the Eternal Battlefield?"

"How many strong people are there?" Ye Juetian couldn't help laughing when he heard this question, "I'm afraid no one can answer you this question!"


Ye Juetian continued: "From the infinitely distant era to the present, there are too many powerhouses who have entered the battlefield of eternity! Even if there are hundreds of millions of them, I'm afraid it's not enough! Although, many powerhouses have fallen. ; However, the number of powerhouses left behind is also unimaginable! And... there are many powerhouses, all hidden in various places on the battlefield of eternity, and no one knows where they are at all! So, if you want to ask how many powerhouses there are, almost no Someone might know!"

"Indeed!" Xu Ming thought about it carefully and nodded.

The history of the universe is too long! It looks almost impossible to describe in time!

Even if in each era, only a few powerhouses enter the battlefield of eternity; then how many powerhouses should there be after the accumulation of countless billions of times?

Really have no way of knowing!

However, Xu Ming couldn't help but be curious: "Most of the people who entered the battlefield of eternity are geniuses who have realized the 'Emperor's True Self'; as long as these geniuses are willing to break through their cultivation, it is nothing to step into the realm of the realm or even the realm of the realm. Is it difficult? - Why do you want to stay in the eternal battlefield for endless years, and do not want to leave?"

Ye Juetian took a deep look at Xu Ming and couldn't help laughing: "It seems... Brother Xu Ming's cultivation time must be very short! I don't know many secrets!"

"How do you say this?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

Ye Juetian sighed and said, "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight! - It is a good thing to be able to understand the true self of the emperor! But you must know that the higher the level of the 'true self', the harder it is to break through! the price that must be paid for comprehending the high-grade 'true self'!"

"If the 'true self' is Wupin or Fanpin, it is very easy to condense the 'flower of the true self'! But for the 'true self' above the highest level, it is more difficult to condense the 'flower of the true self'! The emperor's true self... It is almost impossible to condense the 'flower of true self' without relying on external objects and only relying on one's own comprehension!"

"Even if the 'flower of the true self' cannot be successfully condensed, then even the domain master realm cannot be entered! Even if you are lucky enough to step into the domain master realm, in the future, if you want to create the 'real self realm' and step into the realm of the real world, It's hard to do!"

"The higher the level of 'real self' is understood, the more difficult it will be to follow the path of cultivation in the future!"

Xu Ming understood.

The road to cultivation is not as easy as he thought!

Ye Juetian said again: "You must know that most of those who can enter the Eternal Battlefield have the strength of a half-step World Lord! However, after they leave the Eternal Battlefield, even if they can break through to the Domain Lord Realm, as long as they can't break through the World Lord It is difficult for them to make great progress in their strength! In other words, outside the world of First Layer, it is really not very attractive to the powerhouses in the Eternal Battlefield!"

There is no attraction, so it is normal for the strong people to stay in the eternal battlefield.

"Unless...there is something that can help them cultivate! Only in this way can they attract them!" Ye Juetian continued, "And this kind of there in the world of First Layer!"

"What is it?" Xu Ming asked subconsciously.

"Cosmic Flower Sea!" Ye Juetian said, "The soil of the Cosmos Flower Sea is said to be from the 'real universe', which is extremely magical! On that soil, the flowers of the true self can grow! - If you can enter the Cosmos Flower Sea, Pick the 'Flower of True Self' that suits you to comprehend; then can greatly reduce the difficulty of condensing the 'Flower of True Self'! What the readers want to do! After all, the cosmos flower sea can only be entered once, so naturally everyone wants to accumulate more points, and then after entering the cosmos flower sea, they can stay longer!"

Xu Ming figured it out - it turned out to be the sea of ​​flowers in the universe, "seducing" the top geniuses in the universe.

Suddenly, Xu Ming became more and more curious about the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, and could not wait to go in and see what it looked like inside.

"Don't worry!" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart, "I already have a lot of points! After I earn some points in the Battlefield of Eternal Age, I will enter the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers to see!"

The amount of time Xu Ming can stay in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers is absolutely ridiculous!

The five people are talking—


Suddenly, the space beyond the billions of realms in front of the five people twisted into a giant screen. On the giant screen, there are even some pictures.

"It's a space mirage!" Ye Juetian said, "The picture above is... the main continent of the battlefield of the ages!"

"Main Continent?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look seriously.

"This space mirage just reflects the appearance of the main continent!" Ye Juetian laughed, "You don't seem to be very big, but in fact, the main continent is terrifyingly huge! Besides, I heard... Eternal The main continent of the battlefield is actually a gun!"

A gun?

Xu Ming was stunned for a moment. Looking at the disc-shaped main continent, he couldn't help but ask: Is this a gun? Tell me, where does this look like a gun?

(End of this chapter)

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