Break Into Another World

Chapter 1773: sacrifice



From the Eight Great Limits, the millions of powerhouses in the top ranks of the Heavenly Ranking are extremely confident.

Millions of attack salvos can already "quantitative change produce qualitative change"! Even if it is a weak Supreme, I am afraid that he may not dare to bear this wave of attacks; although Xu Ming is ranked first in the Primordial All Things Ranking, no matter how strong he is, can there be such a strong Supreme! ?

In the face of such an attack, how could Xu Ming survive?

at the same time.

Deep underground directly below Xu Ming.

Grandpa Taihao hid his breath and sneaked into the ground with a puzzled look on his face: "What the **** is Xu Ming doing? Are you courting death?"

Xu Ming would be besieged by so many powerhouses, and Gong Taihao naturally contributed to the flames secretly.

It's just that what my father-in-law Taihao couldn't figure out was that when there were only a few thousand or tens of thousands of enemies at the beginning, why didn't Xu Ming face him? After all, with Xu Ming's strength, he should be able to beat him head-on!

He had to run around everywhere, and as a result, he was surrounded by millions of troops.

"If Xu Ming dies like this, my plan will fail! Then I've been busy for so long!" Grandpa Taihao thought gloomily, "No way! We must protect Xu Ming!"

Gong Taihao, in the past life, he was a very strong existence in the Supreme Realm!

Although he was reincarnated and rebuilt, there are still many treasures left. Relying on these treasures, Gong Taihao can sneak in the underground of the main battlefield! In the same way, relying on these treasures, it is not difficult for Gong Taihao to keep Xu Ming!

"Damn! I actually want me to waste my treasure to protect him!" Grandpa Taihao thought angrily. He obviously didn't think that Xu Ming could withstand so many attacks.

However, when he thought of what he might get, Grandpa Taihao's mood immediately became more comfortable: "As long as I can get 'that treasure', even if I have all my treasures, what's the harm?"

It was "that treasure" that made Gong Taihao not hesitate to give up his cultivation in the Supreme Realm and reincarnated to rebuild it!

And the value of that treasure is much higher than that of the Supreme Divine Weapon!

"Humph! Xu Ming! I'll save your life! I'll take it as... buy your life!" Grandpa Taihao snorted coldly, and a treasure appeared in each of his hands.

In the left hand is a yellow flag. The pattern on the array flag, as if the yellow sand covered all worlds, is a supreme-level trapped array flag.

The one in the right hand is a miniature transparent pagoda, which is obviously used to protect Xu Ming!


Gong Taihao waved his hand, and the two treasures flew towards the ground above.

At this moment, Xu Ming was facing the overwhelming attack of millions of attacks.

"I can't stop it!" Xu Ming still has self-knowledge. Although his realm has just broken through to the "first-order real self", his strength has skyrocketed, but Xu Ming still has self-knowledge! Such overwhelming attacks are simply not something he can resist, unless... he uses "Time Pause" to hang up.

However, Xu Ming was not in a hurry to open the "Time Pause".

He is waiting!

Wait for someone!

Xu Ming looked at the millions of attacks that were approaching, but his eyes were extremely calm.

"The father-in-law Taihao I met in Zhenyu County obviously had a plot to trick me into entering the battlefield of the ages! Moreover, there are so many strong men besieging me, and he should be behind the scenes... It's all to this point, he Not coming out yet?"

Xu Ming didn't believe it, Gong Taihao would not make a move, and would just watch himself "fall".

He just waited for his father-in-law Taihao to make a move to see what the other party's plans were!

Of course, Xu Ming wouldn't be foolish to wait! Waiting for the attack to get closer, if he hasn't seen Gong Taihao make a move, Xu Ming will turn on the "time pause" and hang up; otherwise, even Xu Ming will be annihilated under a million attacks.

"I haven't shot yet..." Xu Ming was about to turn on "Time Pause" and hung up, "Am I guessing wrong? Gong Taihao isn't here at all?"

at this time


Around Xu Ming's divine body, a transparent pagoda suddenly appeared, protecting Xu Ming's whole body.

On the transparent pagoda, there is an indestructible aura; Xu Ming felt the extraordinaryness of this pagoda when he saw it!

"It's not what I expected!" Xu Ming smiled.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Millions of attacks landed on the transparent pagoda around Xu Ming, but they failed to shake the pagoda. Inside, even ordinary supreme beings can never break through.

Even the pagoda could not be broken open, Xu Ming was naturally unscathed.

"what is this?"

"Xu Ming still has such a treasure? Can it stop the joint siege of so many of us?"

"No wonder he dares to be arrogant!"

Immediately after…

Suddenly, endless yellow sand swept the sky. Within the ten thousand realms with Xu Ming at the center, the sky is full of yellow sand; the million powerhouses from the Eight Era are also trapped in the yellow sand.

Ten Thousand Realms Yellow Sand Formation! This array flag can only be used once, but even the Supreme can be trapped!

"what happened?"

"We seem to be caught in the formation! Where did the formation come from?"

"What's wrong?"

Many strong people felt a little fear of this sudden unknown They wanted to send a message to the outside world, but found that they couldn't send a message at all.

Some powerhouses tried to break the Myriad Realms Yellow Sand Formation, but found that there was no way to break their million powerhouses, and they were all trapped in this formation!

At this moment, Gong Taihao's figure emerged from the ground. The powerhouses present noticed him.

"Master Taihao?"

"How did he come out of the ground? The ground of the main continent can't sneak!"

There are also strong people in the second quadrant who asked directly: "Brother Taihao, did you create this yellow sand formation?"

Grandpa Taihao ignored the surrounding voices. In his eyes, this so-called million-strong powerhouse is not much different from an ant.

Xu Ming also looked at Gong Taihao with some doubts. What did he want to do after spending so much thought and cost?

Of course, no matter what the father-in-law Taihao does, Xu Ming has enough confidence to deal with it! This is his confidence in his own strength!

Suddenly, Grandpa Taihao raised his arms high, and his divine body was burning.

An incomparably deep thought communicated with this world: "In my name, with Xu Ming's talent, with millions of flesh and blood, sacrifice to the sky..."

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The whole world trembled along with it, as if some incredible force was smashing this incomparably tough space-time.

And the look on Gong Taihao's face became more and more pious and fanatical!

"Come on! Come on..." Gong Taihao kept calling.

The vibration of time and space is also getting more and more violent, as if the entire space and time may be blasted through at any time.

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