Break Into Another World

Chapter 1775: Boundary Gun

Gong Taihao laughed, and also got into the black hole.

Passing through a dark space-time distortion channel, Gong Taihao appeared in a vast starry sky; however, there was no one else around.


A gray airflow converged into a gray figure in front of him.

The gray figure leaned on crutches and stooped, exuding a ferocious and evil terrifying aura.

"The mausoleum guardian!" Gong Taihao said directly, "I sacrificed so many geniuses for you, what belongs to my inheritance?"

The gray figure pointed to an icy star emitting blue light, and said, "That's where the inheritance lies!"

Father-in-law Tai Hao continued: "By accepting the inheritance, will you be able to obtain that treasure?"

The gray figure smiled faintly, and said lightly: "Then it depends on your strength! If your strength is not enough, it is naturally impossible to obtain the treasure; if you have enough strength, the treasure will naturally be yours!"

"That's good!" Grandpa Taihao smiled confidently.


You know, he is the reincarnation of a superpower, and he is naturally very confident in his own strength.

The figure in gray seemed to see through Gong Taihao's thoughts and said with a smile: "Boundary-breaking gun, waiting for its new owner, it's been too long!"

It's just that the laughter of the figure in gray also looked particularly ferocious.

Gong Taihao didn't seem to notice the hideousness in the laughter, and said proudly: "Don't worry, it won't wait for long!"

call out-

After speaking, Gong Taihao flew directly towards the blue icy star.

The figure in gray looked at Gong Taihao's back, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth; he whispered to himself: "Want to get the World Breaker Gun? Oh! What potential can a reincarnated person have, and also try to get the World Breaker Gun? !"

Actually... From the very beginning, the figure in gray didn't want his father-in-law to get the real inheritance. It's just that Gong Taihao didn't know, he thought he would get a big chance soon.

"Let him waste time on the Blue Prisoner first! When he finds the true inheritor, this father-in-law Taihao might still be of some use!" starry sky.

This is a vast land as smooth as a mirror.

Xu Ming and the millions of geniuses from the Eight Great Limits appeared on this earth after being sucked into the black hole.

"Where is this?" Even Xu Ming couldn't see the end of this land; beyond the incomparable distance, there was an endless fog that blocked his spiritual sense and sight.

Being in a different place, the fate is unknown; for a while, none of the million powerful people did anything to Xu Ming.

"Where exactly is this place?"

"We seem to have been sacrificed to some terrifying existence! The ground here is as smooth as a mirror, obviously not a normal continent, could it be... We are in an altar now?"

"It's entirely possible!"

"Not good! If we are in the altar, aren't we in danger of falling at any time?"


However, after being sucked into the black hole, if you don't even know where you are, where can you escape?


"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Hello everyone!" Along with the hideous laughter, a gray airflow gradually converged into gray figures.

Immediately, many geniuses became vigilant - after all, the breath of this gray figure is too terrifying!

"Haha!" The gray-clothed figure laughed, "You don't need to panic!"

No need to panic?

The words of the figure in gray did not have any consolation effect - after all, before these geniuses were sucked into the black hole, they heard the word "sacrifice" clearly. In addition, this gray-clothed figure doesn't look like a good thing at first glance, how can people not panic?

Only Xu Ming squinted at the figure in gray, trying to see what the other party's purpose was.

The figure in gray continued to laugh and said, "Haha! It's really panicking! The so-called sacrifice is just a cover! To be able to come here, for you, it may not be a disaster, but it may be a big opportunity!"

Big chance?

The super geniuses of the Eight Great Limits, obviously not so easy to fool, shouted after hearing the words: "How do you prove that this is a big opportunity?"

"It's not necessarily a disaster, what do you mean? That is to say... it might still be a disaster?"

"Speak! What is the purpose of you kidnapping us here!"

The grey-clothed figure listened to countless shouts and scolded, and immediately smiled disdainfully: "I don't need to explain anything to you, you just need to remember - the strong live, the weak die! For the strong, it is naturally a chance; For the weak, it is naturally a disaster!"

As soon as the figure in gray said these words, the audience immediately became quiet—yes! Weak, what qualifications do you have to make a sound?

Not qualified!

Rather than venting his panic with words, it is better to follow what the figure in gray said, and in that case, there might be a way to survive—after all, the current situation is that people are the knife and I am the fish!

"That's right!" The gray-clothed figure smiled.

It's just that his laughter seemed particularly ferocious no matter the time.

After a pause, the grey-clothed figure said again, "Do you know what the grandfather Taihao and the superpowers of the real universe are asking for?"

"What?" Every genius looked at the figure in gray.

"A long spear!" said the gray-clothed figure.

A long gun?

Suddenly, many geniuses remembered one thing: "I heard... the main continent of this eternal battlefield is a gun? Is it true!"

The grey-clothed figure said with a grim smile: "That's right, the main continent of the Eternal Continent is just a gun!"



Suddenly, millions of geniuses were filled with shock.

Even Xu Ming was stunned - the main continent is obviously disc-shaped! How can there be a long looks like this?

Moreover, how huge is the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield? If a gun is this huge, how can it be used?

"Or..." Xu Ming guessed, "Is this spear hidden in the interior of the main continent?"

At this time, the figure in gray continued: "To be precise... the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield is only a part of this long spear!"

"Part of it!?" There were suspicious voices all over the floor.

"Not bad!" said the figure in gray, "This long spear, called the 'Boundary Breaking Spear', is an existence far beyond your understanding and imagination! The long spear is just placed there, it will span the past, the present and the future - the spear tip of the long spear, in the real time of time. The 'past section' of the river; most of the gun barrels are in the 'future section' of the real time river; only a very small part is in the 'now'! That is... the main continent of the eternal battlefield that you see! "

To put it simply, the main continent of the eternal battlefield is just a small part of the "Boundary Breaking Gun". And most of the others, because they are not in the "present", but in the "past" and "future", therefore, with the strength of Xu Ming and others, they cannot touch those parts at all!

"What kind of long spear is this..." Xu Ming was horrified!

Millions of geniuses are all in shock!



No matter what kind of vocabulary, there is no way to describe the "Boundary Breaking Gun"!

At this moment, the figure in gray said again: "And you... maybe there is a chance to get the 'Boundary Breaker Spear'!"

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