Break Into Another World

Chapter 1777: this is not

"I want to hit ten million!"

Xu Ming's voice resounded across the vast land.

Suddenly, the whispering voices of millions of geniuses fell silent; the whole land suddenly fell into a dead silence—what? Ten million! ?

You know, this is not a thousand, nor ten thousand, but... ten million!

Millions of geniuses, looking at Xu Ming's number of challenges, and thinking about the number of their own challenges, all of a sudden a word flashed in their hearts - the gap!

What is the gap?

This is the difference!

Millions of geniuses were shocked for a long time before they gradually reacted.

"Ten million?"

"Xu Ming is courting death?"

"With the existence of the master level of the upper-level domain, you can't find a few in a virtual universe! Xu Ming actually boasted that he wanted to challenge 10 million?"

"I just don't know how to live or die!"

Although many geniuses said this, they actually felt that Xu Ming had hope of succeeding in the challenge!

After all, if you want to say who can pass the screening battle most safely, it is undoubtedly Xu Ming, the first powerhouse in the Primordial All Things List! With Xu Ming's strength, there is absolutely no need to make an act of courting death!

Since it's not courting death, that's how confident it is!

Moreover, Xu Ming should want to use the screening battle to show his strength; after all, the more strength he shows, the more likely he will eventually get the Boundary Breaker Gun!

Even the ferocious figure in gray was stunned for a while before he asked Xu Ming in disbelief, "How many do you want to challenge?"

Xu Ming said word by word: "Ten million!"

The figure in gray was stunned for a while.

The figure in gray was stunned for a while, and said, "There aren't that many opponents to challenge you!"

The opponent provided by the figure in gray is a puppet-like existence; even if he dies in battle, he can easily be resurrected and continue to use it. Therefore, the total number of puppets is naturally not too large; after all, if a battle can challenge one or two thousand puppets, it is already very against the sky!

It is the first time to see the figure in gray when he opens his mouth like Xu Ming.

"What? There aren't so many opponents?" Xu Ming was also taken aback, and said, "This is possible!"

The grey-clothed figure was a little depressed and said, "This is really not true!"

"Really not..." Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Let's get a little less, give me five million!"

The figure in gray looked bitter: "Five million... not even!"

"Not even five million? There must be one million!" Xu Ming said.

"Cough cough..." The figure in gray said embarrassedly, "No!"

Xu Ming became impatient: "Then how many are there?"

"One hundred thousand!" said the gray-clothed figure.

"One hundred thousand... it's not enough for me to warm up!" Xu Ming shook his head and said, "Forget it! One hundred thousand is just one hundred thousand! Send me to the battle space!"

"Pfft!" The figure in gray had the urge to vomit blood.


A mysterious force enveloped Xu Ming and instantly transported him to the battle space.

"Can Xu Ming win?"

"One hundred thousand high-grade domain master level combat power! Although it is far less exaggerated than 'ten million', it has reached the level of 'quantitative change leads to qualitative change'! - In my opinion, Xu Ming does not know the 100,000-grade high-grade domain master. How strong is it that you will not know how high the sky is, and you will brag about the sea!"

"That's right! Lord of the 100,000 high-rank domain! Even if you stand there and let Xu Ming kill him, Xu Ming will kill him for a long time, right?"

"How can you possibly win!"

"Maybe, as soon as Xu Ming entered the battle space, he would regret it!"

Millions of geniuses are talking about it.

Not long after, the figure in gray suddenly said, "Next, who wants to challenge?"

Many geniuses were stunned for a moment - aren't all the 100,000 top-rank domain master puppets in Xu Ming's battle space? Not long after that, the figure in grey asked others to challenge him. Could it be that... Xu Ming had already died in the battle space?

After all, if Xu Ming's battle is not over, there will be no puppets to challenge other geniuses!

"Xu Ming is dead?" One genius couldn't help but ask.

The corners of the grey-clothed figure trembled as he said, "Xu Ming...has already won the challenge!"

Challenge to win?

To win the challenge so quickly?

All geniuses can't imagine how Xu Ming did it - after all, a puppet of the 100,000 top-rank domain master level! Even if you just stand there and kill casually, you won't be able to kill it in such a short time, right?

The figure in gray obviously didn't want to explain more, so he randomly selected a hundred talents and sent them directly into the battle space.

"here is…?"

The 100,000 high-ranking domain master-level opponents naturally pose no threat to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming easily passed the screening battle and was teleported to an isolated island.

There are many buildings on the isolated island, but it is deserted, and only Xu Ming is alone.

Xu Ming turned around a little, but found nothing, so he sat down on the top of the lonely island with his knees crossed, closed his eyes and waited.


Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Dozens of figures were teleported here—obviously, they all won the screening battle just like Xu Ming.

Of course, winning does not mean that you have passed the screening; at the end, you will select 10,000 talents with the best results. As for those ranked out of ten thousand, then I don't know what will happen to them.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "How many of your group participated in the screening battle?"

"One hundred people!" said a long-robed swordsman.

"One hundred people?" Xu Ming secretly said, "Then most of them survived!"

"Xu Ming!" The long-robed swordsman's name is "Zhang Mu", from the fourth quadrant, "You really... challenged 100,000 opponents?"

Xu Ming said with a smile: "Is that even a question? - You are too underestimating my strength!"

Zhang Mu secretly thought: "I challenged 500 opponents, and I have tried my best to show all my cards; and Xu Ming, actually defeated 100,000 opponents - Xu Ming My strength is a hundred times stronger than mine!"

Zhang Mu seems to see clearly the difference in strength between himself and Xu Ming!

"Hundred times..." Zhang Mu secretly clenched his fists, his eyes were firm, "One day, I will surpass him!"

But suddenly, Zhang Mu was taken aback. He thought of a little problem, and his resolute eyes couldn't help but dimmed - he defeated five hundred because his strength could only defeat five hundred; if there were more than one or two, he would not be able to defeat it! And Xu Ming defeated 100,000 because... in the battle space, there are only 100,000 puppets in total, and there are no more!

That's the time - the difference in strength between Zhang Mu and Xu Ming is more than a hundredfold?

As for how big the gap is... Zhang Mu has no way of knowing!

At this moment, Zhang Mu couldn't help but doubt himself - he didn't even know how big the gap between him and Xu Ming was, what would he use to compete with Xu Ming?


Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Batches of geniuses are sent in. Soon, tens of thousands of geniuses gathered on the isolated island.

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