Break Into Another World

Chapter 1779: Xu Yin complete!

"I'll give you the same training environment as a true cosmic genius!"

Where is the genius of the true universe?

One is origin!

Born in the real universe, he has a unique advantage in "comprehending the real self".

The second is resources!

You must know that in the real universe, some places will even grow "true flowers" naturally!

Whether it is internal conditions or external resources, the geniuses of the true universe have taken too many advantages!

In the virtual universe, there are very few geniuses who can comprehend the "superior real self"; as for the superlative real self and the emperor's real self, even if all the eight great limits are added up, there are not many in the same period.

In the real universe... Basically, the starting point is "the best true self", and the geniuses who are a little more powerful are all the best true self and the emperor's true self! And the true cosmic geniuses who are qualified to enter the world of the first layer of heaven are often "the true self of the gods"!

This is the difference!

In terms of the quality of genius, the virtual universe is far, far worse than the real universe!


The virtual universe also has the advantages of the virtual universe! -Although our quality is poor, we have a lot of "quantity"!

The number of geniuses in the virtual universe, the number of powerhouses, and the real universe are definitely not the same level! Thousands of times, billions of times more!

"If we are given the training conditions equivalent to true cosmos geniuses..." Many geniuses couldn't help but get excited - this time the opportunity is too great! The ancient city below is probably even more valuable than the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers!

Why are the geniuses who are at the top of the list in the sky fighting to the death on the battlefield of eternity? The reason is that after entering the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, you can spend more time in it?

And now, this ancient city is more valuable than the universe of flowers! This makes these geniuses, how can they not be excited?

At this time, the figure in gray said again: "This ancient city below is the place for your first round of assessments! This first round of assessments will test your 'talent'; out of ten thousand of you, there are only one hundred people. able to pass!"

Ten thousand take one hundred!

cream of the crop!

The figure in gray continued: "Because this ancient city was 'moved' from the real universe, it will cost a lot to maintain the operation of the ancient city after leaving the real universe; therefore, this assessment will only last for 10,000 years! - The flow of time here is relatively slow, 10,000 years is equivalent to a hundred years in the outside world."

a thousand years!

Being able to stay in the ancient city for 10,000 years is beyond the expectations of the geniuses! They thought that it would be good to stay here for a year!

Then, the figure in gray spoke about the rules: "After entering the ancient city, each genius can challenge any other genius once, or be challenged once! Remember, with the same opponent, only one battle can happen— Either you take the initiative to challenge, or you are challenged!"

In other words, a genius can fight at most 9,999 times!

"The challenged must fight; if he does not fight within a year, he will be directly judged to lose! The winner will get one point; the loser will deduct one point. If neither of them challenged each other, then neither points nor deductions. Finally, when the 10,000-year period expires, the 100 geniuses with the highest points will enter the second round of assessment; the rest will be eliminated!"

The rules are simple.

Immediately, many talented geniuses with top-notch strength have their eyes wide open and are gearing up for action; they are strong and powerful. As long as they challenge all the weaker geniuses first, won't they be able to get ahead in points? - The idea is beautiful!

"However..." The grey-clothed figure said again, "You 10,000 people have strengths and weaknesses; moreover, some people's strength is based on foreign objects, not their own real strength!"

When the figure in gray said this, his eyes turned to Xu Ming intentionally or unintentionally.

When Xu Ming was screening the battle, he naturally used "time pause", so he could easily defeat ten thousand.

In the eyes of the figure in gray, Xu Ming must have used some kind of treasure; otherwise, how could he be so perverted by the "time suspension" that he casts in the realm of all things? - The figure in gray guessed right, plug-ins are, after all, a kind of "foreign object".

"Our second round of assessment is mainly to test 'talent'! This way, it seems unfair!" The man in gray said.

Immediately, the expressions of those top-notch geniuses changed—their beautiful ideas seemed to be in vain!

And those weak geniuses suddenly had hope.

"So..." The figure in gray continued, "I want to suppress and weaken the powerful geniuses; let your strength of ten thousand people return to the same starting point!"

"That's great!" Zhang Mu's eyes lit up when he heard it—you must know that the number of puppets he challenged in the screening battle was only 500! Others don't know his actual situation, but he himself knows that he is the weakest among the ten thousand geniuses!

"How to suppress and weaken..." The figure in gray pondered for a while, and said, "Let's follow the old rules - use the strength of the genius ranked last in the screening battle as the benchmark; use this to compare the strength of other geniuses, Suppress!"

"For example... the genius ranked last in the screening battle, the number of puppets defeated is 500; and the other genius, the number of puppets defeated is 1,000. Then—the genius who defeated a thousand puppets, The strength suppression has been weakened to half of the original!"

Suddenly, the expressions of those geniuses who defeated a thousand puppets suddenly changed!

The strength is directly suppressed and weakened to half of the original! ?

It's too overwhelming...

Hit them directly from the "top" to the "bottom"! How can these top geniuses dare to challenge other geniuses easily?

And those low-level geniuses are all happy in their hearts, don't be too happy - as soon as this rule comes out, no one will dare to challenge them from the beginning!

As for later...

Cultivating in the ancient city, everyone's strength will definitely improve a lot! If the strength of the top-level geniuses is suppressed by half, then the strength of the later cultivation and improvement will be "discounted"; while the bottom-level geniuses, on the contrary, the strength of the later cultivation and improvement will not be discounted - that is to say, the further back you go, the bottom-level geniuses may be reversed. The more dominant!

"Hahaha...that's fair!" Zhang Mu couldn't stop laughing in his heart - he was at the bottom, and his strength didn't need to be suppressed in the slightest! In this way, he, who was at the bottom, has become the most potential!

"This is the chance! I must seize it!" Zhang Mu knew that his chance had really come.

Suddenly, Zhang Mu couldn't help but look at Xu Ming.

The other nearly 10,000 geniuses also seemed to have thought of something. They all looked at Xu Ming—you know, Xu Ming has defeated 100,000 puppets! How many times will his strength be suppressed?

Two hundred times!

What is the concept of two-hundred-fold suppression?

"Xu Ming is about to be crushed to the point of never turning over!"

"Xu Ming is finished!"

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