Break Into Another World

Chapter 1786: real me level 2


The audience suddenly fell silent.

Fourth floor!

They read it right, the fourth floor of the Tower of Myself lights up! This means... Xu Ming has already passed the third floor!

All geniuses fell into horror, unable to extricate themselves for a long time!

Xu Ming's name also appeared in the "No. 1" position of the Tower of Mingwu. No one of the other geniuses has been able to pass through the third floor of the Tower of Mingwu; only Xu Ming has passed, and this "No. 1" "The throne is naturally well-deserved!

For a long time, the exclamations came one after another.

"Xu Ming...passed the third floor?"

"How is that possible!? Didn't Xu Ming even make it to the first floor before? Why did he suddenly..."

"No one seems to have seen Xu Ming challenge the Tower of Myself? Maybe, Xu Ming didn't fail the first floor, but he never challenged at all..."

"Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed by 200 times! He can still pass through the third floor! Could it be that... in the screening battle, if there are enough puppets, Xu Ming can really fight 10 million?"

Previously, no genius thought that Xu Ming could "play ten million", and even thought it was a joke. But now, the geniuses have to doubt that Xu Ming really has the strength to "beat 10 million"!

After all, although they didn't see Xu Ming's shot with their own eyes, the fourth floor lit up above the Tower of Myself would not be deceiving!

Immediately afterwards, all the geniuses held their breaths and stared again, all of them staring at the Tower of Ming Self: "Xu Ming... Can you pass the fourth floor?"

The other geniuses haven't even crossed the third floor, let alone what the fourth floor is like.

If Xu Ming passed the fourth floor, it would be really amazing!

The fourth floor of the Tower of Myself.

A Kun, as huge as hundreds of gods, wandered in the endless void. This Kun's divine body looks both real and imaginary, as if between the real and the illusory.

A message entered Xu Ming's mind: "Fourth floor: Daojing Kun! Of the 10,000 'devouring Kun' level, there may not be one that can evolve into a Daojing Kun, its strength is so tyrannical that it can swallow the swallowing Kun in one bite! "

This message is naturally a reminder from the "Tower of the Self".

Xu Ming just glanced at it: "Dao Jing Kun?"

In fact, for Xu Ming, it doesn't matter whether you are a Daojing Kun or what kind of Kun, consume some hanging points, open a "time pause" hang, and kill in minutes. But... Xu Ming didn't want to waste even a minute on this Dao Jing Kun.

"If you pass through the first three floors of the Tower of the Self, you can get "Real Self Character Books", "Real Self Realm Foundation", and "Real Self Realm Complete Solution". However, after passing through the fourth floor, there is nothing. !"

Since he couldn't get anything, Xu Ming was naturally too lazy to break in.

"That's it! Let's go out and practice first!" Xu Ming entered this ancient city, not to play with Kun, but to grasp the cultivation environment that came from the real universe.

After all, after passing this village, I don’t know when I will be able to enjoy the cultivation environment of the real universe again!

"Get out!" Xu Ming didn't fight the Dao Jing Kun at all, and left the Tower of Mingwu directly.


A mysterious force wrapped Xu Ming and directly teleported him to the outside of the Tower of the Self.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, "So many people?"

Needless to say, these people must have come to watch.

Xu Ming disdain to stay, just disappeared and left.

The geniuses were discussing again:

"You came out of the fourth floor so quickly?"

"The fourth floor of the Tower of Myself, what kind of monster is it? - Xu Ming broke through the third floor, but he couldn't hold on for a while on the fourth floor, and then he was defeated?"

"In any case, if Xu Ming can pass the third floor, he has already proved his strength!"

Naturally, other geniuses did not know that Xu Ming was not unable to make it to the fourth floor, but "too lazy to make it"!

After Xu Ming left, he first went to the "True Self Book Pavilion" to pick up the three books; then, he went directly back to the building where he practiced before.

""True Self Character Book"..."

This book is actually equivalent to a "dictionary", mainly explaining the meaning of the characters of the true self.

Learning characters is naturally easy for Xu Ming's existence at this level; Xu Ming scanned the classics with his spiritual sense, and then he completely memorized it.

"What these characters on the wall mean..."

Xu Ming finally understood—before, Xu Ming couldn't understand the meaning of these characters, he could only comprehend the "mood" created by the combination of these characters; now that he understands, he has a deeper understanding in an instant.

"So that's how it is... My previous insight was that some of the swords went off the beaten path!"

Xu Ming couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

You must know that if Xu Ming continued to practice before, he would break through to the "Second Rank of the True Self" by taking a slanted sword. If he wants to correct it in the future, I am afraid it will take several times of energy.

Fortunately, Xu Ming discovered his own problem before he broke through the "Second-Order Real Self".

In this way, Xu Ming's practice was interrupted by Zhang Mu's challenge, which was not necessarily a bad thing, but a good thing.

"I didn't expect that Zhang Mu did a good thing unintentionally... If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have drawn him so hard!" Xu Ming couldn't help but think of Zhang Mu's life in the battlefield of Void Universe.

However, after all the smoking, Xu Ming could only hold a moment of silence for Zhang Mu.

Although he has a deeper understanding, Xu Ming is not in a hurry to break through.

"Look at "The Realm of Reality Basics" and "The Complete Solution of Realm of Self" first!"

These two classics are the most basic expositions of the "real self", the latter is more detailed than the former.

If it is said that the "real self" that Xu Ming now comprehends is a rootless weed out of thin air; then, these two classics are like adding a foundation to Xu Ming's "real self". and soil!

"It is so!"

"I see!"

Xu Ming looked at it and exclaimed frequently.

Indeed, his previous speculation about the "real self" was too taken for granted! If Xu Ming did not get these two books, I am afraid that even if he cultivated to the "third level of the true self", he would not find his problem.

Not only Xu Ming, but all the geniuses of the virtual universe also have "unstable foundations"! After all, the cultivation conditions in the virtual universe are really much worse than in the real universe!

At the same time, Xu Ming also understood why the genius of the real universe is so strong! —Their cultivation conditions are too good! If the geniuses in the virtual universe were given the same cultivation conditions, Xu Ming believed that they would never be worse than those in the real universe!

It is a pity that the geniuses of the virtual universe cannot obtain the same cultivation conditions!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but feel fortunate that he entered the eternal battlefield and got this opportunity.

"Speaking of which, UU reading I would like to be grateful to my father-in-law Taihao..." Xu Minghui entered the battlefield of eternity, and he definitely had a lot to do with his father-in-law Taihao.

However, Xu Ming certainly wouldn't let Gong Taihao go because of this. If there is a chance, Xu Ming will definitely not be polite to his father-in-law Taihao!

"Continue to comprehend!"

When Xu Ming finished reading the two classics, "The Realm of the Realm" and "The Complete Explanation of the Realm of Reality", he suddenly felt blessed.

"I'm second-order!"

Xu Ming's eyes lit up, and he could see the road to the "Second-Order Real Self" clearly and flawlessly.

Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: .. Mobile version website: m.


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