Break Into Another World

Chapter 1798: What did you just say?


"What!? Xu Ming and Kun!?"

You know, a Dao Jing Kun has already made all the geniuses close to despair! And now, in Xu Ming's kun catching cage, there are actually other kun?

"Where did Xu Ming come from?"

All geniuses can't imagine.

Of course, if they could imagine it, they would never have ridiculed Xu Ming so contemptuously before!

"What kind of Kun is it?" All the geniuses watched nervously.

"With such a tyrannical aura, this Kun will definitely not be weak! I'm afraid it will swallow Kun!"

"One Daojing Kun, it's hard for us to deal with it! If another devoured Kun emerges..."

"Let's fight!" Jin Fei said, "Only if you fight, can you have hope! If you don't fight, the final big chance will be given to Xu Ming!"

"Fight!" Fu Lei also said.

The geniuses are all gritted their teeth, ready to fight!


At this moment, the space was torn apart, and another huge sharp claw protruded from the other end of the space. The sharp claws alone are comparable to the size of a swallowing Kun.

"This is…"

When the geniuses saw this scene, they suddenly had the urge to vomit blood: "Could it be... is it another Dao Jing Kun!?"


They guessed right!

When the head of this giant kun also protruded from the other end of the space, the geniuses immediately confirmed that it was really a mirror kun again!

Two Dao mirror Kun!

All the geniuses in the audience, you look at me, I look at you, they are all confused.

"Are you still fighting?" a genius murmured.

"How to spell?" Another genius murmured rhetorically.

If it's just a Dao Jing Kun, then all the geniuses can join forces and they can really chew it down. And now, there are two Dao Jing Kun! - Even if all the geniuses join forces, it is impossible to win!

The two Dao mirror Kun are enough to completely crush the audience!


How to spell?

Seeing the appearance of the second Dao Jing Kun, the hundreds of Kun in the arena were so frightened that even the battle formation was chaotic. They all retreated far away, looking at these two terrifying behemoths in horror.

"Alas..." Jin Fei and Fu Lei both sighed in unison.

All the geniuses wanted to block Xu Ming in the battle of luck, so that Xu Ming could not enter the next round of assessment; now it seems that it is definitely impossible!

Xu Ming's two Dao Jing Kun are completely invincible existences! Sweeping the audience, it's not a problem!


Is this the end?

It's still early!


Another roar came from Xu Ming's Kun-hunting cage.

All geniuses suddenly changed their faces!

"What!? And..."

"Could it be... Dao Jing Kun again?"


Under the terrified gazes of all the geniuses, another Daojing Kun crawled out of Xu Ming's Kun-hunting cage.

The third mirror is Kun!'s still too early to finish!

"Roar—" The fourth Dao Jing Kun roared and climbed out.

After that…

Fifth head!

The sixth head!

Seventh head!

Eighth head!




One after another, Daojing Kun emerged from Xu Ming's catching cage, as if it were endless.

Ten heads!


Fifty heads!

The other genius giant kun were so frightened that they shrank into the corner of the arena, trembling, and didn't dare to make a sound at all.


Looking for death?

"How many heads?" Jin Fei asked Fu Lei, who was beside him, with his elbow.

"It's more than two hundred..." Fu Lei was also confused.

More than two hundred!

It's all Dao Jing Kun!

What's even more terrifying is... there is also a steady stream of Dao Jing Kun, emerging from Xu Ming's catching cage!

All the geniuses just wanted to ask: When did Dao Jingkun become so worthless?

It is worthless?

If it's really worthless, why don't other geniuses even have a Dao Jing Kun?

"Luck assessment..." Jin Fei murmured, "I understand now, even if it is worse than luck, we are far inferior to Xu Ming! It's not a level at all..."

"Yeah..." Fu Lei also sighed, "Could it be... that the young kun that Xu Ming chose at the time seemed inconspicuous, but it was actually a kun with a special bloodline? Like the emperor's bloodline in Kunzhong? That's why I brought it here. So many Mirror Kun?"

Fu Lei can only guess like this, and can barely explain why Xu Ming has so many mirrors.

"I don't know..." Jin Fei murmured, "Is this still important now?"


Not important anymore!

No matter where Xu Ming's Kun came from, this second round of air luck assessment will be dominated by Xu Ming!

Whoever Xu Ming wants to win will win; whoever wants to lose will lose!

"Jin Fei." At this time, a genius who was already frightened, asked stupidly, "Are we going to fight?"

Jin Fei gave him a look: "Are you stupid?"


The hundreds of kuns of their ninety-nine geniuses combined would not be enough for Xu Ming's Daojing kun!

Xu Ming's Daojing Kun was still crawling out one after another.

The geniuses have gradually changed from panic to numbness. Simply put... scare silly!

The number of Daojing Kun is increasing! The space in the arena is also getting more and more crowded.

Three hundred heads!

Five hundred heads!

Eight hundred heads!

Finally, the number of Daojing Kun was fixed at a thousand heads - and the huge arena was already crowded!



After all, Dao Jing Kun's body is too huge! Each Dao Mirror Kun is as huge as hundreds of God Realms; a thousand Dao Mirror Kun is as huge as hundreds of thousands of God Realms!

Hundreds of other genius giant kun were now shivering and huddled together in the corner of the arena. Next to them is the "giant buttocks" of a Dao Jing Kun.

At this time, Xu Ming looked at the figure in gray indifferently: "My kun have all arrived, can we start the fight?"


Does this still need to be played?

"Yes!" The grey-robed figure said lightly.

All geniuses were stunned.

Immediately, several geniuses who responded quickly rushed to Xu Ming's side to beg for mercy:

"Brother Xu Ming!"

"Brother Xu Ming! Please show mercy!"

"Brother Xu Ming, I didn't say anything bad about you, please let me pass the second round of assessment and enter the third round of assessment!"

Who can pass the second round of assessment and who will be eliminated is all within Xu Ming's thoughts.

Xu Ming ignored these geniuses and just ordered Qun Kun, "Let's eat!"

Let's eat!

Xu Ming's thousand-headed daojing kun got the order, and immediately rushed to the hundreds of poor kun, and then opened their **** mouths that were indescribably huge, and swallowed one kun in one bite, crunch!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Dao Jing Kun were swallowed up!

You must know that the other ninety-nine talented kuns are only three or four hundred heads together; but Xu Ming released a thousand Daojing Kun, that is to say—there are more than half of Daojing Kun, "Xin Worked hard" to fight, but couldn't even eat "lunch".

At this time, Xu Ming looked at the geniuses begging for mercy beside him: "What did you just say?"

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