Break Into Another World

Chapter 1812: Where's the confidence

"Tricking you?" Xu Ming smiled and asked casually, "Why did you say this?"

"Huh!?" Huang Fen's face was completely gloomy, "What did you do yourself, don't you know?"

The genius "Luo Xie" in gray, who was guarding the Eternal City, watched with interest.

"This is... Huang Fen?" After all, Luo Xie has access to the real genius of the universe, so he immediately recognized Huang Fen's identity, "It seems... Xu Ming seems to have offended Huang Fen!"

Thinking of this, Luo Xie couldn't help shaking his head: "Xu Ming is still too arrogant! Even if he is already the number one existence in the ancient universe, he shouldn't offend the true genius of the universe! Unless...he is willing to stay in the virtual universe forever, Never set foot in the real universe in your life!"

In Luo Xie's view, Xu Ming will enter the real universe sooner or later; in this case, it is definitely unwise to offend the genius of the real universe!

After all, every true cosmic genius who came to the world of the first layer of heaven has a powerful force behind it! If anyone offends the genius of the real universe and enters the real universe in the future, it is very likely that they will be hunted down by that side's forces.

And like Luo Xie, why are you willing to be a guard guarding the city gate in Eternal City? The reason is, not just waiting to enter the real universe in the future, to be able to have a backer!

"Xu Ming not only didn't find a backer for himself now, but he also offended the genius of the real universe..." Luo Xie couldn't help but mourned for Xu Ming, "It didn't take long for Xu Ming to enter the world of the first layer, and suddenly The rising genius is still too young!"

Thinking of this, Luo Xie continued to put on a posture of watching a good show.

After all, no matter what happened to Xu Ming in the end, it had nothing to do with him anyway; moreover, he had already obtained two flowers of true self from Xu Ming.

At this time, Xu Ming looked at Huang Fen and said teasingly, "What have I done? Didn't I just sell you some points from the Zhenyu Temple? Is there any problem?"

"Humph! You're still pretending to be stupid!" Huang Fen shouted, "The sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe is already empty, don't say you don't know!"

"What?" Luo Xie on the side was stunned, "The sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe... is empty?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I know the sea of ​​cosmos flowers is empty! - But at that time, you just bought points with me, and you didn't ask me if the sea of ​​cosmos flowers was empty!"

Huang Fen shouted angrily, "The sea of ​​flowers in the universe is empty, what's the use of my points?"

"Is there any other use for the points you want? I don't know! I'm not interested in knowing!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Is there anything else? Just please!"

Before, Huang Fen was aggressive, used his momentum to overwhelm people, and asked Xu Ming for the points of the Zhenyu Palace; Xu Ming simply took the opportunity to cheat him - this is fair!

Next, Xu Ming didn't bother to pay attention to Huang Fen - your points are useless in your hands, what does it have to do with me?

"You..." Huang Fen gritted his teeth.

But at this time, Huang Fen was more interested in where the flowers of the true self in the universe of flowers went.

"Tell me! Did you hollow out the cosmos flower sea!?" Huang Fenho asked - although he couldn't imagine how Xu Ming hollowed out the cosmos flower sea; Two suspects!

Huang Fen continued to shout: "Don't try to lie to me! - The person who entered the cosmos flower sea before you was just an ordinary genius, and his points are very few, it is impossible to hollow out the cosmos flower sea!"

Huang Fen was on his way, and he had already inquired clearly. The last person who entered the Universe of Flowers had only a few points. The moment he entered, he came out of the Universe of Flowers. In that short moment, it was not bad to be able to pick a flower of "no quality" of the true self. .

Moreover, Huang Fen also inquired that when the last genius came out, the situation in the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe was still normal.

In other words, it was only after Xu Ming went in that the Universe of Flowers became what it is now.

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled - he also knew that this kind of thing could not be concealed. Moreover, Xu Ming didn't plan to hide it at all.

"I just hollowed out the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, what's wrong?" Xu Ming asked with a calm smile.

Looking at the world of Yizhongtian, Xu Ming is absolutely invincible; so even if he hollowed out the universe of flowers, he does not need to cover up at all - I did it, what's the matter! ?

"Sure enough, it's you!" Huang Fen felt his heart palpitate just thinking about it.

The flowers of the true self in the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe are more than hundreds of millions! And Xu Ming, actually hollowed out the entire universe of flowers, not even a grain of soil was left - I can't imagine how Xu Ming did it!

"What!?" Luo Xie, a genius in gray, was already bewildered. "Xu Ming... hollowed out the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers?"

Before, Luo Xie was complacent about getting two flowers of his true self; now he realized that for Xu Ming, taking out two flowers of true self is no different from sending beggars, right?

The place was silent for a while.

"Xu Ming! You are really good!" Huang Fen said coldly, "But... so many flowers of the true self are not something that you, a genius in the virtual universe, can possess! Hand them over!"

"Hand over it?" Xu Ming looked at Huang Fen and couldn't help asking, "Huang Fen, is every true genius in the universe as arrogant and ignorant as you?"

"Huh!?" Huang Fen's aura suddenly shouted in a condescending manner, "Xu Ming, are you trying to disobey me?"

Even Luo Xie was secretly shocked: "Xu Ming dares to provoke the true genius of the universe..."

His body could not help shrinking towards the eternal city, for fear of being affected by Chi Yu.

"It seems...Xu Ming doesn't know the horror of true cosmic geniuses!" Luo Xie secretly said, "He doesn't know at all, true cosmic geniuses are completely invincible in the world of one layer of heaven! Even if Xu Ming is the number one on the list of ancient things One, it can't be Huang Fen's opponent!"

Huang Fen said with a sneer: "Do you think that you have the right to disobey me with your own strength? -Xu Ming, I will give you one last chance! Or, take all the flowers of your true self that you got in the universe of flowers. Hand it over; or...die!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming sneered, "Where did you get your confidence?"

At the same time, Xu Ming was also a little puzzled - even if Huang Fen didn't know his true strength, the title of "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things Ranking" should be enough to shock Huang Fen! After all, even a top true cosmic genius is only at this level of strength!

Where did Huang Fen get his confidence and put on a posture that would easily crush Xu Ming?

"Hahahaha..." Huang Fen smiled, "Xu Ming, it seems that you don't know anything about the terrifying genius of our universe! Anyway, I'll let you know where my confidence comes from!"

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