Break Into Another World

Chapter 1820: that 1 step

"Sorry, I've already practiced!"

Xu Ming smiled lightly.


"This is impossible!"

"Don't fool us!"

"Even though it's not difficult to get started in 'Virtual Reality Nine Layers', but you just glanced at it and said that you're getting started? - Do you think we are stupid?"

"Haha! It's ridiculous!"

"Xuzhen Jiuzhongtian" is divided into nine layers. This secret skill can only be cultivated by geniuses in the virtual universe, but cannot be cultivated by geniuses in the real universe.

As long as you have completed the first level of the "Xuzhen Jiuzhongtian", the virtual universe genius, you can see the "ontology" of the real universe genius; moreover, the attack can also hurt the real universe genius, but the damage is a bit low, only 10% Power!

The more profound the cultivation, the more lethal power it will have on the true genius of the universe! When the Nine Levels are fully practiced, every shot that hits the ontology of the true cosmos genius has 90% of the power!

Of course, Xu Ming couldn't just glance at it and learn all the ninth levels; however, it was no problem to learn the first level in seconds.

For Xu Ming, learning the first level is enough!

"Hahahahaha..." Xu Ming laughed, "Did you fool you, just try and find out?"


With this shot, Xu Ming directly killed Zuo Wei without showing any mercy.


The left guard's black projection disappeared directly under this shot.

But this time, what Xu Ming saw was not that Zuo Wei fell under this shot; instead, he saw that after the black projection disappeared, Zuo Wei revealed his body.

"Hahahahaha..." Xu Ming laughed loudly, and shot at Zuowei's body again, "This time, I think you can still die!?"

Of course, Xu Ming didn't dare to use too much force with this shot to Zuo Wei's body; otherwise, if he accidentally killed Zuo Wei with a single shot, it would not be what Xu Ming wanted - after all, Zuo Wei is obviously a The principals of this group of true cosmos geniuses must know the most!


With just one shot, Zuo Wei, who came from the real universe, was slightly injured—and this was the reason why Xu Ming showed mercy!

If Xu Ming really wants to kill the left guard, even if his attack falls on the left guard's body, with only 10% of his power, he can definitely kill the left guard in one shot!

Xu Ming still doesn't want to kill the left guard!

At least, I don't want to kill Xu Yin until I find out about Xu Yin's situation.

"Now, I look at your mouths, can you still be as tough as before!" Xu Ming sneered and raised his spear again. In his eyes, murderous aura flashed, making Zuo Wei really feel the threat of death.

"Hi—" The left guard flew back and fled to the Eternal City.

"Escape?" Xu Ming smiled.

The scope of the trapped formation is so large, even if you escape into the Eternal City, what's the use?

boom! !

Xu Ming's spear is like an angry dragon breaking through the sky, piercing the sky with anger. A shot was fired, and the body of the fleeing left guard was damaged a lot again.

"Block it! Help me block it!" Zuo Wei shouted again and again.

The projections of more than ten geniuses in the Eternal Hall even intercepted Xu Ming.

"Stop me?" Xu Ming didn't show his true strength at all. As long as he showed a little bit, how could these true geniuses of the universe be able to stop him?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

All the projections of geniuses were swept away by Xu Ming with one shot; even the main body was damaged to a certain extent.

"Not good! The expressions of the geniuses of the Eternal Hall will change suddenly - they entered the world of the first layer of heaven, why did they take the virtual universe genius in their eyes? And now, a virtual universe genius has driven more than ten of them. Killed by a genius of the real universe?

This made the geniuses of the Eternal Palace feel aggrieved.

However, no matter how frustrated you are, you can only endure it! In this world, no matter where it is, it still depends on the strength!

"Speak! Why am I looking for Xu Yin, and you are going to kill me!" Xu Ming shot with a long spear, and the geniuses in the Eternal Palace couldn't lift their heads.

Moreover, geniuses such as Zuo Wei cannot attack Xu Ming; if they want to attack Xu Ming, they must show a projection! However, every time they showed their projections, they were directly swept away by Xu Ming, and they didn't even have a chance to shoot!

Of course, even if they had the chance to make a move, they wouldn't be able to hurt Xu Ming at all.

And... to show the projection, doesn't it cost nothing? There is also a price!

For a time, Zuo Wei and other more than a dozen geniuses of the Eternal Hall, not fighting, nor not fighting!

fight? - Not even a chance to shoot!

Don't fight? - Still have to retreat under Xu Ming's spear attack.

Obviously, there are only two paths in front of the geniuses of the Eternal Palace—either answer Xu Ming's question, or die!

"Brother Ronghai!" The left guard's body has been damaged by more than 20%. You must know that once the body of the true cosmos genius is damaged, the cost of recovery will be much higher than that of the geniuses of the virtual universe, "Brother Ronghai, please help! There is a great reward!"


Let alone the power of one arm, even if it is "half the power of an arm", Rong Hai would not dare to help him - he is not blind, of course, it can be seen that Xu Ming's strength has reached the point where they can't compete at all!

If Ronghai dares to step forward to help the left guard, it will be no different from courting death!

"We won't interfere in this matter!" Ronghai expressed his position without hesitation; for fear that he would not be firm enough to cause Xu Ming's misunderstanding.

"You know each other!" Xu Ming glanced at Rong Hai and sneered; then, he turned to the left guard, "But... you don't know each other! I already gave you a chance to speak, but you insisted on forcing me to go down. Killer? If that's the case, then fine, I'll fulfill you all!"

"Not good!" Zuo Wei waited for the genius of the Eternal Palace, his face changed again.

Of course they felt that death was approaching rapidly!

"Do you want to tell Xu Ming the truth?" Zuo Wei couldn't help but feel a little hesitant; however, this hesitation just flashed by, "No! I can't tell! If I dare to say it, after returning to the real universe, Jianyi will definitely not let me go!"

The more than a dozen geniuses in the Eternal Hall all looked at each other and nodded silently: "It seems that can only take that step!"

That step was also the last resort used by geniuses like Zuo Wei to escape.

A dozen geniuses are all close to each other.

The left guard urged the secret method: "Go!"


In front of more than a dozen geniuses such as Zuo Wei, a void passage suddenly appeared—this void passage leads to the second-level world, and only those allowed by the pioneers can enter; like Xu Ming, it is impossible to enter of.

Moreover, this void passage leading to the Second Layer completely ignores the barriers of the trapped formation! —This is the rule of the Nine Heavens! It's a little bit of protection for the weak!

"Xu Ming, want to get the answer? Go dream!" Zuo Wei and the others flew into the void channel every day, and resumed their arrogant expressions, "If you have the ability, come to the world of Erzhongtian to find us!"

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