Break Into Another World

Chapter 1825: you can keep your mouth shut


Lu Tianhai smashed to the ground heavily, his face full of disbelief.


Lu Tianhai couldn't believe that he was hit hard by a genius in the virtual universe! I can't believe that a humble virtual universe genius has such terrifying strength!

"how can that be!?"

Although Lu Tianhai couldn't believe it, he didn't dare to rush up again - why did he rush up? Looking for death?

Since the other party knew each other, Xu Ming was too lazy to trouble him.

Xu Ming turned his attention to the geniuses of the Eternal Hall again, and finally landed on the Overlord of the Sky.

"Xu Ming?" The Sky Overlord looked at Xu Ming with a slightly solemn expression, but the corners of his mouth twitched, "Interesting! Interesting! How can a genius in the virtual universe be so strong..."

The Sky Overlord was indeed shocked by Xu Ming's strength. However, in his opinion, no matter how strong Xu Ming is, he is at most an ordinary sixth-order world master; and he is already the "peak sixth-order world master", and suppressing Xu Ming should not be a problem.

"Sky Overlord?" Xu Ming also looked at the other party, "I just want to inquire about the news about Xu Yin! I have no intention of making enmity with you!"

Xu Ming's words sounded like a sign of weakness to the overlord of the sky.

"Hahahaha..." The Sky Overlord suddenly sneered, "I don't intend to have a grudge against me? You are also qualified to have a grudge against me? - Asking about Xu Yin, I might as well tell you that as long as you are a humble person from the virtual universe, Dare to inquire about Xu Yin's news, the result is 'death'!"

As long as people from the virtual universe dare to inquire about Xu Yin's news, the result will be death? - Xu Ming couldn't understand why this happened.

"Now... Are you ready to die?" The Sky Overlord sneered and directly killed Xu Ming, "The genius of the virtual universe? What I like to watch the most is the desperate expression of the genius of the virtual universe! Hahahaha..."

"Senior Brother Cang Qiong shot!" Zuo Wei looked expectantly, "Xu Ming is dead!"

The other Eternal Hall geniuses also nodded: "Even if you look at the real universe and the level of destruction, you can't find a few stronger than Senior Brother Cang Qiong! A mere virtual universe genius, no matter how strong, how can he be the opponent of Senior Brother Cang Qiong. ?"

The overlord of the sky, after all, he has a lot of power! He used a **** battle to forge the prestige of "overlord"! And Xu Ming, the strongest record that he can come up with, seems to be defeating Lu Tianhai! - There is a big difference between the two sides in terms of record!

Therefore, the geniuses of the Eternal Hall naturally do not think that Xu Ming can be the opponent of the sky overlord!

Lu Tianhai also gritted his teeth and watched: "Brother Cang Qiong, you must be ashamed of me!"

In Lu Tianhai's view, Xu Ming is his great shame! Only when Xu Ming was killed by the overlord of the sky can he wash away his shame.


The overlord of the sky carried the supreme power and rolled over in a mighty manner.

An aura of endless tyranny, endless terror, and endless confidence completely enveloped Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming! Die with peace of mind!" The sky overlord sneered, "If you want to blame, you are obviously just a humble genius in the virtual universe, and you want to find Xu Yin in a whimsical way!"

Looking at the mighty Overlord of the Sky, Xu Ming just stood with his hands behind his back and smiled contemptuously.

"Whether it's in the world of the first layer or the world of the second layer... the geniuses of the Eternal Hall are all because of 'Xu Yin' that they want to kill me!" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes and flashed a killing intent, "Today , I have to find out no matter what, what is the reason! Even... open the killing ring!"

"Hahaha...Xu Ming! Die!!" The attack of the overlord of the sky had already reached Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's expression was still indifferent: "Genius of the Eternal Hall?"

Just because the Overlord of the Sky, Zuo Wei and others are geniuses of the Eternal Palace, so Xu Ming tried his best not to kill him! But now it seems that Xu Ming has to be a little more ruthless!


When the attack of the Overlord of the Sky arrived, Xu Ming's aura skyrocketed in vain.

Xu Ming waved his palm lightly, flicking away the attack of the Sky Overlord; then, the slap continued to slap the firmament overlord's face with unabated power.


The overlord of the sky aggressively attacked Xu Ming, but was knocked to the ground with a slap by Xu Ming.

All of a sudden, the scene fell into a dead silence.




No one thought that the confrontation between Xu Ming and the Overlord of the Sky would end up like this - the geniuses of the Eternal Hall originally thought that with the strength of the Overlord of the Sky, they should be able to suppress Xu Ming without any suspense. Even if there are some twists and turns in the process of the battle, the final outcome should be beyond doubt.

But I didn't expect...just a face-to-face, and the overlord of the sky was photographed on the ground.

What's even more exaggerated is that Xu Ming didn't use any sky-defying secret techniques at all, just a simple palm! Incredibly simple slap!

"I..." Sky Overlord's expression was even more dazed than the previous Lu Tianhai - Lu Tianhai was kicked away by Xu Ming, but he was kicked away by a slap! Even more embarrassing than Lu Tianhai.


As soon as Xu Ming dodged, he came to the overlord of the sky, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Say the answer I want, or...die!"

"You..." The Sky Overlord was taken aback by Xu Ming's icy killing intent, but he still said stubbornly, "If you have the ability, kill me!"

He is the absolute overlord of the Second World!

In the world of Double Heaven, why was anyone threatened? What's more, being threatened by a humble virtual universe genius?

"Kill you...?" Xu Ming sneered, "Do you think I dare not?"


Xu Ming shot out instantly.

The long spear instantly annihilated the projection of the sky overlord, and severely damaged his body.

With just one shot, the "Sky Overlord", the recognized number one powerhouse in the Erzhongtian world, was severely damaged.

Xu Ming looked at the overlord of the sky in front of him, his voice was indifferent, without a trace of emotion: "I will ask you again, you can continue to be tough! But... let me remind you, after the next shot, you will never have a chance to speak again. It's gone!"

One shot, hit hard!

Two shots are enough to kill the overlord of the sky!

The Overlord of the Sky looked at Xu Ming in horror—he wanted to continue to speak hard, but his mouth trembled, and he couldn't stand up...

After all, is stubborn and simple, but the price is likely to be death!

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "I thought you would dare to continue to be stubborn! I didn't expect that, I overestimated you!"

There is a humiliation on the face of the sky overlord.

The geniuses of the Eternal Hall have also fallen into humiliation.

"Now, can you give me an answer that satisfies me?" Xu Ming sneered, "Or... do you want to give up the chance to speak forever?"

Xu Ming threatened unceremoniously.

Now that his face has been completely torn, what kind of politeness does Xu Ming have?

"I..." Sky Overlord looked at Xu Ming, gritted his teeth, and said, "I'll ask Senior Brother Jianyi to come and tell you in person?"

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