Break Into Another World

Chapter 1836: permanent modification


After listening to Xu Ming's words, Yuan Zun just wanted to vomit blood - he just thought that the black and red twins were Xu Ming's helpers; therefore, even if they offended the Black Tribulation Hall, they would also be driven away.

But now... Xu Ming told him that the two were not "helpers", but "killers".

"I..." Yuan Zun's mood was as if galloping horses - if he had known that they were killers, what could not be discussed? Yuan Zun didn't need to beat them away at all, just discuss with them **** Xu Ming!

Yuan Zun's mood is really wonderful when he thinks that he has offended the Black Tribulation Hall for no reason and foolishly!


Yuan Zun snorted coldly, and secretly said in his heart: If you are offended, you will be offended! The big deal is to go back and pay some gifts, and then talk about this matter!

"It's all because of you..." Yuan Zun looked at Xu Ming and gritted his teeth, "This time, I'll see how you can escape! I want you to fly even if you put your wings on it!"


This time, Xu Ming did not want to escape, but planned to meet Yuan Zun's true strength for a while!

"Slave me!"


Yuan Zun's eyes have become extremely strange in vain, as if the universe is reincarnated, all evolving in his eyes - it is the soul slavery secret skill that Yuan Zun has recently cultivated!



When this enslavement secret technique fell on Xu Ming, it naturally fell into the sea and did not have the slightest effect on Xu Ming.

"Huh? Can't be enslaved?" Yuan Zun was startled, "I'll beat you to serious injuries first, and then I'll see if I can enslave you!"


Yuan Zun suddenly shot, and punched Xu Ming with a punch - this punch was naturally a test, and did not use his real strength! After all, the reason why Yuan Zun wanted to deal with Xu Ming was to use Xu Ming's hand to help himself obtain the supreme divine weapon left by Huang Zhizun; if he killed Xu Ming with one punch, it would mean nothing to Yuan Zun!

And at the moment Yuan Zun shot, Xu Ming also shot!

Yuan Zun was merciful, but Xu Ming would not be merciful, and directly broke out his strongest strength - the peak of the fourth-order half-zun! It's close to the fifth-order half!

How could Yuan Zun have thought that Xu Ming, who is only a cultivator of the realm of all things, can actually reach the half-respect level, and he is still "the peak of the fourth-order half-respect"!


Yuan Zun's fluttering fist was directly blasted away by Xu Ming's spear.

After that, Xu Ming's spear continued to smash directly into Yuan Zun's face.

The long gun hits the face!

boom! !

The unfortunate Yuan Zun was directly shot in the face by a shot.

The attack of this shot naturally failed to cause any substantial damage to the Supreme-level Yuan Zun; but... this shot in the face really smashed Yuan Zun's face!

In the "Destiny Heaven" heaven, it is not only Xu Ming and Yuan Zun; there are also many great masters in the Nirvana realm and the domain master realm, all of whom live in the heavenly realm.

When Xu Ming smashed Yuan Zun's face with this shot and smashed him into the air, he was naturally seen by many experts.

"That's... Yuan Zun?"

"Yuan Zun was actually... smashed into the air by a shot from a realm of all things? Moreover, the shot was still smashed in the face..."

"what's the situation!?"

Yuan Zun was both ashamed and shocked.

He was ashamed and angry that he was actually shot by Xu Ming and became a laughing stock.

What is shocking is that Xu Ming actually has the strength of a half-rank fourth-order peak!

"Your strength..." Yuan Zun couldn't help but panic - Xu Ming's strength is strong, this is one aspect! What's more, Xu Ming's strength has improved so fast and appallingly!

How long does it take! He actually has the strength of a half-rank fourth-order...

"This kind of enemy must never be allowed to continue to grow!" Yuan Zun even began to worry that if he continued to let Xu Ming grow up, then when he met Xu Ming next time, it might not necessarily be Xu Ming. Ming's opponent!

"Today, I have to make a conclusion with Xu Ming!" Yuan Zun was ruthless, "If you can enslave, then you will be enslaved; if you can't be enslaved, just kill him here!"


Thinking of this, Yuan Zun directly raised his exposed strength to the level of "half-respected ninth-order"! - An attack of the ninth-level half-respect is enough to severely damage a half-respected fourth-order!

Injury first, slavery later! This is Yuan Zun's idea!


Another attack came.

This time, Xu Ming finally felt a strong oppression. With Xu Ming's current strength, he was finally unable to resist such a tyrannical attack.


With one move, Xu Ming, who was half-ranked with fourth-order strength, was directly seriously injured!

However... Xu Ming practiced "Divine Phoenix Immortal", and even if he was seriously injured, he could recover instantly.

Before Yuan Zun made his second shot, Xu Ming's divine body returned to its peak state, and he was not weak at all.

"Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal, it's really annoying!" Yuan Zun secretly said, "He has practiced 'Divine Phoenix Immortality', I want to kill him weak, and then enslave him, this is too difficult! - Forget it! Don't think about it Enslaved, just kill it!"

Killing "Divine Phoenix Immortal" is much easier than letting "Divine Phoenix Immortal" fall into weakness!

Yuan Zun is about to go all out...

However, at this moment, Yuan Zun was horrified to find that Xu Ming's momentum had changed. To be precise, Xu Ming's "cultivation" has changed!

In the previous moment, Yuan Zun clearly saw clearly that Xu Ming's cultivation base was only "the realm of all things"; but at this moment, Yuan Zun saw that Xu Ming's cultivation realm had become "nirvana realm".

Yuan Zun didn't think that Xu Ming had hidden his cultivation base before - after all, his cultivation base was so different from Xu Ming's, it was impossible for Xu Ming to hide his cultivation base in front of him!

But if he didn't hide his cultivation, then why did Xu Ming change from "the realm of all things" to "the realm of Nirvana" in less than a breath? - This is impossible!


In front of Ming brother who is hanging up, nothing is impossible!

For other No matter how talented or defiant the sky is, the breakthrough from the realm of all things to the realm of nirvana will definitely have a relatively long cultivation process!

But Xu Ming is different - as soon as Xu Ming opens the "Attribute Modification" link, he directly changes the cultivation base from "The Realm of Everything" to the "Peak of Nirvana Realm"!

And... this time, Xu Ming's revision was not a "temporary revision", but a "permanent revision"! In other words... Xu Ming's cultivation level is no longer in the realm of all things, but has truly reached the peak of Nirvana realm!

Chaos Realm, Mysterious Yellow Realm, Great Desolation Realm, All Things Realm, Destruction Realm, Nirvana Realm—every realm is a deeper understanding of Chaos Supreme Dao!

At the moment when Xu Ming changed his cultivation base to "Peak of Nirvana Realm", all the mysteries of Chaos Supreme Dao are no longer secrets in Xu Ming's eyes!

Moreover, Xu Ming was even more horrified to see... the Chaos Supreme Dao, who had fully comprehended, and his "True Self Dao" actually began to merge directly!

(End of this chapter)

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