Break Into Another World

Chapter 1838: Not enough hangs?

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Yuan Zun laughed directly when he saw Xu Ming burning the divine body.

"You chose to burn the divine body so soon? - Divine Phoenix is ​​immortal, and with the burning divine body, your idea is really good! No matter how you burn, your divine body will instantly recover to perfection, and it will always maintain its peak state!"

Looking at Yuan Zun's appearance, it is obvious that he has more than a little understanding of "Divine Phoenix Immortal"!

" think that burning the divine body has no price? Oh! How is it possible! - Every time you burn, there is a price! The faster you burn, the faster you die!"

"Pick me up again!!"

Yuan Zun's attack was overwhelmingly crushed.

The terrifying power shook the entire heaven.

At this time, among the heavenly realms, the strongest ones are just some ordinary domain masters. In the eyes of these ordinary domain masters, the time and space have been completely chaotic; with their strength, it is completely impossible to see the scene of Xu Ming and Yuan Zun fighting in the chaotic time and space, only that the two sides are fighting fiercely.

"That Xu Ming, his strength is really strong! Facing Yuan Zun, he can still make such a big move!"

"Yeah! Being able to struggle under the Supreme Realm for so long! This Xu Ming, even if he dies and disappears, is considered a glory!"

"Maybe, it's not that Xu Ming is struggling, but... Yuan Zun is deliberately ravaging Xu Ming to prevent him from dying easily!"

The powerhouses in the heavens are all guessing about the battle between Xu Ming and Yuan Zun.

at this time…

Yuan Zun's full blow had already reached Xu Ming.


With one blow, Xu Ming's divine body was damaged again, but with the blessing of "Divine Phoenix Immortal", it was restored to its original state in an instant.


In the next moment, Yuan Zun's attack arrived again!

Xu Ming was injured again!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Yuan Zun's strength, after all, crushed Xu Ming's front line. This is the line, so that every time he attacks, Xu Ming can be injured not too lightly or not seriously.

"Humph!" Yuan Zun snorted coldly, "When I hurt you a million times, a million times, a billion times, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

The fight at the supreme level, even if it is hundreds of millions of attacks, is only an instant!

However, Xu Ming laughed: "Hurt me a million times, a million times, a billion times? - Yuan Zun, you think too highly of yourself, don't you?"

In fact, with the continuous integration of "The Way of Chaos" and "The Way of True Self", Xu Ming's strength has been improving all the time; when the fusion is completed, Xu Ming's strength will probably reach the Supreme Realm!

At that time, it will be at the same level as Yuan Zun! And Yuan Zun, never imagined that he could hurt Xu Ming so easily!


Xu Ming is too lazy to wait!

Don't be too lazy to wait for the fusion of "The Way of Chaos" and "The Way of True Self" to be completed!

"Ha!" Yuan Zun sneered disdainfully, "Is it possible, what other cards do you have..."

Yuan Zun said, his voice became softer and softer - he was horrified to see that ten clones appeared beside Xu Ming!

Although the momentum of these ten clones is weaker than Xu Ming's body, they are all at the same level of power.

"Unlimited Avatar" hang, open!

Xu Ming looked at Yuan Zun jokingly: "You said, what other cards do I have?"

One-on-one, Xu Ming slightly loses to Yuan Zun, so what about "Eleven" vs. "One"?

Moreover, since Xu Ming has opened the "unlimited clone" link, it is not an "eleven-to-one" problem!

In the first instant, eleven "Xu Ming" hit Yuan Zun one!

The second instant, twenty-one-one!

The third moment, forty one to one!

Eighty-one to one!

One hundred and sixty one to one!

Xu Ming's avatar split at a terrifying speed!

With a flick of a finger, the number of clones has already reached thousands!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Yuan Zun, who was talking nonsense a moment ago, was hit so hard that he couldn't lift his head!

Xu Ming's deity didn't even bother to participate in the battle! Instead, he made a chair, sat down directly in the void, crossed Erlang's legs, and smiled as he watched thousands of clones besiege Yuan Zun!


In Xu Ming's hand, he turned into another glass of fine wine and drank it leisurely: "You have to force me to hang up, really!"

As soon as the "infinite avatar" was hung up, the situation of this battle changed directly - from Yuan Zun crushing Xu Ming, to Xu Ming crushing Yuan Zun!

As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants!

At the beginning, Yuan Zun could fight back occasionally; but as the battle progressed, it gradually became a target that could only be hit!

"This... what kind of means!" Yuan Zun was so abused that he wanted to cry.

Previously, in the "Ancient Relic Realm" of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, Yuan Zun had seen Xu Ming use the "infinite clone" method. But at that time, Xu Ming's strength was still weak after all; Yuan Zun thought that Xu Ming had obtained "mirror treasures" or something, so there were so many clones.

At that time, although Yuan Zun was shocked, he did not take it to heart—in his opinion, this "mirror treasure" would not be used a few times at all; moreover, when Xu Ming's strength became stronger, he would definitely not be able to use it!

But now, Yuan Zun found that he obviously guessed wrong!

Xu Ming's strength is already very close to the Supreme Realm; however, he can still display thousands of clones!


Yuan Zun dare not continue to fight! He is very wise - running away is the best choice!

"Although I have a deadly feud with Xu Ming, but..." Yuan Zun thought while running away, "As long as I return to my own virtual universe, Xu Ming will never be able to help me!"

The controller of a virtual universe is almost invincible in his own virtual universe!

Just like the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, although he is only at the realm master level, because he controls the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, even Yuan Zun, the Supreme Realm powerhouse, has nothing to do with him! Unless... there are several supreme peak powerhouses who join forces and are willing to pay the price, it is possible to forcibly attack the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!

And if the Supreme controls a virtual then... no matter how many Supreme Peak powerhouses come, it is impossible to attack by force! Unless it is like "Huang Zhizun", when he is seriously injured, he is cast out by someone.

"Escape! The big deal, I will hide in the virtual universe for a long time in the future, and try not to appear in the disordered border!" Yuan Zun secretly said.


Xu Ming laughed.

In front of Brother Ming, can you escape if you want to? - Is it because Brother Ming didn't open enough hangers, or did you float?

"Time Pause" hangs up, turn it on!

Of course, Xu Ming's "time suspension" could not directly affect Yuan Zun. After all, if you want to put a powerhouse in the supreme realm into time suspension, you need to pay the price of level 23 hanging point - and Xu Ming has no level 23 hanging point.

However, Xu Ming can make the time and space around Yuan Zun fall into "time pause", in order to hinder Yuan Zun's escape speed.

(End of this chapter)

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