Break Into Another World

Chapter 1844: How did you act as a lord?

Smell the Taoist House.

Located in the place of origin.

The buildings in the mansion are carved with jade and luxurious, and it is the undisputed "first academy" in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming first came to Wendao Mansion, although his strength was considered the upper level of the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, it was not the real top level—the real top level was the realm master of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm. They, such as Jian Lao, Qingluan World Lord, Wendao Palace Lord and other world master realms exist.

Now, Xu Ming has returned to Wendao Mansion, but his strength is almost invincible to the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm - even if he is suppressed by the cosmic chains, his strength has decreased a lot; but looking at the endless chaos, it is still difficult to find an opponent!

However, no one knows about Xu Ming's strength, the world masters of endless chaos.

"Wen Daofu!"

When he returned to his hometown, Xu Ming's aura was a little gloomy.

To be honest, Xu Ming didn't have much affection for Wen Dao Mansion; however, Xu Ming had some affection for these disciples he had accepted!

Moreover, the disciple's accident is equivalent to a slap in the face of Xu Ming!

Now, the reason why Xu Ming came to Wen Dao Mansion first, instead of going directly to Daoying World Master, was to understand the situation first.


Xu Ming's gloomy aura was undisguised. As soon as he came, the entire Wendao Mansion knew about it in an instant.

"Sure enough, none of my disciples are in Wendao Mansion!" Xu Ming's eyes became colder.

If it is said that only one or two disciples are not in Wendao Mansion, it is normal. It is possible that they have gone out to practice. However, all the dozens of disciples are not there. Xu Ming thinks about it with his toes. normal!

"Could it be that something happened to Lin Lan and the others?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Step into Wendao Mansion.

When the teachers and students in the house saw Xu Ming, they retreated, like avoiding the **** of plague.

"That's... Xu Ming!"

"He is back!"

"Didn't you say that Xu Ming offended Daoying World Master and killed his disciples?"

"It's really miserable! Xu Ming's disciples, it's not enough to die! - They didn't even know anything, they were taken away by the Daoying World Lord and killed!"

"Is death wronged? I don't think—Xu Ming's disciples are so arrogant in Wendao Mansion; now they are killed, it can only be said to be retribution!"

Below the domain master level, not many people know the truth.

In Wendao Mansion, many teachers and disciples are also hearsay. I don't know why Xu Ming's disciples were taken away by Daoying World Master. Therefore, they made random guesses based on the limited clues, thinking that Xu Ming had offended the Daoying World Master.

There are even some gloating people who mocked in private, Xu Ming's disciples were too arrogant and they were punished!

Are Xu Ming's disciples arrogant? - It's just bullshit!

Lin Lan, Bai Qingqiu, Zhao Xu, Qin Jian and other disciples all practiced diligently in Wen Dao Mansion and were extremely low-key. However, those jealous people insisted on giving Xu Ming's disciples the title of "arrogant".

"What did Xu Ming want to do when he returned to Wen Daofu?"

"Could it be... that you want to ask the Palace Master to come forward and help him make peace with the Daoying World Master?"

"It's possible!"

"Oh! It's ridiculous! You can't even keep your own disciples, and now you're embarrassed to trouble the Palace Master?"

Xu Minglai's momentum was huge, and he immediately caught the attention of Elder Chaos.

"Xu Ming?" Elder Luanwu was startled.

Ordinary teachers and disciples in Wendao Mansion do not know the truth of the matter, but Elder Luanwu does.

He knew very well that it was not that Xu Ming had offended the Daoying World Master, but that the Daoying World Master had betrayed Xu Ming's disciples for his own benefit.

However, this matter, after all, involves Daoying World Lord, if the truth spreads, it will definitely be bad for Daoying World Lord's reputation. Between Xu Ming and the Daoying Realm Lord, almost all of the top powers of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm chose to stand on the side of the Daoying Realm Master—after all, the Daoying Realm Master, but the senior realm exists; And Xu Ming, in the eyes of the top bosses, is just a genius!

A genius, before he grows up, is only a genius, not a power!

"Hey..." Elder Luanwu sighed, "Brother Xu Ming is unlucky when he encounters such a thing! But... the other party is the Daoying World Lord, so he can only admit that he is unlucky!"

Thinking about it, Elder Luanwu got up and greeted Xu Ming, intending to comfort Xu Ming.

"Brother Xu Ming!" Elder Luanwu shouted from a distance.

"Elder Luanwu!" Xu Ming's expression softened a little - in Wendao Mansion, the relationship between Elder Luanwu and him is still very good.

"Brother Xu Ming, don't be angry yet!" Elder Luanwu said in a voice transmission, "You just came back, maybe you still don't know what's going on? Come here first, and I'll tell you about it!"

Xu Ming suppressed his anger: "Okay!"

Then, he followed Elder Luanwu into his room.

"It's like this, Daoying World Lord..." Elder Luanwu said while observing Xu Ming's face.

Sure enough, soon, Xu Ming's face became more and more difficult to look at.

Wen Dao House.

Many ordinary teachers and disciples secretly paid attention to Xu Ming's movements.

"Xu Ming has entered the room of Elder Luanwu!"

"Xu Ming has a good relationship with Elder Luanwu. In my opinion, he may want to ask Elder Luanwu to come forward and help him find the Palace Master! Then, the Palace Master will negotiate with the Daoying World Master and help him make peace!"

"This Xu Ming, in our Wendao Mansion, didn't do much, but it caused a lot of trouble!"


Just as everyone was speculating wildly, a monstrous murderous aura suddenly erupted in Elder Chaos Wu's room.

A terrifying and gloomy murderous aura enveloped the entire Wendao Mansion; even the great men of Wendao Mansion felt terrified.

"what's the situation!?"

The great powers and geniuses of the entire Wendao Mansion trembled in their hearts, and at the same time they were a little puzzled.


At this moment, everyone saw that Xu Ming aggressively shot out of Elder Luanwu's room and went straight to the residence of Palace Master Wen Dao.

"Xu Ming is this...?"

"Going to ask the Palace Master, do you use this attitude?"

The great powers and geniuses became more and more puzzled.

At this time, Xu Ming had already arrived at the door of Palace Master Wen Dao's residence aggressively.

boom! !

Xu Ming didn't even knock on the door, he kicked Palace Master Wen Dao's door directly.


The guardian formation The entire formation was shocked.

boom! !

Xu Ming kicked again.

The guardian formation was shocked again.

"Palace Master Wendao, get out of here!" Xu Ming roared directly.

Palace Master Wendao was in retreat, and Xu Ming kicked his feet angrily, directly breaking his train of thought and kicking out his anger; but at this moment, Palace Master Wendao actually heard a voice outside. Roar, let him get out, naturally more and more annoyed.

Palace Master Wendao just opened the door, and before he had time to reprimand, he saw Xu Ming pointing at his nose and asked, "Palace Master Wendao, how did you act as a Palace Master!?"

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