Break Into Another World

Chapter 1863: Am I that kind of person?

Inside Chibai City.

The door of an ordinary house.

Goddess Xuewei hesitated for a long time, and finally knocked on the door of the house.

"Huh? It's Sect Master Xuewei!" Huang Zhizun said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"Senior Phoenix Servant! I want to meet Senior Xu Ming!" Goddess Xuewei continued.

"Meet my master?" Huang Zhizun said indifferently, "If you have anything, just tell me!"

"This..." A look of embarrassment flashed across Goddess Xuewei's face.

tell him?

How to say?

You know, Goddess Xuewei came to see Xu Ming this time, and to put it bluntly, she came to ask for "unspoken rules"! How can I tell Huang servant about this kind of thing?

Goddess Xuewei said sternly, "Senior Phoenix Servant, I do have something important, so I can only tell Senior Xu Ming in person!"

"Oh?" Huang Zhizun shook his head and said, "I can't be the master of this! My master, you can't see it if you want to see it!"

During the time that Huang Zhizun followed Xu Ming, he had already touched some of Xu Ming's temperament; he knew his own master, and whenever there was an opportunity to pretend to be X, he would never miss it - as a slave, Huang Zhizun naturally had to consciously assist Xu Ming in his attire. X.

Like now.

"Yes! Yes!" Goddess Xuewei heard the words, and said again and again, "But I really have an important urgent matter, and I also ask Senior Phoenix Servant to help report it."

"This is..."

When Huang Zhizun was hesitating, Xu Ming's voice sounded faintly at the door of the house: "Come in!"

Goddess Xuewei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly entered the house, heading towards the direction from which the voice came.

When Huang Zhizun saw this, he did not follow. After all, he wasn't worried at all that a little goddess Xuewei could do anything unfavorable to her master.

Goddess Xuewei walked in, but saw Xu Ming sitting cross-legged in the room, as if sleeping but not sleeping.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ming said lightly without raising his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Senior Xu Ming!" Goddess Xuewei gritted her teeth, her eyes flashing with determination, "I have something I want to give to Senior Xu Ming. However, after Senior Xu Ming takes it, she will promise me to help Chibai Sect get through this. A crisis of the 'Hundred Sect Association'!"

"Hundred Sects Association?" Xu Ming asked with some doubts.

Goddess Xuewei explained, and at the end, said: "If there is no strong person in charge, this time the Hundred Sects will join the alliance, our Chibai Sect is probably destined to be divided by other forces!"

"I see..." Xu Ming nodded slightly.

After listening to it, he has decided that he will help Goddess Xuewei to participate in the Hundred Sects Association no matter what! - This Hundred Sect Association is simply an excellent opportunity to make trouble! As long as you make things bigger, are you afraid that you won't be able to attract the domain owner who controls this domain?

However... on the surface, Xu Ming still maintains a high-cold attitude, of course he will not agree casually.

After all, Brother Ming is not a casual person! Of course, if you get up casually, it's not a person.

"Senior Xu Ming?" Goddess Xuewei couldn't help urging when she saw that Xu Ming didn't speak for a while.

"It depends on what you gave!" Xu Ming said calmly, "If you have enough power to accept it, I will naturally agree to your conditions!"

Goddess Xuewei is waiting for Xu Ming's words!

"Senior Xu Ming..." Goddess Xuewei's voice suddenly became a little crisp, "Look body, does it have enough power!"

While speaking, Goddess Xuewei also activated her secret skills to explode her ** power to the maximum!

However, in the depths of Goddess Xuewei's eyes, there is a trace of tears hidden - for her, making such a choice is easier said than done?

In these tears, there is humiliation and hope.

But the tears didn't come out of her eyes after all, and it also added a bit of a pitiful feeling to the goddess Xuewei.

Such a ** picture, no matter which man it is, I am afraid it is difficult to resist!


Xu Ming was as steady as Mount Tai, unmoved at all!

"What!?" Goddess Xuewei was secretly shocked, "As expected of Senior Xu Ming! I mobilized secret skills and used **, it should be difficult to resist below the Domain Lord Realm! But Senior Xu Ming was unmoved... "

However... Goddess Xuewei has made up her mind, she will not give up easily!

Gritting her teeth, Goddess Xuewei's clothes began to slowly fade - she would rather give her body to Xu Ming than let Elder Xia Xiao succeed.

"What!?" Now, it was Xu Ming's turn to look dumbfounded!

Seeing Goddess Xuewei's clothes slowly fading, Xu Ming couldn't help but say, "What are you doing!?"

Although Goddess Xuewei's secret skills are powerful, Xu Ming's cultivation is too high, so it cannot have the slightest effect on Xu Ming; even, Xu Ming did not notice that Goddess Xuewei used the secret skills.

"Senior Xu Ming, look, am I beautiful?" Goddess Xuewei's clothes became less and less, and her sexual strength became more and more terrifying!

But at this moment, Xu Ming suddenly said seriously: "Sect Master Xuewei, what are you doing!?"

"Senior Xu Ming, my body is the gift I gave you!" The clothes on Goddess Xuewei have almost faded away, "As long as Senior Xu Ming agrees to my conditions, you can take this gift at any time. Walk!"

"You..." Xu Ming's face suddenly sank, and he shouted, "Who do you think of me? Am I that kind of person!?"


Goddess Xuewei's realm was suddenly defeated.

"I..." Goddess Xuewei was startled, looking at the messy clothes on her body, she couldn't help but lose her mind, "Failed? The plan failed? - Xu Ming was not caught by me!"

**Xu Ming failed, and Goddess Xuewei suddenly fell into incomparable despair: "Could it be... I really can only count on Xia Xiao?"

This was the last choice Xuewei Goddess was unwilling to make!

"Excuse me, Senior Xu Ming!" Goddess Xuewei packed her clothes and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Xu Ming suddenly said again.

"Huh?" Goddess Xuewei, who had already been desperate, suddenly rekindled hope, and looked at Xu Ming with anticipation in her eyes. She couldn't help but wonder in her heart, "Could it be... Senior Xu Ming was just pretending to be on purpose before? Yes! Sure! It's like this! Man, how could it be possible to withstand a ** like me!"

Just when Goddess Xuewei was about to unbutton her clothes again...

Xu Ming said indifferently, "I'm quite interested in the Hundred Sects Association you mentioned just now!"

"Pfft!" Goddess Xuewei almost spurted blood - a beautiful woman my size is standing in front of you, let it be picked, you are not interested; instead, are you interested in the Hundred Sects Association?

At this moment, the Goddess Xuewei almost has the urge to strengthen Xu Ming!

Xu Ming said again: "I will represent your Chibai Sect in this Hundred Sect Alliance! As for the 'thing' you want to give me, forget it!"

Goddess Xuewei was stunned there for a moment - happiness came too suddenly! She was ready to do whatever it took, but she didn't expect to pay any price!


For some unknown reason, Goddess Xuewei couldn't help but feel a little lost in her heart: "Could it be that I'm so incapable of **** for Xu Ming?"

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