Break Into Another World

Chapter 1866: Give him another 10,000 slaps

"It's over! Senior Xu Ming and senior Huangpu really don't know the identity of Kuang Kui..."

Goddess Xuewei only wanted to vomit blood.

She hurriedly said: "Senior Xu Ming, this Kuang Kui, the most powerful thing is not his strength, but his identity... You should let Senior Huang Servant come back, otherwise, if you annoy Kuang Kui, it will really be over!"

"Identity?" Of course Xu Ming knew that Kuangkui's identity was extraordinary; but he pretended not to know and said lightly.

"Kang Kui's identity is..." Goddess Xuewei continued.

However, before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted domineeringly by Xu Ming: "In front of absolute strength, identity... is just a cloud!"

"Pfft!" Goddess Xuewei vomited blood directly.

What made Goddess Xuewei speechless was that because Xu Ming did not stop him in time, Huang Zhizun and Kuang Kui were already in a tit-for-tat situation!

"Where's the little one from?" Kuang Kui looked at Huang Zhizun with disdain, and he didn't even look at him.

The other great powers in the Baijian Mountain Range also scolded them one after another.


"In front of Brother Kuangkui, what is your little Chibai Sect?"

"A mere Chibai sect, dare to speak arrogantly? - Ignorance is ridiculous! Do you know that just because of your words, your entire Chibai sect will usher in a disaster!"

"Humph!" Kuang Kui sneered, then looked at the Goddess Xuewei, and said, "Sect Master Xuewei, right? You should also know that I want to destroy your Chibai Sect, it's just a matter of words! But... I disdain with you. General knowledge! Well, the three of you, now kneel in front of me, until the end of the Hundred Sect Alliance, I will not care about what he said to me just now!"

Kneel down in front of him?

Until the end of the Hundred Sects Association?

Goddess Xuewei heard the words, her heart was full of grief and indignation - this is Chi Guoguo's disregard and humiliation!

But Goddess Xuewei knows...

Do not kneel!

I am afraid that the entire Chibai Sect will be directly obliterated - this is not a problem that can be solved by "giving up territory"!


Even if Goddess Xuewei was willing to let go of her dignity and kneel down, what about Senior Xu Ming and Senior Phoenix Servant?

Goddess Xuewei was in a state of turmoil, she didn't know how to solve the predicament in front of her.

And the great masters of the Hundred Swords and other parties also looked at the goddess Xuewei with a playful look—if Kuangkui wanted to deal with Chibaizong, they would definitely fall into the trap!

In the eyes of all great powers, Chibaizong is already cold!


It's cold!

Don't kneel? Destroy the sect!

kneel? There will be no more dignity!

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the subordinates brought by Goddess Xuewei. They are too arrogant and ignorant!"


"I think her subordinates should also be in the Nirvana realm, right? - I don't know Kuang Kui!"

"If he knew that Kuang Kui is the direct disciple of the domain master, I'm afraid he would be scared to pee!"

One after another, the great powers are discussing privately with schadenfreude.

But right now...


A crisp slap sounded without warning.

In the Baijian Mountain Range, the great powers above the peaks were all startled.


"Wait! Where did the slap come from?"

"Why is there a slap?"

One by one, the powerful, subconsciously looked in the direction where the slap came from. Gradually, all eyes focused on Kuang Kui. To be's Kuang Kui's face!

Kuang Quina's originally proud face now had an incomparably clear red palm print.

"This..." Baijian Divine Master was stunned.

"This..." Goddess Xuewei was stunned.

"This..." All the great powers were stunned.

There is actually a slap print on Kuang Kui's face?

Kuang Kui was pumped?

Who moved the hand?

The gazes of one after another subconsciously shifted to Huang Zhizun.

At this time, Huang Zhizun's palm has just been withdrawn, but it can still be seen that his posture is obviously just finished slap!

"I..." Even Kuang Kui was stunned, "I was slapped? You... how dare you slap me!?"

Huang Zhizun just said lightly: "Keep your mouth clean! Otherwise, I'll kick you!"

Xu Ming nodded secretly when he saw it, and thought to himself, "Not bad, not bad! As expected of my servant, I have my style!"

What kind of master, what kind of slave!

"You..." Kuang Kui gritted his teeth. He walks outside relying on the identity of "the domain owner's personal biography", he has always bullied others, and he has never been slapped.

"Hundred Swords Divine Master!" Kuang Kui shouted, "Why are you still stunned? Why don't you capture him for me!"

Divine Master Baijian and other great powers did not dare to hesitate, and they all killed Huang Zhizun.

However, Huang Zhizun grabbed Kuang Kui before their attack, like a chicken in his hand.

"What!?" Seeing that Kuang Kui was captured, the Lord Baijian and other great masters naturally threw the rat's arms and did not dare to continue.

"You... what do you want to do!?" Kuang Kui was shocked and angry.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Huang Zhizun directly raised his hand and slapped him: "Be honest with me!"

Perhaps it was this slap that made Kuang Kui realize the gap in strength, and he suddenly became much more honest and did not dare to be arrogant.

As for Huang Zhizun, he directly carried Kuang Kui and returned to Xu Ming.

At this time, Goddess Xuewei was completely dumbfounded: "What have I experienced..."

Goddess Xuewei really wants to cry without tears!

She never imagined that the senior Phoenix servant she invited would be so irascible—even before she knew the identity of the other party, she was slapped and captured...

"It's a big disaster..." Goddess Xuewei's heart is refreshing the direct disciple of the domain master! Can it be bullied at will?

To a certain extent, hitting Kuangkui's face is equivalent to hitting the domain master's face!

"Senior Xu Ming..." Goddess Xuewei continued her voice transmission.

Xu Ming waved his hand and said proudly: "Sect Master Xuewei, see, this is the end of the arrogance without strength!"

"..." Goddess Xuewei was really speechless, "Senior Xu Ming, this Kuangkui is the direct disciple of the domain master..."

Domain master?

Xu Ming was startled, and thought to himself: No wonder he is so arrogant! However, this will definitely lead to the domain owner, right?

Although Xu Ming was happy in his heart, he deliberately pretended to be shocked on the surface, and screamed in shock: "The domain master personally passed it on? Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

Goddess Xuewei had the heart that she wanted to die: "You keep interrupting me, I have no chance to speak..."

"Er? Really?" Xu Ming smirked.

"Humph!" At this time, Kuang Kui snorted coldly, "Since you know my identity, why don't you let me go!?"

"Let go of you?" Xu Ming smiled teasingly, looked around, and said, "Let go of you, then, I'm afraid they will shoot at me?"

Indeed, the great powers such as the Hundred Swords God Lord are all eager to move and ready to go.

"The domain owner personally?" Xu Ming sneered, "Anyway, it has been offended, so let's go to the black one by one!"

Kuang Kui was immediately terrified: "You... what do you want to do!?"

"Don't do anything!" Xu Ming said indifferently, "Ten slaps will offend you! Ten thousand slaps will also offend you! Since that's the case... Huang servant, give him another 10,000 slaps!"

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