Break Into Another World

Chapter 1868: Zongmen inheritance

"Could it be... what happened to the Sect Master in the Hundred Sects Association!?"

The elders of Chibaizong immediately thought of it.

Elder Qingzhu hurriedly sent a message to Goddess Xuewei. However, Goddess Xuewei was suppressed by Xu Ming. Although she received a summons, she was unable to reply.

"Sect Master didn't reply!" The turbid elder couldn't help but sank.

The other core elders couldn't help but feel cold.

Hundreds of sects declared war, but the sect master lost contact... Chibai sect has undoubtedly fallen into the most difficult desperate situation!

"Everyone!" After a long time, the turbid elder said, "Find a way to send out the elite disciples and sect treasures, and prepare the sect inheritance plan!"

In such a situation, the core elders of Chibai Sect simply gave up their resistance!

How to resist?

Even the turbid elder with the highest cultivation base and the strongest strength among the core elders is only the cultivation base of the peak of the Destruction Realm, and the strength is only barely comparable to the Nirvana Realm! In the face of the declaration of war by nearly a hundred sects, the strength of Qingzhuo Elder is no different from that of a man's arm blocking a car!

"Which elder is willing to take on the heavy responsibility of the sect's inheritance?" The Qingzhuo elder asked again.

The core elders shook their heads one after another:

"Swear to live and die with the sect!"

"Swear to live and die with the sect!"

Taking on the heavy responsibility of sect inheritance means that you must live. However, none of the core elders of Chibai Sect were willing to live.

The turbid elder sighed and said, "Under such circumstances, living is more difficult than death!"

The core elders were silent.


For these powerful people who have lived in the endless era, they have already seen through life and death; as long as they die properly, there is nothing to fear about death! For example, "coexisting and dying with the sect", for these great powers, is "death in the right place"!

However, if any core elder assumes the heavy responsibility of sect inheritance, then his next life will be difficult!

Inside Chibaizong.

The crisis that the sect was about to collapse suppressed everyone's emotions.

Some disciples were so sad and angry that they vowed to live and die together with the sect.

Some disciples shivered and were already thinking about how to escape.

There are even some disciples who are going to sell out some secrets of the sect to get a good future for themselves.

The entire Chibai Sect was panic-stricken.

"The Chibai Sect is definitely over!" Xia Xiao looked at all this, and was already very sure in his heart.

Although I don't know why Chibaizong was declared war by so many sects, in Xia Xiao's opinion, no matter what cards Chibaizong has, it is destined to be destroyed!

However, Xia Xiao is not worried; after all, he is a disciple of the domain master, even if the Chibai Sect is destroyed, he will not be in any danger and can easily retreat.

However, Xia Xiao was unwilling: "Humph! I wasted so much time in Chibai Sect, but I didn't get anything!"

Xia Xiaoken joined Chibaizong because he coveted Goddess Xuewei and wanted to possess her. But now, Goddess Xuewei has lost contact. For Xia Xiao, these years in Chibai Sect are a waste of time.

"No!" Xia Xiao thought fiercely, "Chi Baizong must compensate me!"

Suddenly, a trace of greed appeared in Xia Xiao's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "The old guys from Chibaizong will definitely want to transfer the sect's treasures to preserve the inheritance of the sect! Then I will... hum! These treasures are just barely As compensation for me!"

The chaotic scene of the Chibai Sect, the core elders such as the clear and turbid elders, all saw it, and quickly formulated a sect inheritance plan.

In the end, the core elders decided that the ink elders would be responsible for the inheritance of the sect, and the other core elders would stay and live and die together with the sect.

Soon, the ink elders counted the inheritance treasures, selected the elite disciples, and quietly left Chibai City—in the Chibai sect, no one knew where the ink elders went. The only safest thing is to not know.


Xia Xiao, who had been prepared for a long time, quietly followed up.

call out-

call out-

Several streamers streaked across the sky, and it was Xu Ming and the others.

Xu Ming used his divine power to "drag" Goddess Xuewei, while Huang Zhizun directly held Kuang Kui's neck.

"I advise you to let me go quickly! Otherwise, when my master arrives, you will definitely be asked to die!"

"Let you go?" Xu Ming sneered, "Let go!"

"Yes!" Huang Zhizun really let go of his palm.

"Huh?" Kuang Kui couldn't help but startled, "Really?"

"Fly behind us!" Xu Ming said lightly, and then turned to Huang Zhizun, "If you don't follow, or want to run, just kill it!"

Saying that, Xu Ming didn't stop at all, and continued to fly forward.

"Yes! Master!" Huang Zhizun's voice was indifferent.

Seeing Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun flying far away, Kuang Kui couldn't help but think of running away. However, when he thought of what Xu Ming said just now, he didn't dare to escape! - He doesn't dare to gamble with his life!

After all, Xu Ming said he slapped him 10,000 times, and he slapped him 10,000 times; if he said he was taken away, he was taken away! Never say the same thing!

So Kuang Kui felt strongly that if he didn't do what Xu Ming said this time, what awaited him might really be the word "death"!

Thinking of this, Kuang Kui had no choice but to follow Xu Ming and fly away.

At this time, Xu Ming also let go of the suppression of Goddess Xuewei.

As soon as Goddess Xuewei resumed action, the first thing she did was to send a message to Elder Qingzhuo to ask—she had already learned that Chibaizong had been declared war by Hundred Sects during the summons of Elder Qingzhuo!

"How is the situation now?" Goddess Xuewei asked anxiously.

"Uh...Sect Master, are you all right?" Inside the Chibai Sect, the turbid elder who was ready to die generously, suddenly received a message from Goddess Xuewei, and couldn't help but be stunned.

"How is it now?" Goddess Xuewei didn't bother to talk about this, and asked again.

Only then did the Qingzhuo Elder react, and even reported the situation of Chibaizong in a concise and comprehensive manner.

"Zongmen inheritance plan?" Goddess Xuewei couldn't help sighing when she heard the words.

"Sect Master, what happened when you went to the Hundred Sects Association? Do you want to withdraw the sect inheritance plan?" Elder Qingzhuo asked.

"There is no need to withdraw! Your judgment is very correct. Our Chibai Sect has indeed reached the point where we need to implement the sect inheritance plan..." Goddess Xuewei glanced at Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun, then at Kuangkui, and said no in her heart. out of regret!

If she had known that Xu Ming would be so pitiful, then Goddess Xuewei might as well not join the Hundred Sects Association and simply give up her territory! As long as you give up the at least the sects can be kept safe, and they will not be declared war by the hundreds of sects like they are now!

Hundreds of sects declared war, which means that the great masters and disciples of Chibai sect, as long as they are encountered by other sects, I am afraid they will die!

The closer she was to Chibai City, the heavier Goddess Xuewei felt.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Goddess Xuewei was startled, "Elder Ink?"

Goddess Xuewei had already learned from the communication that it was the ink elders who was responsible for the inheritance of the sect.

But then, Goddess Xuewei's face suddenly turned cold: "Xia Xiao!"

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