Break Into Another World

Chapter 1880: drool attack

Brother Ming looks like someone who lacks hanging points?

Hundreds of millions of clones continued to split, and soon, the number of Xu Ming's clones reached one billion!

Yes, a billion!

A billion and a half!

What is this concept?

It's a bit unpleasant, a clone saliva can directly spray the three wasted statues to death!

At this time, the battle between the three wasted and the fish ghost half-zun has also reached the last moment.

The entire fish and ghost world has been beaten to pieces, almost falling apart!

In the fish and ghost world, all living beings have long since disappeared! Even the great power who escaped from the fish ghost world, because the speed of escape is relatively slow after all, has already fallen.

"I wasted three statues, you don't force me!" The fish ghost half-zun was covered with scars, and it was already at the end of the force.

"Hahahaha... What about forcing you?" The three sages laughed arrogantly.

At this point in the battle, the three wasted and paid a great price, and it was difficult to force the fish ghost half-zun to a desperate situation; next, the fish ghost half-zun must be completely killed!

"You..." Fish Ghost Banzun gritted his teeth, "You are deceiving people too much!!"

Fish Ghost Banzun feels aggrieved!

He clearly didn't kill the black and red twins, but the other party insisted that he killed them; and now, he has a posture of rushing to kill them - what is this not deceiving?


Is the Fish Ghost Banzun really wronged?

Not wrong!

When he attacked Xu Ming's disciple, he should have expected this result! The pitiful thing is that Banzun Fish Ghost didn't think of it at all; even, now that he is about to die, he doesn't know why he died.

"Too deceitful?!" Shisan Sanzun didn't think so, "What have you done, don't you think you're a bit overwhelmed?"

"I..." Yugui Banzun couldn't argue, "Humph! If you want to add a crime, why don't you worry about it!? - If you want to kill me, then come! However, it is not so easy to kill me! Even if I die, I'm going to eat a piece of meat from you too!"

boom! !

When the wasteful three statues came forward again, the fish ghost half-zun gritted his teeth and directly ignited the entire fish ghost world!

"Want me to die!? Then let's die together!" Yugui Banzun looked hideous.



"His control of the fish ghost world has reached such a level!? Can he directly detonate the power of the entire fish ghost world?"

Wasting three statues were a little terrified: "Retreat!"

"Want to escape? It's too late!" The fish ghost half-zun was insanely insane, carrying the power of the entire fish-ghost world, and rushed towards the three wasteful ghosts.

boom! ! !

The entire fish and ghost world, accumulating the power of the Endless Era, exploded at this moment!

Although the fish ghost world is only a ruined virtual universe, it is also a virtual universe! The power of a virtual universe explosion, how terrifying! ? - Even if the power of the explosion in the fish ghost world is compared with the intact virtual universe, the power of the explosion should be discounted; even if the power of the explosion that affects the three gods is only a few thousandths, or even a few ten thousandths, but... it is almost fatal!


This wave of terrifying explosive power ripped apart the sky and destroyed the universe. The weak fish ghost half-zun, in the center of the explosion, couldn't hold on for even a moment, and the divine body was directly annihilated into nothingness.

And the three wasted, did not escape very far, and was directly swallowed by this wave of terrifying power.


The mighty might, endlessly dazzling, swept across the disordered territory, and even spread to Xu Ming. However, when it came to Xu Ming's side, because the distance was too far, there was no more power; for Xu Ming and the billion clones, it was just like a breeze.

Huang Zhizun said with emotion: "It's very difficult to detonate a virtual universe! I didn't expect that the fish ghost half-zun could detonate the fish ghost world... It's just bad luck for the three of them!"

"That wasted three statues, won't they be killed directly?" Xu Ming couldn't help saying.

If he was directly killed, then the billion clones Xu Ming had worked so hard to prepare would be for nothing; a lot of hanging points would be wasted!

"No!" Huang Zhizun said with certainty, "Supreme Venerable realm powerhouses do not fall so easily!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming waited calmly.

The aftermath of the explosion in the Fish Ghost Realm gradually dissipated, revealing the embarrassed figure of the three gods.

At this time, the three gods were weak, and their divine bodies were severely damaged.

"Damn... I didn't expect it..."

"This is really careless! I thought that dealing with the mere fish ghost Banzun should be a matter of hand; as long as you have a little heart, you don't even have to pay any price! I didn't expect that the fish ghost Banzun still has such a hand..."

"This time, I'm afraid we will have to rest in the Endless Era before we can regain our strength!"

The three were a little depressed.

Although the fish ghost half-zun has fallen, but the three of them are made like this by one and a half-zun, it really feels a bit "sewage capsized".

"Anyway, the mission is complete!"

"Let's go!"

"Go back and recover!"

The three of them were about to leave when suddenly, their expressions changed in unison.

The three statues were horrified to see that there were densely packed and countless figures approaching them from all directions. The sheer number is astounding!

What's even more terrifying is... the aura of each figure has reached the half-respect level!

What's even more terrifying is... the appearance and momentum of each figure are almost exactly the same!

"These are... avatars!?" The three gods were stunned!

I have seen many clones, but I have never seen so many clones!

"We have to welcome you here..." San Zun quickly estimated that turned pale, "One... one billion!?"

One billion clones! ?

Wasting three respects only felt that his head was blank for a while.

If they are in their prime, at any cost, there is still a glimmer of hope to escape from the siege of a billion and a half statues. But now, they are seriously injured and have no hope!


No matter who the other party is, it must be a bad person! Wasting three gods without hesitation chose to ask for help!

But then, the faces of the three wasted heads changed—their calls for help couldn't be spread out at all!

"There are powerful people in the supreme realm, blocking the communication around!" The three gods were desperate!

"You... Who are you!?" The three gods roared in horror as they looked at the billion identical clones.

"Who I am, it doesn't matter! The important thing is..." The voices of a billion Xu Ming rang out at the same time, "The important thing is... Today, you are all going to die here!"

"No—" With a confused look on the face of the three, he felt the imminent arrival of death.

One billion Xu Ming, all showing disdain on the ground, and then...

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

One billion Xu Ming actually surrounded the three statues and began to spit... spit!

Of course, the saliva also contains great power, and even a mental attack!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Hundreds of millions of saliva attacks shrouded the three squatters.

Wasting the three statues is both frightening and embarrassing - this is simply an insult to their red fruit!

However, what's even sadder is...their current state cannot resist Xu Ming's saliva attack at all!

(End of this chapter) Read the latest chapter of "Claw Machine Bookstore in Another World" for free for the first time.

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