Break Into Another World

Chapter 1890: Failed!

"Break off" three layers?

How can I know that what Xu Ming has cultivated is not just the third level of "Destruction", but... the fourth level!

The inheritance on the Divine Pillar of Destruction, up to the fourth floor of "Destruction", has been practiced by Xu Ming. Therefore, even if Xu Ming's inheritance was not interrupted, he would almost have to end his cultivation.

However, Xu Ming was still furious when he was interrupted for no reason! If it hadn't been forbidding to do anything in the sinking sea, he must have taken action to suppress Shengjie Banzun and others.

At this time, Mingning Banzun, who had just been released from the cosmic chain, ran to Xu Ming's side: "Thank you, Senior Xu Ming for your help!"

Xu Ming casually waved his hand away: "It happened to be good luck, it just fell on you! Don't say thank you, get out!"

get out!

Xu Ming's words were not polite at all. But Mingning Banzun was not at all unhappy, he nodded and rolled to the side - the Samsung universe chain on his body was lifted, and his life was reborn. How could Mingning Banzun care about Xu Ming's attitude?

"Senior Xu Ming!"

"Senior Xu Ming!"

Beside Sheng Jie Banzun, several quick-response Banzuns ran to Xu Ming, kneeling and licking without any discipline.

"Also ask Senior Xu Ming to take action and help me remove the cosmic chains on my body!"

"Senior Xu Ming, I am willing to give half of my treasure, just to remove the chains of the universe!"

These half-respected powers had clearly looked down on Xu Ming's cultivation a moment ago; at this moment, they were vying for "Senior Xu Ming", and they were so happy!

It's just... a bunch of sluts!

Of course, more demigods chose to wait and see, instead of running forward to kneel and lick Xu Ming—they still had doubts about Xu Ming's strength; after all, Xu Ming's cultivation was only in the Nirvana state, even After practicing the third layer of "Destruction", who knows how many times he can use it?

If you use it once, you won't be able to use it a second time. Then... these few kneeling and licking powers, aren't they licking in vain?

"Humph!" Seeing this, Shengjie Banzun hummed displeasedly, "Didn't he just practice the third level of 'Destruction'? With his cultivation level, can he perform the second annihilation? I know!"

In the tone of Shengjie Banzun, there is disdain and threat. His meaning is obvious, these few who are now running over to kneel and lick Xu Ming, never let him break the chains of the universe.

Immediately, the expressions of these almighty people kneeling and licking Xu Ming changed.

"Too impulsive!"

"Yeah! Why didn't you take into account that if Xu Ming's cultivation was too low, he couldn't use the second annihilation?"

"It's over!"

Several people have some regrets.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be so impulsive! It's good now, offend the Banzun Shengjie, if Xu Ming is not reliable, then it's really over!

"Huh?" Xu Ming didn't take the attitude of Shengjie Banzun and others in his eyes at all. In his eyes, there were only treasures. "Would you like to use half of your treasures to release the chains of the universe?"

For Xu Ming, releasing the chains of the Samsung Universe was a simple effort.

With just a little effort, you can get a treasure that is half a powerful person and half... This business is not too easy to do!

"Half of the treasure you promised is true?" Xu Ming asked directly.



Although the few knelt and licked experts questioned Xu Ming's strength, they still responded when they saw Xu Ming talking about it.

"That's good!" Xu Ming said, waving his hand at will.

Immediately, there were several blades of annihilation, which flew towards the almighty people around him.

At this time, Banzun Shengjie was commenting on Xu Ming's first-class quality: "With regard to Xu Ming's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to display the second way of destroying..."

As soon as Shengjie Banzun's voice fell, he saw that seven or eight blades of annihilation flew out of Xu Ming's hands at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

The eight people around Xu Ming knelt and licked the half-zun, and the cosmic chains on their bodies broke in unison.

In an instant, the eight and a half deities lifted the suppression of the cosmic chains.


Sheng Jie Ban Zun suddenly widened his eyes - what is a face slap? This is the face of Chi Guoguo!

Life Tribulation Banzun was saying that Xu Ming would never be able to display the second Blade of Destruction; and Xu Ming directly displayed eight at the same time!

This operation is simply not too coquettish!

The eight great powers who have been released from the chains of the universe have ecstasy on their faces - they are reborn!

The other demigods who didn't come forward because of hesitation, regretted that they didn't turn to Xu Ming in the first place - if even Xu Ming is not reliable, then what is reliable?

Immediately, the dozens of half-respected greats who were surrounded by the half-respected life robbery directly threw the half-respected half-respect and surrounded Xu Ming. All of a sudden, the side of Sheng Jie Banzun became cold and quiet, and the door was cluttered; on Xu Ming's side, it was full of people.


Sheng Jie Banzun resisted the urge to vomit blood, "Very good! You are very good!"

At this time, Banzun Shengjie found that only the Banzun Kui Mo was still standing beside him; this made Banzun Shengjie somewhat moved - it is true love in adversity!

"Kui Mo, you are very good! When I practice the third level of 'Destruction', I will immediately remove the cosmic chains on my body for free!"

"Thank you for the half-respected life robbery!" When Kui Mo heard the words, he couldn't help showing ecstasy.

It's just that Banzun Shengjie didn't even think about it - the reason why Banzun Kuimo didn't turn to Xu Ming was not because he didn't want to, but because Banzun Kuimo had just offended Xu Ming.

If he didn't offend Xu Ming, Kui Mo Banzun would definitely not think about it, he would be the first one to rush up to kneel and lick - after all, Xu Ming and Sheng Jie Banzun, one had already mastered the third layer of "Destruction"~ The other one has yet to make it to the third floor. There is no need to say how to choose!

It's just that Kui Mo Banzun has already offended Xu Ming, and now it's naturally not good to lean over to kneel and lick. He can only envy other great masters silently in his heart, and secretly regret it. ?

Isn't this stupid?


At this time, Banzun Shengjie had already walked to the Pillar of Destruction and began to accept the inheritance.

"Isn't it the third level of 'Destruction'? I want to practice it, and it's not an easy thing to do?!" Shengjie Banzun sneered, and his mind completely sank into the inheritance.

"Yes, that's it! There is no difference at all from what I guessed!"

"The third floor of 'Destruction', it turned out to be..."

While accepting the inheritance, Banzun Shengjie nodded frequently—his understanding of the secret technique "Destruction" had already reached the peak of the second layer; now he is only here to break through the third layer. If it goes well, it will not take much time at all!

"That's right, that's it... Haha! I'm so powerful, I broke through the 'Destruction' to the third floor in less than a quarter of an hour!" Life Tribulation Banzun laughed loudly.

But at this moment, Sheng Jie Banzun suddenly changed his face suddenly.


"Pfft—" The half-respect of life robbery who was receiving inheritance was struck by lightning.

Have you practiced the third level of "Breaking Off"?

Do not! He failed!

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