Break Into Another World

Chapter 1901: sinking into the abyss

"too weak!"

Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

Today, for Xu Ming, "half-rank first-order" is really not much stronger than ants.

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "Being suppressed by the cosmic chains, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse..."

If he had not been suppressed by the cosmic chains, then Xu Ming should have broken through to the domain master level logically, and his strength should be comparable to that of an ordinary low-ranking supreme.

However, if he hadn't been suppressed by the cosmic chains, Xu Ming would not have come to the Stone Statue Forest, then he would not have practiced "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts", nor could he have swallowed the cosmic chains; his heart world would not have grown to the present. Such a terrifying situation!

Xu Ming didn't know how strong he was, but he was definitely much stronger than the "ordinary low-ranking supreme"!

Moreover... Xu Ming's cultivation is only "Nirvana Realm"! —For Xu Ming, being suppressed by the cosmic chains might really be a "blessing in disguise"!

Maybe in the future, Xu Ming will go further because of this experience!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming kept bombing and killing.

After I don't know how many ghost armored warriors have been killed, a voice sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind: "Congratulations, you passed the test of the 'first floor' and proved your strength! Do you want to go to the next floor of the sinking abyss?"


Xu Ming was slightly startled: "Is this just the first floor of the Sunken Abyss? I don't know how many floors will be in the Sunken Abyss..."

This first floor, although Xu Ming is very easy to break into, but if it is replaced by other great powers, I am afraid it will not be so easy!

After all, this is the siege of thousands of ghost armored warriors! Without the strength of a half-respected sixth-order, it is difficult to even survive! Even if there is a half-rank sixth-order strength, it is estimated that it will be very embarrassing.

"Go to the next floor!" Xu Ming said without hesitation.

As soon as Xu Ming finished speaking, a bottomless abyss instantly appeared under his feet. In the abyss, there is deep darkness, and I don't know where it leads to time and space.

At the moment when the abyss appeared, Xu Ming fell down uncontrollably.

A charming voice constantly lingered in Xu Ming's ears: "Go down...go down..."

However, these bewitching voices hit Xu Ming's incomparably strong will, as if a mighty cockroach was shaking a tree, and could not have the slightest impact on Xu Ming.


The speed of Xu Ming's fall in the abyss is getting faster and faster, and there are countless billions of realms in an instant.


Time and space are shifting.

When Xu Ming saw the scene in front of him again, he had already stepped on another piece of black scorched earth. Here, it is also the second layer of the sinking abyss.


Without giving Xu Ming more time to think about it, a ghost armored warrior emerged from the black scorched earth. Unsurprisingly, the strength of every ghost armor warrior has reached the "half-rank second-order"!

Obviously, if you want to break through the second layer of the sinking abyss, I am afraid you must have the strength of "half-rank seventh-order" or above!

But for Xu Ming...


Xu Ming broke through the second and third floors with ease!

"The fourth floor of the sinking abyss, it should take a half-respected ninth-order to break through..." Xu Ming thought while descending rapidly and uncontrollably in the abyss.

The fourth floor of the sinking abyss.

Still scorched, dead silent.

However... the fourth floor is not as empty as the first three floors. In this black scorched earth, there are still two figures, one old and one young.

"Master, why are we hiding in the fourth floor of the sinking abyss?" the boy couldn't help asking. Obviously, this is the first time he has done such a thing.

"You don't understand this..." The old man smiled treacherously, "Didn't you realize that this is a good place to capture puppets?"

"Capturing the puppet?" There was a hint of doubt on the boy's face.

In the sinking abyss, the old man's reputation is not small, and he is called "Wan Puppet Demon Venerable"!

However, the reason why Ten Thousand Puppet Demon Venerable is famous is not because of his own strength, but because of his puppet! - It is said that Wan Puppet Demon Venerable has tens of thousands of puppets, each of which has reached the strength of "half-rank ninth-order"!

Tens of thousands of half-ninth-rank puppets!

How terrifying!

Even if an ordinary lower-ranking Supreme encounters it, he can only retreat!

Relying on these puppets, the Ten Thousand Puppet Demon Venerable is close to the level of the top-level power in the sinking abyss!

And this is exactly what the young man is puzzled about - in his opinion, his master, relying on the puppet in his hand, has the strength to enter the fifth, sixth, and even deeper depths of the sinking abyss... But why? What about the fourth floor?

"Humph! Where do you think my puppet came from?" Wan Puppet Demon Venerable laughed.

"Could it be from here...?" the boy "Qingyu Banzun" couldn't help asking.

"Haha!" Wan Puppet Demon Venerable laughed, "The fourth floor can only be regarded as the periphery of the Abyss of Sinking. Those who will appear here are all who have just come to the Abyss of Sinking! - Think about it, those who have just come to the Abyss of Sinking, How strong can it be?"

Qingyu Banzun suddenly understood something.

Wan Puppet Demon Venerable continued: "Those 'newcomers', when they first came from the third floor to the fourth floor, would definitely be besieged by the ghost armored warriors! At this time, we suddenly took action and attacked them unprepared. Isn't it easy? Can you capture it? - As long as you capture it, then, can't you have a puppet with the strength of a 'half-rank ninth-order'?"

Qingyu Banzun's eyes suddenly brightened, and he continued, "Thank you, Master, for your gift!"

"I will only give you this once as a teacher!" Venerable Wan Puppet said, "Master brings in the door, and the cultivation is personal! The secret skills have been taught to The method of capturing puppets has also been told to you, Next, it is up to you to find a way to capture the puppets and strengthen the power of our 'Wan Puppet Gate' in the sinking abyss!"

"Yes! Master!" Qingyu Banzun continued.


At this moment, a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, which was the abyss hole from the third floor to the fourth floor.

"Don't talk, someone is coming!" Wan Puppet Demon Venerable continued, "Wait a minute, as long as he is besieged by ghost armored warriors, we will kill him immediately!"



The one who appeared on the fourth floor was naturally Xu Ming.

"The fourth floor!" Xu Ming was already familiar with the sinking abyss, "The ghost armored warriors on the fourth floor should be at the 'half-rank fourth-order' level, right? I'm afraid... they must have a half-rank ninth-rank one Strength can break through!"

Of course, this is not a problem for Xu Ming!

Xu Ming's strength has long exceeded the ninth rank of a half-respect! Even at the supreme level, Xu Ming is relatively strong!

Sure enough... As expected by Xu Ming, in the next instant, thousands of ghost armored warriors emerged from the scorched earth and swooped at him fiercely.

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered, shook his head, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a wave of his palms, "It's still too weak!"

But right now...

call out!

A cold light suddenly appeared from outside the billions of worlds and attacked him rapidly.

Xu Ming couldn't help but startled: "What is this!?"

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